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Crystal Ellis + 3

"You sit me up on the counter instantly it's thundershowers storming for a couple hours!" I sung dancing around the kitchen.

"When we finish take a shower."

"I do for hoursssss and hoursss," Lilah added on, one thing about this family is we can SANG and we gone SANG.

I love that a such a young I discovered both my daughters have a singing talent, Delilah has already voiced & sung as animated characters.

At only five, now Dior is like a added kid in a
about 5 shows at the moment. My favorite is Love Letter where she plays Nessie.

I just love the fact that my girls are multitalented at only 6 & 8, it's something I love. They're amazing singers!"

Now my husband I don't know about all that now. "And Hours i can do this for hours !" Dior joined in.

The two of them were now 6 and 8 years old, it is February 13th the year of . My husband and I have been together for 7 years.

We all sung together until the song ended and Devale entered the kitchen, "Hey my babies."

He kissed Nuni's forehead then Tink's then he walked by me and gave me cheek a small peck.

"Good afternoon Crystal." he spoke, "Good afternoon Mr.Ellis." Nuni and Tink awe'd at our relationship.

They genuinely look up to us as a couple so it's just so amazing to them to see us love each other publicly.

I put down the spatula, "So we don't know how you'd react to this or how'd you take it but we apologize for how it affects you."

"Your dad and I have decided that we'd like to adopt a son." their faces looked like their whole world stopped.

Tink looked at Nuni and Nuni looked at Tink. "Why?" Dior/Nuni asked.

", your mommy and I have discovered that we are unable to conceive again without loosing the baby" devale explained.

"Will you not love us anymore?" Dior asked, I hate when she asks things like this. It makes me think she doesn't feel loved.

"Of course we will always love our baby girls Di, we just want to bring Deon to our family because he doesn't have any ones."

"Okay." she mumbled wiping her face, Delilah didn't say anything. The two of us looked at her but she restrained from looking at us.

"Tink? Are you okay?" I grabbed her hand, however she didn't speak. "What about our brothers in Florida." she spoke finally.

"Baby I love your brothers but they're not mine to just have forever, they're Khadeen and your fathers kids."

"I want my baby boy that I never had." I said to her, "It's nothing that has to do with either of you, We still love you both very very much."

"Can we be excused to discuss." She asked through her hiccups. I nodded and she grabbed Nuni's hand and bolted to the room.

"I didn't think they'd take it so harsh," I mumbled ad Devale pulled into a warm hug. "Me either."

"I think they're just in shock, we just got over that absent parent phase so they might think we're replacing them."

Just last month the girls were expressing that they felt like D and I didn't care for them as much as we should.

He's working, I'm working but at the same time they're working plus going to school so we have all this going on.

There wasn't a lot of family time and more of just hi and bye. The girls hated it and we've done everything to fix it.

"I still want Deon to come, I love my baby girls but he deserves a home and we deserve him." devale informed me.

I agreed, "He's coming today," I said aloud, next thing you know the girls were back and smiling.

"What's going on? What's changed?" Devale asked, "Did you have a spiritual jeweling without me?" I pouted deeply.

"No mama we had a sister moment but we aren't sad anymore about a brother, we want one that actually likes us."

"Besides brubber Kai but we don't see them a lot so." Dior added with a shrug. That made me feel some type of way.

"Girls the boys do like y'all, they love you both." They both looked at Devale with a look, 'Be Fr'

"Okay well he'll be here soon, he's 10!" I announced, 10, 8 and 6. 2 years apart for each one.

"Okay well I'll set the table," Delilah ran off to the plates, and silverware. "Where is his room going to be? I don't want to share."

Devale and I laughed at her pout, she was an exact replica of me. "Nuni he has his own room girl." I said.

After 30 minutes I was done cooking, the table was set and we were waiting for our baby boy to Jon the family.

"HES HERE!" Dior shouted as soon as the door bell rung. "Okay girls come on." We gathered at the door.

I opened the door and was met by a white lady in blue scrubs and a young boy who D and I already knew, Deon.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Ellis! I'm his social worker, Ellen. I understand he was adopted and I'm just here for an inspection."

"Hi girls," she spoke as we let her in, she did a one two around the house before joining us back in the front.

Deon went everywhere with her, "Okay everything is all good, we'll do monthly inspections for a 6 months until your cleared."

"Deon meet your new family the Ellis's." After that she left and Deon stood there awkwardly
we all greeted him.

"Hi Deon!" We all said as a collective, "Hey." He said back, "Okay Im Crystal, you don't gave to call me mom."

"Whenever you comfortable with referring to us as you know, sis, mom, dad etc. you can we won't pressure."

"this is devale, and these are the girls. Dior and Delilah but we call them Nuni and Tink." He nodded.

"Im Deon, my mom called me Dee." He said with a shrug, "Well make yourself at home, Devale will show you to your room then you can join us for dinner."

Him and Devale left and the girls and I waited until they came back, "Okay time for prayer, Deon I know you're allergic to pasta so you have no Mac and cheese." He nodded.

"Can I pray mommy?" I nodded at Dior's request.

"Dear our heavenly lord, I want to thank you for waking my family up today. And welcome our new brother into the family. I pray for my brothers in Florida. And I pray for new beginnings amen."

"Amen," I smiled at Dior and her prayer, she's so smart. "Okay dig in, welcome to the family Deon."

A/N : this is really a filled chapter because I have no idea what to do for the last 3 chapters of this book (ending at 20).
No Deon is not in book 3 but he is mentioned a couple times, he is just not a main character.

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