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Devale Ellis
November 29th

"I still love my nigga from time top time I just be fucking up bae if you can hear me I love you in the way you suck it up."

I laughed pushing Crystal's hand from my neck, "Girl get ready!" I ordered her, she always playing and shit but never ready.

"Ian gotta get ready cause I was already ready," She rapped, I dont know why she's so energetic with all this rapping.

"Girl come on!" She laughed and put on her dress, I handed her some Ugg slides. "Thank you bookie,"

I rolled my eyes, "Don't call me that gay ass shit."

Finally she was ready and we left the house, I pulled up to the OBGYN in no time and helping Crystal out.

We went in and were called straight away, "ELLIS." We walked back with our same obgyn from Delilah.

"Hi my darlings." Reign spoke to us, "Hey Bookie." Crystal hugged her before sitting on the table.

I nodded at her, "Okay we gone make this quick and easy," she plugged up the machine and grabbed the ointment.

She rubbed some on Crys's stomach before playing the monitor onto it. I grabbed Crystal hand with a smile.

"She's growing rather quickly, mom you're doing great!" She said to Crystal, Crystal smiled wiping her eyes.

She cries every time we see her, "She's so precious." I said as I watched her move around.

We stayed for a little over 5 minutes before we left, "You're going to work?" Crystal asked as we made it home.

"Yea I have yo go shoot for the Christmas movie with Eve." She rolled her eyes, "Okay bye."

Ever since she's been pregnant she's been really insecure about my career and shit as if she doesn't have the same one.

"Don't you have to work too?" I asked and her eyes widened, "Oh shit, I do!" She grabbed her phone and purse.

"What you working on?" I asked and she ignored me grabbing her keys. "Girl you hear me."

"I didn't, what you said?" She questioned, "I said what you working on and who with?" She mugged me.

"Boy anyways bye, I'll get tootie when I get off." She told me before leaving out the door, I swear sometimes I don't like her.

I left out the door after her and hopped in my car, I pulled up to set in 15 minutes. I was already running behind.

"There he is," Eve said with a smile when I walked up, I gave her a quick hug. "Okay, come on scene 23, position." Director spoke.

I wasn't in this scene so I took this as an opportunity to go get dressed for my next scene.

When I returned it was time for me to go on, we shot the scene about 5 times before moving on to the next.

Crystal Ellis

"Okay baby I get it, I just want our baby boy to be healthy." I spoke, well my character spoke since I was shooting.

I'm starring in a movie called Merry Little Baby, "I know Renee, just let me handle this." Micheal B Jordan Aka Trey spoke.

I nodded and he leaned in and gave me a kiss, "No sir, we have to go." I laughed as he held my waist.

"I only need 15 minutes." He lied and I gave him a side eye, "You mean 1 hour and 15 minutes."

"Come on babe," he started to kiss my neck, "Okay okay," I pulled him back in for a kiss and he closed the bedroom door with his feet.


"That was great yall," our director Stanley spoke, "Thank you," Mike and I both said with smiles.

"I'm loving the chemistry everything just flows so naturally, we're shooting the work scene next."

I nodded and started walking to my dressing room with Micheal, "Wassup Crystal," he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Boy, you just seen me." I laughed, "Yea I know." He said smiling, "You seen wakanda?" I asked him.

He wasn't in it this time, "No but I want to so bad, you wanna join me?" He asked and I shrugged, "Sure."

We came infront of my dressing room finally, "Okay bet, we can go later tonight around 7." I nodded.

"Okay, let's get dressed cause you know how Stanley is." We both laughed, he walked two doors down to his room.

I went into mine and tried to call Devale, he didn't answer the first time so I called him again. His phone is on DND when he works.

This time he answered, "Hey baby." I said with a smile, "Sorry Crystal this isn't D, he's working."

My face scrunched up when I heard a woman's voice, "Well who is this and why are you answering my husbands phone?"

"Girl this Eve, he had handed it to me to sit in his dressing room." I still didn't find anything cool about it.

"Okay, tell him I called." I hung up in her face, now I'm irritated. I just don't like the fact that she's even comfortable enough to answer.

Like girl you could've left it there and told him, then she talking about 'D' y'all not that cool.

However I'm going to let it slide because lord knows Ian got the time.

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