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- same day

I dropped my stuff at the stand staring intensely at my husband as he slowly moved away from his childrens mother.

"You have to be kidding me right now." I spoke, this has to be a joke. There's no way I walk in my house and see this.

"Baby let me ex- you have GOT to be kidding me!" I cut him off repeating myself, trying to convince myself it was a prank.

"Devale im just gonna go call me- he will not be calling you ever, get the fuck out of my house."

"Um don't disrespec- bitch I'm about 5 seconds from whooping your ass pregnant and all, and you know I will so advise you to leave."

She leaped to the door quickly, in the amount of years Devale and I have been together publicly I've beaten Kay's ass about 15 times.

She knows what's good for her even when I'm pregnant.

"So this what we doing?" I chuckled at D, he still had a stupid ass look on his face after I cut him off.

"Let me explain- no need. I'm done, go explain it to that bitch that you love so much."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He got a attitude with me, "Don't curse at me Devale, I knew this shit."

"I knew you were still fucking her, why was I so naive to think you'd take my side in all of this."

"Baby now you're just talking and over thinking."

"I'm not doing shit D, I've told you- her voice cracked, "I've told you plenty times I don't want to ever see that bitch again."

"She wished death upon me and our child, and I come in here to see you hugging the bitch. That's so embarrassing for ME!"

"Crystal you have to let me explain before you get to assuming." He stood up and came in front of me.

I pushed him forcefully almost sending him to the ground, "FUCK YOU!" I took off my ring and threw it at him before storming up the stairs.

I headed straight for the closet, I was no longer going to put up with this bullshit. "I'm so glad I dropped my daughter off."

"She would've came in here to see her dad stepping out on her mother as well." I chuckled.

"Crystal you can't seriously believe I'd cheat on you with her," he entered the closet, "She didn't think you'd cheat on her with me either."

"Come on now Crys, you love throwing that shit in my face!" He got loud with me, I ignored him.

"Can I talk to you let me explain please?" I still didn't respond, so many emotions was running through my mind.

I just couldn't get her smile out of my head, the smile she had when I walked in to them hugging was the same smile she had when she told me she wished me and my child died.

Yet he still let her into our home, "You're a bitch fr!" Instead of responding I felt him pick me up bridal style.

I already knew what he was going to do, it's his way of making me forgive him. It's our routine, he fucks up bad, fucks me good and I forgive him.

Like a weak ass bitch.

He laid me on the bed and I didn't protest, until he pulled all my clothes off leaving me naked.

"Devale you can't keep using sex- I cut myself off when I felt his tongue inside of her. "FUCK!"

He began feasting as if he was a predator and I was his prey. "Devale slow down," he was angry eating.

Whenever he does this I come in 1 minute and I hate that because he still doesn't stop. "I'm sorry baby."

His words sent vibrations through my body, I tried to push his head but he grabbed my hand.

He got up and inserted hisself causing me to arch my back, "SHITTTTTT D"I drug up, "you forgive me baby?"

I nodded, "I need to hear you say it!" , "I FORGIVE YOU BABY I FORGIVE YOU!" He flipped us over and grabbed my hair.

He smacked my ass and fucked me rough, I could tell he was angry for me not letting him explain.

He was probably more mad that I took my ring off, anytime I did that he always got really really mad.

Before we started using sex to make up he'd just yell at me until I cried and then slept on the couch.

He knows I hate when he sleeps on the couch so he used it as a way for me to know I've really upset him.

"You gone let me explain?" He whispered leaning down so I felt him in my stomach, "Yes baby I will!"

"Now get yo ass in there and make me some to eat okay?" He said just as he busted inside of me, "Okay daddy,"

Seconds later I squirted all over him, I dropped my arch and rolled over, "I love you you know that right?" I nodded.

"I love you too baby," I pecked his lips before getting up, I grabbed my robe and made my way towards the kitchen.

I cleaned up everything before making him some tacos like he's been asking, when I was making his plate he joined me.

He smacked my ass and wrapped his arms around my waist, when I was done he grabbed his plate and went over to the couch.

I joined him and sat behind him as he watched tv, it's moments like this that make me rethink ever being mad.

Sure sometimes Devale can do really dumb shit and I mean really really dumb shit, and he has no sense at times.

Anyways he always finds little ways to make up for it, spending quality time with him warms my soul.

I love my husband, no matter what we go through, he has my heart.

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