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Crystal Ellis

"I'm not tryna leave you believe me, cause what I'm going through it sint easy easy no!" I sung

I was cooking for my husband and the boys as usual. They greedy ass want 7 meals in a day.

Then Jackson ass so picky like boy. You only 11 how are you this picky.

I love the boys though, they are truly my hearts. I just don't feel like Jack and I are going to ever get along.

It's like he will never like me no matter what, he tolerates me but he doesn't like me.

I understand the situation but i just wish he'd warm up to me. I'm not going anywhere so why not.

If you can't beat em join em, that's just how I view it.

I feel like Kaz and Kota are going to be my babies forever, they just love to love me.

Kaz loves to be under me 24/7, and Kota is my little baby. He cries for me 24/7.

Kairo follows the mood or whatever the vibe for the day is. He changes with the weather.

My girls love their brothers, especial Dakota and Delilah. They're definitely twins.

They do everything together, no matter what they have to make sure they're together.

I just know they're going to grow up and be the best of friends, also Dior and Kairo.

He changes a lot but with Dior he stays the same. He makes sure she's good and always happy.

He loves his baby sister, they're so close it's crazy. She only wants to sleep by him, eat with him.

All that.

I do believe Devale loves all of us in the same house. He's always smiling and just energetic.

He wants to do stuff as a family every single day. He's always telling me he just loves his family.

I'm glad he's enjoying this because I am too. I love to do for his kids as I do for my kids.

I've never in my life loved someone's whole life as much as I love his, he's my everything.

"COME EAT!" I yelled out, it took a few seconds but soon the kitchen filled up with everyone.

"Thank you mama!" Kaz said when I gave him his plate, oh yeah that. The boys call me mom, not Jack of course.

"She's not our- here Jackson!" Devale handed him his plate and shoo'd him away.

I have Kairo his plate and Devale's last. He sat Dior in the high chair & put her mash potatoes by her.

She just dug her hand in and ate, I sat Kota and Lilah at the kids table and handed them their food.

I decided to cook some fried chicken, mac and cheese, cornbread and string beans.

"Aht aht aht Grace!" I stopped the boys from eating, they all groaned and gathered hands.

Devale prayed over the food, "Dear most gracious God. I want to thank you for waking us uo this morning. I also want to thank you for my beautiful wife and amazing kids. We are a family because of you, amen!"


We all said Amen before diving into our food, "Baby this is amazing," D smiled at me.

I smiled back, "Thank you love," I responded, they boys had their own conversation.

D and I talked about work and what we were going to do for our anniversary and Kaz's birthday

After dinner they all went off to bed and I stayed back to clean.

Honestly I'd never expect to see myself here, all these damn kids.
It's so different from what I wanted.

When I first met Devale I told myself I am not going to fall for this man and now here I am.

Then Devale and I first started dating, I kept telling myself don't let this man trap you.

Now here I am sitting with two kids m, married and cooking for his 4.

In high school I always clowned girls for messing with their friends man or ex or just people in general.

So when I turned around and did the same thing it was so unexpected to most people.

I just feel like devale and I's relationship would've been so different if we did it right.

In all honesty if I would've told Kay he kissed me, I don't think we'd gotten this far.

Or even if Devale told her he fell out of love with her it would've been better.

Even with her and I being cordial/friends it would've gone better if we did it right.

However our journey is our story and I wouldn't change it for the world.

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