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Crystal Ellis

The movie was great but I couldn't find myself to talk about it after I seen that post. I was so nervous and anxious.

I knew Devale had saw the post and went ballistic, "You good? You're shaking really bad." Micheal said.

I nodded, he pulled up infront of my home. "The movie was great, thank you so much." I gave him side hug and hopped out.

He pulled off when I told him to, I walked up to the door slowly. I was terrified for some reason.

Devale's just really scary when he's mad, I shook away all the negative thoughts and walked up to the door.

I unlocked it with my key and walked in, "So ima joke to you?" I jumped dropping my keys.

"Baby list- ain't none of that shit! You got me so fucked up renee. You got me looking dumb as fuck!"

He started yelling all in my face, I pushed him back. "Nigga move Im fucking pregnant." I yelled.

"Then act like it! You out here smiling in niggas face and holding hands all on the shade room like you ain't married!"

"Don't fucking play with me Crystal cause I'll kill you and that Nigga if you ever cheat on me i swear on my daughter."

I sighed loudly, "Nigga nobody cheating on you, don't let that weak ass shade room mess up yo marriage."

"It ain't the damn shade room it's you, you felt so comfortable enough to hold that nigga hand and be all in his face."

"Okay Devale, im not doing this with you. If you think I'd cheat on you then so be it." I shrugged before walking away.

I went into the bedroom and got undressed, I took off my makeup while I ran my bath. I climbed into the tub and sighed.

I was wrong, yes I admit that but the fact that he screamed at me all violently and threatened to kill me was overdoing it.

Yes I understand it might've looked weird however I've been with Devale for how many year? If I wanted to cheat I would've.

I mean that's what he did so, "Crystal." I heard the bathroom door open and then close.

"Devale I was wrong I know that, I shouldn't have even been that close and comfort with Micheal but he is my bestfriend and you have to understand that, I've been living in ATL since 2013, he was the first person to ever be close with me. I can't help they were friends but I shouldn't have been all hugged up and holding hands with him because you're my husband and that tarnishes our marriage. However I do not appreciate the threats or yelling at your pregnant wife."

I held my head back as the tears flowed, "I understand that and I apologize for yelling and the threat but I don't think I was wrong for what I said."

"I felt embarrassed and disrespected by the post and I know you could tell." He spoke.

"We have shit we need to work on and boundaries we need to set." He added and I nodded.

"Yea definitely like having women answer your wife's call and calling you D as if y'all just cool like that."

I felt this was the perfect opportunity to bring up Eve, "Huh?" He played clueless but I know she told him.

"Don't act dumb D, you know Eve answered your phone for me." I looked at him. "Okay okay my bad, won't happen again."

"I know." I said, he came over and gave me a kiss. "I'm sorry baby." I apologized, "I'm sorry too."

He undressed and climbed into the tub behind me, he held me in his arms and rested his hands on my belly.

We sat there for a while just relaxing, it's moments like this that make me never question my marriage.

I never question it in general but I love feeling loved by Devale and that's what I feel right now.

And I love that feeling.

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