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"Devale stop please!" I giggled trying to get out of his grip, he's been trying to get me to laugh all morning.

He decided to tickle me and now he won't stop, "Okay fine I'm done." He pulled away and I relaxed.

"Babe you're childish you know that right?"
I asked turning to face him. "Yep," he leaned down and kissed my nose.

"Can I have a kiss?" I asked, he grabbed my cheeks and kissed my lips repeatedly. "Mama!" We both turned to Tootie.

"Hey Tootie booty," Zac picked her up because I couldn't bend down, "I hungry!" She announced.

"Here you go mama." He put her in her high chair and put her food in front of her, I placed her sippy cup in the holder.

"So what're we doing today?" I asked Devale, yesterday we had interview after interviews but today were free.

"Kj and Skhy are having a cookout for the cast and everyone will be there, want to go?" I nodded eagerly, I've been craving bbq.

"Okay it's a 4, and it's only 2:10 so you might as well start getting ready because you know how you can get.

I throw so many tantrums when my outfit doesn't come out the way I want it, "I don't care." I rolled my eyes.

I went to the room and got dressed in less than 10 minutes, just to prove a point to Devale.
"See!" I came out and showed him.

"Mhm," he laughed pulling me in for a hug, "I done!" Tootie announced, she always be trying to ruin our intimate moments.

"Tootie girl," she giggled holding her face, I grabbed her out of her high chair and kissed all over her face.

She loves affection, and to be the center of attention. I pray she gets the world because she deserves it so much.

"Let's go get dressed!" I walked her back to the room and cleaned her face and brushed her teeth.

Her and I took a bath together at 10, so neither of us needed another one. "Wanna match mommy?" She nodded.

Her outfit was no where near like mines because even though she said she wanted to match she still picked out her own outfit.

"Babe it's 4:42, let's go you know Kj's house is a 20 minute drive." I heard Devale yell, I don't know how time went that fast.

"Here we come, ion like being to early anyways." I said standing up, I made sure Delilah's hair was nice and neat.

"Okay come on Tootie." I grabbed her hand, we walked into the living room and Devale was on his phone.

"Let's go," I spoke and he turns and stood up, "You look good," he walked over and grabbed my waist, I blushed.

"Devale stop let's go," I laughed pushing him a bit. He laughed and turned to the door before walking to it.

Lilah and I walked behind him and I locked the door once we were all out. He opened Delilah's door and I strapped her in and the closed it.

Then he opened my door and I got in, once he got in he started the car and pulled off. "I'm finna post these,"

He looked over at the pictures and smirked, "You look good bae." I winked at him, and he laughed.

*use your imagination

*use your imagination LUVCRYSTALELLIS

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