818 45 17

Crystal Ellis

"Boy," Devale laughed slapping Kaz's hand. He and I decided to take the kids out for brunch because we slept through breakfast.


Delilah grabbed a peace of my bacon then smiled, "Now Nicole-" i put my handover my chest.

The girls and I started laughtjnf shortly after,"Deon is the food good?"I asked not realizing I disrupted his conversation with Kairo.

"Yes momma!" He smiled at me causing me to return it. I did a huge grin looking over at Devale who mugged me.

"Momma 3, dad 1." I mouthed before sticking out my tongue. "I think call of duty is better I don't know why." Kairo restarted it.

I listened to everyone have conversations but mainly focused on Deon because I wanted him to feel most comfortable.

"I like Fortnite because dad buys me all the skins."I rolled my eyes when Devale informed me that he now had one more.

We have been competing for whoever Deon calls mom or dad more, so far I have 3 and Devale has 2.

Whoever makes it to 10 before the boys leave wins 1k, it's childish but we just like doing it for some reason.

"He's not really your dad you know?" My head immediately snapped in the direction of Jackson, who made the comment.

I eyed Devale waiting for him to say something, "Jackson, im not going to tell you again. Keep those comments to yourself."

"He's just as much as my son as you are." Devale spoke, I love how much Devale loves Deon.

He doesn't treat him differently or anything, Adopting a son was my idea and I love how he went with it with no problems.

He loves pleasing em and I love that I didn't have to beg him for a son of my own. To call mine, to have call me there's.

"But dad- dad nothing, one more time. You have one more time." D is a really strict parent if I'm being honest.

He's very hands on, so yes he does whoop the boys as punishment when they're misbehaving.

Now I don't whoop kids but I mind my business when he does it because at the end of the day I'm not their mother.

When Khadeen was his wife, she allowed him to punish the kids by whooping them and she still allows it so who am I to say anything.

"Okay." Jack said sulking in his seat, the boys went back to talking and eating until it was time to go.

When we got home everyone went to their rooms, Jack and Kai share a room as well as Kaz and Kota.

"Do you have work today?" Devale asked me, I've been working on this tv show called The Jacksons.

A/N : this is a fake made up tv show that I made up about myself and my family 💀.

I play a 27 year old by the name of Ciara, Lynn Whitfield plays my mother, Pearl & Samuel L Jackson plays my father, Weston.

I have two siblings on the show, Marcia Martin who plays 17 year old Clara and Keith Powers who plays 24 year old Junior.

I've been doing the show for a year now, we just got renewed for season 3 last fall and have been shooting season 2 since Spring.

My love interest in the show is Micheal B Jordan, it's been fun filing genuinely, I love the family dynamic we have.

It's like a full house/fresh prince type of show, I love it honestly. "No we don't, I have work next week." I told him.

"Oh well that's good," he sat beside me in our bed, Dior was alseep in her room like always. She sleeps 24/7.

I love it though, "Why you always working with Michael though?" He asked me and I shrugged, "I don't know but trust I don't like him."

The incident with Micheal and me still gets Devale upsets because he feels as if he was disrespected.

"I know that pouts but still like that shit annoying." He expressed laying on my lap as I laid on the pillow.

I rubbed his head and shrugged, "I know ima ask to get a new one after a couple season because Ciara changes lovers fast."

My character is very much like Moesha from Moesha. Changes love interest more than her daddy changes his attitude.

"Naw don't have them do that for me, I'm gone be pressed either way. Let me have my lil insecure moment baby, you good."

I nodded with a smile that he didn't flip it on me, Devale has been doing a lot of taking accountability lately and I love it.

"Okay," I said, we talking for a bit longer before he dosed off to sleep. I got on my phone and watched instagram reels.

Deon came in the room shortly after, "Momma?", that's 4 for me, "Yes baby boy?" I looked up.

"I lost my iPad charger and I don't want to wake anyone, can you help me please?" I nodded immediately.

I smoothly shifted my legs from under Devale's head and got out of the bed, I went to the front room and got Delilah's charger.

I gave it to him and he thanked me before going back to his room, I checked in on everyone and they were all sleep.

I checked the time seeing it was 1:28pm. I went back to D and I's bedroom, I saw he switch positions and was now laying vertically.

I got in the bed and continued to be on my phone until I checked the monitors and saw Deon was sleeping.

I finally turned off my phone and got under the covers, pushing myself in Devale's arms. He grabbed me tightly.

Soon after I dosed off to sleep.


A/N : yes im serious about this being the end, I end everything at 20 something. I don't believe this ending was bad so don't be mad at me. I've been wanting to end this for the longest to focus on other things. Love you guys ❣️

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