660 39 8

Devale Ellis

"If y'all dating just say that," Crystal spoke eyeing the both of our mothers.

They looked at each other then laughed, "Girl what the hell!" Chandra rolled her eyes popping Crystal.

"No we are not however we do have something to tell the both of you." I peeked up from my phone.

"Yes mama?" I asked making both their attention go to me, "Well we wanted to tell you guys that we are getting married."

"HUH?" I jumped from my seat, "The hell y'all mean getting married?"

If Chandra and my mother get married that would make us Step-Siblings and our 2 kids cousins/siblings.

That's disgusted and very disrespectful, "Why would y'all do some dumb shit like that." My mothers hand went across my face.

"Boy watch yourself now," She spoke through gritted teeth, "Not to each other dumb asses." Chandra spoke.

"We are both getting married to brothers that's why we've been gone all the time and together 24/7."

Ohh, see now this is making sense. I know I'm a little slow but when my brain registers it registers.

"My apologies cause I was finna get livid." Crystal spoke as we both sat back down, her on my lap.

"So why we're we the last to know? Who is these Niggas and what they do? How old is they and when they have time to propose, matterfact how long y'all been dat- Crystal Renee Ellis."

"First off fix your tone." My mother said to her, "Ma she is right tho, who is these niggas?" I asked after.

"Their names are Nigel and Aden, they are Nigerian men. They reside in South Carolina, they are our age, and they proposed on the last vacation with took."

I thought back, the last vacation they took was a trip to the Bahamas right after Dior's birthday.

"Y'all still didn't answer the most important question, how long?" I asked again, "Um since Delilah was born."

"3 years ma?! And you didn't tell me?" Crystal ranted feeling some type of way, "That's so low of y'all,"

We all talked for a short bit before Crystal and I packed up our things and the kids before we left.

We returned home in 25 minutes due to us stopping at WingStop because Crystal didn't want to cook.

"You make me feellllll, I'm so gone sooooo gone." Crystal sung, "Oh and I love you love you baby."

She pecked my lips in the process before continuing to dance and sing. "What she do I do I better."

"What she do to make you love her?" She turned to me and I laughed, "Stop it." I mumbled with a laugh.

The song went off and she sat back in her previous spot on my lap. "Are you happy?" I asked randomly.

"Huh?" Crystal looked over at me turning down the new song that was playing. "I asked are you happy and I mean like genuinely."

"Happy with what?"
"Our situation, the boys being here, our moms double wedding, just life." I overly explained so she could understand.

"Of course I am, now a couple years back I'd never see myself here but I love that I am here and that I'm here with you."

"The boys are not a problem at all, although it's hard for me to bond with Jack I still love him as if he's mine." She told me.

"Our moms are grown and if they want to get married I support and I do wish that I was more involved but it is what it is."

I nodded taking in every word she said, "I know you hate bringing it up but how do you feel about Khadeen at this moment."

She took a deep breath the replied. "I don't feel a way to her and I applaud myself for that because I have felt a way for years.

"I simply believe that we're grown, I mean grown. I think the arguing back and fourth is childish honestly." I nodded

"There's not point in entertaining any mess because at the end of the day you're with me." She detailed.

"No matter how much I argue or bicker with her it's not going to change the fact that what was done has been done."

"I loved Kay as a sister truly, however all that is put to the side now and everything is about the kids and that's fine with me."

"That's great baby, I love how you think. I do apologize for the predicament I put you in once again." , "And I accept it once again."

"How do you feel about her, I mean she's your baby's mother."

"I feel partly the same way, I feel like her and I will always have a bitter relationship between each other." I admitted to her.

"Why is that?" She asked sitting up, "Because no matter how much she acts as if she's okay she'll never let that hurt go."

"I mean yes shes moved on and says she's over it apart of her will always be bitter about us and our relationship."

"I understand that completely, but it's good that it's too the point where we can be mature about our differences."

"Yes, everything is for the kids and that's what it should be." I added and she nodded.

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