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Crystal Ellis

"Hi guys it's Crystal and as you can see Devale or the girls are not with me but it's not prank time."

I spoke to our subscribers, Devale and I started YouTube a while back but now it has become a family channel. 'The Ellis's'

"So I've been seeing this trend go around where you pamper your kids or have a fun day you know." I explained to them.

"So I've decided to do that with my children, they're all with Devale right now getting dressed."

"So we have 6 kids but Dior, Delilah and Dakota are not you know of age to be doing all that extra stuff."

"I put simple things on the cards and I'm going to have 6 pairs so 12 cards in total." I showed the cards.

"So before Devale brings them out I'll show y'all the cards." I got them all out and put them in my lap.

I set the camera up on the dashboard. "Okay the first set is Movies or Picnic."

"The next pair is Skyzone or Skating, the boys have been wanting to go to both these places but we never have time so." I said.

"After that we'll do Mani or Pedi for me and the girls to have a little nail date while Devale takes the boys to the next thing."

"The next thing for the boys would be water balloon white or nerf gun fight, my daughter will not participate in that." I laughed.

"I was been supposed to show this but it's Starbucks or Dunkin, we're going to do that one as soon as they arrive."

"And the last one will be 4 toys at Toys R Us or 4 toys at Glazed." I looked up and noticed everyone coming out the house.

A/N : glazed is a kids dp store.

"Okay guys they're coming I'll get back to you when we have everything situated." I turned the camera off.

"Hey mama!" the kids greeted me as Devale got them situated and strapped in, "Hi Crystal," Jackson spoke to me.

"Hey babies, hi jack" I smiled at all of them, Devale finally climbed in the driver seat.

"Okay hey guys so everyone is settling and Jack will pick the first card,"

He chose between Starbucks or Dunkin, "Okay Starbucks!" Devale was excited.

"Bae you more happy then the kids," I laughed at Devale doing the most, soon we pulled up to Starbucks.

"Okay what does everyone want?" They all yelled random stuff but I got everyone a vanilla bean milkshake.

"Mommy can you get a cakepop?" Kaz asked me, I ordered some before we pulled up.

We got out order then pulled off, "Okay yall, were all done with our bucks right guys?"

"Yes!" Everyone yelled out, including Devale overgrown ass. "Okay next card, Kai your turn!"

"Mhmm this one mama," he grabbed the one that said Movies, "Well looks like were headed to the movies,"

"Yay!!!" The whole car was excited, "We can have us a private picnic later," D whispered in my ear.

I looked at him and blushed, "Stop being nasty bae," I laughed, he joined in.

I looked up movies to see and decided on Minions : The Rise Of Gru.

The movie was 1 hour and 45 minutes long. We all enjoyed it and I got some footage for the vlog.

After the movie was over we stayed in the mall for about 30 minutes before leaving.

"Okay Kazzy baby it's your turn to pick." Devale held up the cards for him which held 4 Toys from 2 different places.

He chose Toys R Us, "Omg really mama? I'm so happy!" He smiled showing all his teeth.

Jackson looked genuinely happy for once and I loved it, "Okay let's get going,"

We arrived in 12 minutes, "Mommy can I get toys for me too?" I looked down at Lilah.

"Of course baby, get some baby toys for your sister too okay?" She nodded and ran off with boys.

They chose their 4 toys each in less than 10 minutes and we were on to the next thing.

"Okay guys so this next place is for my girls and the boys will have theirs with D." I explained.

"Lilah and Kota pick," Devale held up all four cards, Lilah picked Mani from Mani and Pedi.

Kota picked nerf gun fight, "woo let's go!" Jackson yelled out with enthusiasm, I laughed hes just like his dad.

"Okay so Devale will take his camera with the boys and I'll be with the girls."

Devale dropped us off at a local nail salon and then took the boys to the park for their nerd gun fight.

(Not finna go into dept about it just know they all had a good time)

"Were back! Boys did you have fun?" Devale asked putting the camera in their faces one by one. "Yea daddy!"

"Just so yall know I won," Kai hyped himself up in the camera, "Pst Tst No, you cap." Devale snatched the camera.

I laughed,"Babygirl let daddy see your nails," she put them in the camera with a smile, "I got hello kitty!"

"Let me see yours suga," I held out my green and black Shego inspired nails, "Ima love them tonight," , "Stop D," I laughed

"Last thing, I'm going to let my love pick because he so eager," I laughed holding the cards out for Devale to choose.

He chose Skyzone and him and the boys were hyped.

We spent 2 hours there before we went home, I ended out the vlog after getting everyone opinions on the day.

"I hope everyone had a good day, love you all and goodnight," I said to them all before sending them to their rooms.

I checked in on Dior making sure she was okay before joining Devale in the bedroom.

We had our own fun before joining the rest of the house in their deep sleeps.

To be honest this a filler chapter

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