1k Followers Bonus Chapter 31

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A/N I know you guys wanted a new book but I wasn't going to be able to finish it on time. So here are bonus chapters and I promise new books are still on the way!! Thank you guys so so much for all of your support. 

"I highlighted all the changes I think you should make and I posted several new posts on all the social medias."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "is that why I had to read that sex scene to you?"

Jimin nodded his head quickly, "your deep sexy voice reading that scene, that's free porn for their ears."

"You did not just say that with my pups sleeping right there."

The Omega shrugged before walking over to the little nest that their four pups were sleeping in. The boys were curled up together and so were the girls. "They are so cute, how did we make such cute pups?"

Yoongi got up and walked over to his mate, "Wonie looks just like me, doesn't he? That little gummy smile of his, just like his Appa."

Yes, they both knew that Wonie wasn't biologically the Alphas, but he really did look just like his Appa. So did Biah, the girls were spitting images of their Dada and Jimin loved it. "Yes he does, but I think he's just a bit more adorable than his Appa if I'm being honest."

The Alpha just rolled his eyes, he knew Jimin was just trying to rile him up. "So can we talk about the elephant in the room or are we going to just keep ignoring those three?"

"Well, I don't want to push them. Not after what Jin was put through, but I think he's happy with them. They treat him so well."

Jimin wasn't wrong, Joon and Jungkook practically do anything to make the fiesty Beta happy. And honestly, he's been thriving since he moved out of the apartment and into Joon's place. Kook practically lived there as well, not that any of them would admit it. Joon had a guest room that was supposedly Jin's and Kook being the perpetual teenager, he slept on the couch.

"I'm more concerned with Hobi and Tae, why haven't they mated already? They are literally perfect for each other and I know they both want it AND pups. Could you imagine their pups?" The Omega was squealing in excitement and it made the Alpha's heart flutter just a bit. He loved seeing how happy Jimin was. 

"They will, eventually. They are still young."

"I'm literally the youngest one here," Jimin scoffed as he rolled his eyes at his Alpha.

"Want to go to the park? I know the bigs will love to play and the littles can toddle after them."

Jimin nodded his head quickly, "I'll pack their bag and once they wake up we can go."

They had been at the park for about an hour when Jimin's scent went from happy chocolate fudge cake, to rotten cocoa beans. "Baby, what's wrong?" Yoongi had the twins in his arms and Wonie and Sooie were right behind him concerned for their father.

"M-My parents," he whispered as he pointed to a couple that was staring at them.

Yoongi growled lowly, his anger spiking as he handed the twins over to Jimin, "Wonie and Sooie, stay with Dada, Appa has to do something really quick."

Wonie stood in front of his Dada, playing the protector role. Odds are he's going to be an Alpha, and a great one since he has such amazing Alphas around him to show him how. Yoongi's scent was almost chokingly strong, as he marched over to the two people that sold their Omega son to be raped daily for years. "Go, now. Go before I commit murder in front of our pups."

The father blinked his eyes, "we don't regret it. We made enough off of him to pay off all of our debt. Plus he's happy now. Did you buy him from that nice Alpha?"

The laugh that left Yoongi was so mocking and mean, "the nice Alpha that forced his heats and raped him until he was pregnant and then stole those pups from him and sold them? No that nice Alpha is dead and thank fuck for that. I didn't buy Jimin, he's my fated mate and the love of my life. Now go, you don't even deserve to see how happy he is and frankly I don't want him being upset seeing trash like you."

"Jimin," his mother called as she tried to get around the Alpha to her son.

Jimin shook in fear as his mother tried to approach him, Yoongi had never been one for violence. But he'd do anything to protect what's his, he growled, loud and fierce enough to stop the woman in front of him. She looked at him with hatred on her face, "you will back the fuck away from my mate and pups or I will throw you in the God Damn fountain."

Jin burst into the room, ignoring the people that were already in there and the two that were breathless behind him, "where is he?"

"In our room, I just came out here to check on the pups."

Jin nodded his head and made his way down the familiar path that was the Min household. When he opened the door the scent hit him, one he'd smelled so many times before. "Min, I'm so sorry." The Beta heard sniffles as he made his way into the dark room. "Can I enter your nest?"

Jimin hiccuped and nodded his head from under the covers. "I'm sorry you saw them. You don't deserve that."

"I just wasn't expecting it, that's all. I'm glad that they saw that I was out and happy. I just," tear-stained cheeks looked at the Beta, "Jin I just wasn't ready. It caught me off guard. I thought I was safe here, they don't even live here, so why are they here?"

The Beta sighed as he pulled the broken Omega into his arms, "they sold the house you grew up in for a decent profit since they made enough off of you to pay it off. They might be trying to find a place here."

"No, no, no, it can't be."

It was then he decided that he'd pay a little visit to Jimin's parents, tell them exactly what their son went through and what he did to the man that did it to him. There's no way he'd ever let Jimin be traumatized again, not on his watch. 

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