My Little Maid

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Hi this is your author here. If you hate this ship please leave and if you like this ship or want to respect this ship you may stay anyways ,I thought about this myself and I didn't steal no one idea.I mean I brainstorm this in class so no one here is to say that I copyright or stole anyone's work okay. And no I don't ship it I just love testing ships and this seems like a nice ship once put in the good concept.
Ship:bakugou x mineta

Mineta's Pov
    I was in my dorm and it's a Sunday and I was on a call with my brother because he said it was serious. We talked until he got to the point and he said "look mineta, I know you really wanna be a hero but I need some extra hands in the cafe and you would be perfect because right now grandma isn't so well and she needs med and since I'm alone in the cafe I can't serve all these by myself and still take care of grandma so will you help. I swear I'll pay you back." I smile and thought about for a moment, -I mean this might help me get over my crush of bakugou since he doesn't like at all and I think no one will be missing so- I thought,yeah yeah I know bakugou will definitely not like me? "Sure and can you trade my quirk to some height because I'm short and I would love to help you and grandma.
   He said as that is his quirk, he trade you quirk into anything and at that I need some height, I'm literally 3'5 I'm too short and my grandma after my parents found out I was gay they sent me to my grandma to live with her and my brother and it's been great and I will do anything to help my grandma. So, I got up and went to the principal office to let him know and he agreed "Please don't tell anyone just say I dropped up." I said as Mr.Nezu nodded while drinking his tea, I swear sometimes I think we have a weird principal. I packed my stuff and head to my grandma's house to meet her and my brother. As I arrived, "Mineta you're here thank God grandma right now is in the hospital we can visit her after work tomorrow."he said as I smiled and nod my head.
   I walked to my room and pack away everything and lay in my bed think if anyone would miss me besides denki of course. I feel asleep awhile later until my alarm clock woke me up. I went downstairs and greet my brother. "You ready to grow some height?" He said smugly as I roll my eyes. "Very funny Nitro now hurry up." I said, yeah I know who names their kids nitro well my parents do because they didn't like how he looked my brother looks fine if you ask me. He uses his quirk on me and all the purple balls on my head turn into hair and I'm now 5'5 yeah this is tall enough. I put my hair in a pony tail and we get to the maid cafe. I had to where one of those maid outfits but it was purple so I didn't mind but I do wonder what's going to happen when the finds out I've dropped out of school. Meh.. doesn't matter to me anyways.

Author's Pov
    When Class 1-A gets to class nobody but kaminari notices that mineta isn't there so when Mr.Aizawa gets into class he asked. "Sir, where's mineta?" Mr.Aizawa looks at him and says "Mineta has decided that he will drop out of School and the reason he isn't here is because he left yesterday and no I can't tell you since Principal Nezu said I can' I'm going to sleep do something and don't disturb me." And with that Mr.Aizawa is asleep as the class starts to talk in shocked and curiosity. "Well good riddance at least we girls don't have to deal with his perverted schemes." Uraraka says as the girls nodded as everyone basically forgets about mineta kaminari and bakugou are both think the exact same thing just not in the same word ps bakugou cussed through out his whole think. They were think, why did he left , where did he go and is he okay and yes The bakugou katsuki is asking if mineta is okay even tho he doesn't like him doesn't mean he hasn't catched a little a bit if feelings which his big ass ego doesn't want to admit.

1 year later

Mineta's Pov
    I've been working here for over a year now and I think Class 1-A go be class 2-A but I don't. I still have crush on bakugou sadly but I'm trying to get over it okay and the cafe has become very popular it's the time past and my extra help. So back to the present, As I was work the door rang mean some costumers has enter I skate over to them, yes skate I thought it was a good idea it's business was booming and I bow. "Good morning costumers, welcome to the maid cafe where everything is just for your liking and cute stuff for you and your friends and family." I say as I look up to meet some people I did and didn't want to see. "Mineta!?" I hear them as I roll away and takes a deep breath. "Here is your table for 10 as I see ten of you." I say with a smile as they sit down still staring at me including bakugou. "So, mineta how have you been?" Deku asked and I looked at him. "Everything has been great, I been helping my brother since I left how's everything with school." I say back as kaminari answer,"everything has been great but did you left and didn't tell me." I smile and pat his head, "My brother needed some help with grandma and work so I left ,I just didn't want anyone to find out especially a certain someone but it doesn't matter do you guys want anything." I look at them and they order except for bakugou who is just glaring at me and not his normal scary glare it has love in it. "Do you want anything Katsuki?" I asked as he stopped daydreaming and answers, "Surprise me." I swear my feelings are coming back all again as I hear that raspy voice. I go to get their order as they asked me about my height and told everything and then mina asked if I have a lover and bakugou eyes shifted to me. "No I don't have lover but I have crush but I don't think he likes me."I said and after a while they leave and waved them goodbye as I see bakugou has stayed. "I wanna ducking talk to about something you purple bastard." I said as I went with him after telling brother I'll be back. Bakugou is taller than me he's like 6'5 or 6'6 but I'm taller too but he still towers over me with his few inches of height. "What is it." I say as he mumbles something. "What was that?" I asked as he bursted, "who the fuck is your crush!" He says slightly yelling as I told he doesn't need to know and argument broke our which resulted in me yelling on accident. "BECUASE THE PERSON I LIKE IS YOU!?" I yell as he looked at me in shocked and I covered my mouth.
  -he didn't hear that ,he didn't hear that- I look at him and my his face were so close to mine I think I would melt and leans forward and kisses me I was shock but I kissed as he broke the kiss and kissed my cheek. "Does this make us boyfriends?" I asked quietly as he nods and kissed my cheek and we walk back to the cafe after I gave him my number and he leaves. "Bye."I say as I look at my phone and smile.

The End
(I will not make part two so don't spam me too make it I know you guys would want to see what happens next but that will be a mystery well you guys at least byeee👋👋👋)

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