You Or Them

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Plot- It was serious villain attack and they took some of class 1-A and left the pro heroes injured. So mineta decided to go save them but then he had to make the most important decision of his life.

*Short story*

Mineta Pov
    I was in class and sensei was teaching until the villain alarm went off and two villains came crashing in and knocked out sensei as they stared at us. "Ahhh...class 1-A we're the new villains Crash and Bash." They said together as they started to attack us. One by one the started to take us down our big three were knocked out.
    The two villains looked at each other grabbed some of the kids and went away into a portal. "NO!!" Kirishma yelled as they disappeared. Some ambulance came and we realized that the villains injured the pro heroes. They said we had to wait until they were healed but we didn't want to wait our classmates were out their some where.

Author Pov
    It's been two days since that villain attack the pro heroes are still healing and the cops are still looking for the villains. Everyone in class was miserable because they had to sit there as their friends were in danger. Mineta on the other hand was on the edge , because he just realized who those villains were. They were his parents Mike and Vanessa Minrou.
    He was angry that his parents would drop so low to get him to join them as villains. As he sits there , paper came through his window as he opens it reads.

Mineta him, I know who have figured out it was us but we're giving you a chance come at the old abandon warehouse out in forest if you want see your pathetic classmates again and if you bring any cops or any of your other classmates these here will die and hurry come now while the sun is still up and remember we're watching you
Love Mike and Vanessa (mom and dad)

Mineta crumble up and the paper and stand up and left a note his class if they found out he was gone. Mineta walked as he practice his quirk since he got bored. Mineta had a new upgrade to his quirk he could create balls instead of pulling them from his head.
    He can create barrier balls, iron balls and safety balls and some more but yeah. Once he arrived at the warehouse he noticed the walls. It was all broken and then he go an idea it might not be safe but he down do it his parents will continue to terrorize his school and him. He walked and saw his class mates hanging over hot lava from a rope. "Deku, Bakugou, todoroki. Mina, Sero, kaminari Uraraka, you guys okay?" He asked and the just nodded.
    He was walking closer until his parents appeared in front of him, "no no, son if you want them you must join us or you can choose who dies you or them." His mom asked and mineta glared at her as he created a small iron ball and threw at the wall as he watched slowly start to crumble. "I choose the second option." He said as the class eyes widen and his smirk, "then choose you or them." His dad asked.
    If he knew his parents well, he know that they don't play by the rules. "I choose me." He said as mom threw a dagger at the rope but mineta was quick to react and threw a safety bubble and sent outside as the building came crashing down killing his parents.
    Once the class landed safely on the ground the took off the rope and run to the building that was already collapsed. "Mineta, mineta can you hear us." Kaminari shouted as everyone did the same. They looked around until todoroki saw something silver in the rubble and removed rocks to see a metal ball. "Guys I found something." Todoroki said as they came to see the ball and kaminari touched the ball and it disappeared and the saw a unconscious mineta.
    They picked him as he started groaning and his eye open, "are you guys okay?" He asked and everyone said yes, "are okay bro, you took a risk back their?" Kaminari asked and mineta nodded and they all walked back while bakugou carried mineta on his back. Once they arrived the rest of the class were waiting impatiently but when the saw the rest of their class they were happy and hugged them.
     Deku had to explained what happened as mineta woke up and everyone hugged him. "Thanks for saving them mineta bro." Kirishma said, "as a hero it is my job to do so." He said as they went inside everyone has to explained to the cops and pros what happened but mineta was thanked and scolded since he didn't say anything but he didn't have choice he knew his parent all to well. But if it happen again and the gave choice he would always go with, you or them. 

The End
Hi guys I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot and I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for more Mineta oneshots and Until Next Time my lovelies byee 👋👋👋👋👋

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