The Control I have

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Plot- Mineta and his class are learning about mythical creatures and how they hide in the human world. Mineta found the topic interesting so he looks more on his laptop. So what happens when he read something and he gets control of a mythical creature. So what happens when mineta realize the control he has.

Author Pov
     Mineta is sitting in his room after a long lesson about mythical creatures and how they hide in the human world. Mineta wanted to do more research so he went on his laptop to do his research on mythical creatures. While mineta was looking a bunch of words popped up on his screen and underneath it said 'read it.'
      Mineta being the curious teen that he is decided to read it. "The Creature of dark and all things great and bad, I call upon you to stand by side to protect me from all evil, creature of the dark come to me." Mineta said and a white light shine from the laptop but nothing happened.
        Mineta then went to sleep after that and waited until the next morning. He also felt really sleepy but he didn't notice another writing on his laptop that said, 'I will give you the creature of the dark.' Once the next morning mineta had woken up with a surprise.

Mineta Pov
     I opened my eyes, as I yawned and I looked around and I saw denki in my room but he looks different. He looks like the mythical creature of the dark I was looking up. "Denki?" I say to him and looked at me, "hey mineta, I see you read the message and now I'm here to protect you." He said with a smile.
     Okay, I would be lying if I said that I didn't like denki because I do. "So you're gonna stay like this." I said, "yep you have read the incantation so now I'm yours to control." Denki said bowing and I giggled nervously and I went to change into my school uniform, denki was already in his uniform even if in his mythical form.
        Mineta was still 6'4 , he had golden and black hair, with golden eyes with a very long tail and two horns on his head. "Okay well let's go denki we don't want to be late." I said, "coming mistress mineta." Denki said, I didn't complain as I thought that's what he calls all of his past mistresses.
      Once we arrived at class I sat down and denki sit down next me, "hey dunce face what the fuck are you and why are you sitting with that grape." Bakugou came with the rest of the class saying and I just ignored him. "Well I'm a mythical creature, in other words I'm the creature of the dark and mineta is my mistress."
     Denki said, "he read the incantation so I now I'm here to protect  him and anything he says will indeed happen." Denki said plainly looking at the class. There attention turned to me, "mineta, are you gonna take advantage of this." Uraraka asked suspiciously and I shook my head, "no, I'm not heartless but he will protect me."
      I said as Mr.Aziawa walked in and we just explained, "okay well. I'm gonna take nap do whatever but no noise." Sensei said as he lay down and fell asleep in his yellow sleeping bag. I was then surrounded by my class again, "denki come on!" Mina said trying to take denki with him.
       "Sorry but my mistress didn't say, I could go so no." He said blankly, "why is he calling you mistress?" Deku asked, "because that's what he called his past mistresses." I answered, "MINETA TELL DENKI TO PLAY WITH US!!!" Mina yelled, "please my ears stop yelling." I said to her and the bakusquad grumbled.
       I looked at denki, "I'm going to my dorm, I know you need to be with me but you can go out your friends." I said and Sero smirked, "don't try anything Sero, as I long as I'm his mistress you have no control adios." I said leaving them and heading to my dorm as the bakusquad filled behind me.
       Once I arrived in the dorm living room, "but mistress, I was here to protect you." Denki protested, "that grape can protect himself." Bakugou grunted activating his quirk at me. Denki stood in front of me with his eyes glowing yellow, "You maybe me my friends but you will it hurt my mistress." Denki said.
       "Okay okay, denki I don't want you sticking to me like glue but if you want to do something ask permission and right now I'm giving permission to hangout with your friends okay." I said to him and he opened his mouth to protest, "OKAY!!" I yelled and bowed, "yes mistress." He said, "good now go." I groaned.
     Once they I felt so relieved, as I laid in my bed, I was getting bored so I decided to go out. I got up and put in my shorts and a top with little head band. I looked myself in the mirror before leaving for the mall and walked around, I was 5'6 so yeah don't judge.
     I was walking around when the mall started shaking and not no earthquake shake more like something is attacking it. Screams filled the mall as the toga popped up. Once I noticed everyone was out I heard a scream and looked towards the noise. There was kinda and toga had her at knife to her throat.
      I took a ball from my hair and threw it at the knife knocking it out if her and as she dropped the kid. The kid than ran to me, "hey, we're gonna play game okay." I said because the kid looks to be about three. She nodded at me and I picked her up and started running as the toga filled close behind.
     The entrance was blocked so I ran to the rooftop, I look down to see the bakusquad, I sighed with relief, "HEY, BAKUGOU!!" I screamed and he looked at me, "WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING DOING UP THERE AND WHAT!!!" he yelled back, "TOGA IS CHASING !E AND THIS KID I NEED YOU TO TAKE THIS KID." I yelled.
      He nodded at me and I looked at denki, "MISTRESS, I SENSE DANGER COMING YOUR WAY!!" denki said as I turned around and I looked at the little girl, "hey, I'm gonna give you to those heroes okay." I said and she nodded and stuck one if my balls on to her as I watch slide down to the bakusquad.
        "you fucking heroes don't know when to mind your business huh." She said and I smirked as she threw her knife, "DENKI!!" I yelled and denki appeared in front of me stopping the knife from hitting me, denki he lifted toga, "what should I do to her mistress?" Denki asked, "just teleport her away from here." I said.

Author Pov
    Denki did as asked and then he held on to mineta waist and brought them down to land. "Thank you so much." The little girl said hugging me and I smiled, "it's nothing let's go find your parents." Mineta said as denki still held in to his waist as they went and found the girls parents and said goodbyes.
      Mineta fell asleep a few minutes so denki picked him up and held him while kissing his cheek. Denki had fell in love with his mistress but he doesn't care. He walked back to the bakusquad with mineta in his hand, "we're going home mistress needs to rest." Denki said they nodded heading home.
      Time skip to about eight months and denki won't leave Mineta said because it seems like denki is attached. So right now mineta is sitting on denki's lap in class while sensei is sleeping. The bakusquad walked up to them, "yo mineta tell denki to stop clinging to you and hang out with us." Sero said.
       Mineta looked at him, "I tried and he just won't leave me alone and drop that attitude." Mineta said glaring at him. Denki also glared at Sero for being rude to his mistress. In the other hand Mina and kirishima were fangirling about the new ship. "You guys are so cute together are you guys dating?" Kirishima asked.
          Mineta was about to answer, "yes, isn't that right mistress I mean you accepted the ring." Denki said and mineta looked at the ring and then giggled and nodded. "Yeah, we're dating, cause apparently when you accept a ring from a mythical creature you're dating them but I'm not complaining." Mineta said.
        "I wonder denki what happened to to the guy that stabbed me last week?" Mineta asked, "well you said you wished he was dead so I made that wish come true." Denki said and everyone eyes widen as mineta gave a smirk, "okay, I knew I had a lot of power but I didn't it could be so powerful." Mineta said.
       He looked at denki and kissed him as denki kissed backed as mineta let a giggle out, "this world is in for a lot of villains becoming." Mineta stated as everyone caught onto the idea, "oh the control I have." Mineta said smiling.  

The End
I just wanted to let you guys know all requests are closed for limited amount of time so any request made will not be fro filled until sometime. I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshots and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for more mineta oneshots and Until Next Time my lovelies byeeee 👋👋


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