Their 'Pervert' Grape

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Plot- Mineta is part of the bakusquad, he got in when they reached their second year. Everything seem to be going find until mineta started avoid the bakusquad because of some bullies that he had. So what happens when the bakusquad finds out why mineta was avoiding them.

Author Pov
      It was another good and bad for mineta as he's in the second year, mineta walked into class early today and sat down in his seat and waited for bakugou and the others. Yeah mineta was part of the bakusquad because he wasn't a pervert anymore and also he was gay and he has freckles and his hair is long.
     The bakusquad have been getting along with him and he feels like he have a family it's nice. Mineta is sitting class when momo and the girls came pushed him. "What!" mineta said startled a bit by the rude awakening. "Why the hell are hanging around the bakusquad, are trying to get close to mina." Uraraka questioned.
      I looked at them, "no we're friends and I don't like mina or any girls for that matter." Mineta said, "yeah like the bakusquad would ever want in their group." Tsuyu said, "they're just feeling pity on you, you'll always be a fucking pervert." Momo said as tsuyu slapped and everyone was laughing at him.
       Tsuyu was about to slap him again when a something grabbed her pulled her back. "Mineta are you okay!" Mina said going to her friend, "yeah I'm fine just shocked that's all." Mineta said, "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!!" Bakugou screamed, "w-we-" ,"katsuki it's fine, they were just curious on why I was friends with guys."
        Mineta said, "well let me tell you extras something okay, mineta is our friend because he has some respect now if you fuck with him, you fucking me." Bakugou said, "no bakugou you're wrong they're fucking with all of us." Kirishima said, "that's fucking right." Sero said untangling tsuyu.
        The commotion was ended when Mr.Aziawa walked in and started teaching. When the bell went for lunch mineta went with the bakusquad as the rest of Class 2-A gave him dirty looks. Once they arrived the sat at a table and started eating, "oooo, mineta you should let do your hair again." Mina suggested.
        Mineta sighed, "yeah okay." Mineta said as he felt someone tap his shoulder, "I'm gonna head to the bathroom." Mineta said as everyone nodded and he left. If you're wondering mineta has been getting bullied since he started being friends with the bakusquad and stopped being pervert.
      Mineta went to the bathroom and was pushed against a wall and was crowded by a bunch of boys from upper class. "You fucking pervert how dare still hang around the bakusquad." A boy said punching mineta in the stomach and mineta hissed in pain, as he collected more punches.
        "I guess the beatings weren't enough huh?" The boys questioned, "if you go near the bakusquad again we'll beat you ten times more." The boys said and mineta just nodded and took the rest of his beatings. This has been going for six months when the class enter into the second year.
       Mineta didn't tell the bakusquad because,he didn't want them to worry or worse get expelled so he kept to himself. Now he has to avoid them but as long as they don't get involved mineta is okay with that.

Mineta Pov
      It's a new day and I'm just walking out my dorm, "hey min min, why didn't you show up to our sleepover." Mina asked as the other bakusquad member showed up. I looked around, "hey mineta we're sorry about bulling you and stuff." Uraraka said, "uhh...yeah bye." I said and left their immediately.
      The rest of the day, I avoided the bakusquad as much as possible and I still got my beating. Next day, I avoided them and got my beating. This was my routine every single day, wake up avoid the bakusquad and get beaten and nothing changed, I feel like I was trapped in a loop hole.
       A loop hole that I can't get out of , that I'm stuck in. Anyways it's been three months and the bakusquad is starting really suspicious and that's not good. Right now, I'm in a empty classroom getting beaten by the boys again. After few hours it stopped and limped into the dorms.
       Before I could reach my room, I was stopped by kirishima, mina and sero  came from the sides and bakugou and kaminari cane from behind and surrounded me. "Now explain why the fuck you've been ignoring us!"bakugou said, "well..uhhh.." I tried to speak and they all glared at me, "and don't fucking lie." They said.
      I was caught, if I lied then I would caught again, "well..okay.. I was avoiding because some guys bullied and told me not to hang out with you and I was still a pervert grape.." I said and started to explain what happened and watching their expression it looked like I confirmed their suspicion.
      "Okay well, we already got approval from Mr.aziawa so let's all spend some time together." Denki said with a smile and the others smirk to, "guys..please don't do anything unnecessary." I pleaded and the just smiled, "you don't need to worry you pretty little head about it." Mina said we walked to Bakugou's dorm.
       "O-okay." I said, "good now let's go take care of those wounds those bastards gave you!!!" Bakugou grunted and I nodded, "then we'll play some Mario kart." Sero said, "okay but I'm Luigi." I said and kirishima gasped dramatically, "how dare you take you Luigi from me."he said and I laughed.

Author Pov
    The next day was gonna be a surprising day for mineta. The lunch bell had rang and the bakusquad including mineta walked to the lunch room. Mineta was in front so when the boys saw mineta they smirked. They then grew scared when the saw the bakusquad trailing behind him.
      "Where are they mineta?" Bakugou asked and mineta scanned the room pointed to the five boys sitting. The boys eyes widen when the bakusquad walked up to them. The didn't say word and bakugou and the other just started beating the shit out if these without there quirks.
       If you're wondering why they aren't using their quirks is because, when the found out mineta was being bullied the asked Mr.Aziawa permission to beat the people. Mr.Aziawa agreed as long as they don't use their quirk.  That's the reason and mineta stand their watching in shocked.
      Once the bakusquad was done, "OKAY YOU EXTRA LET US MAKE ONE THING FUCKING CLEAR, DON'T!!" bakugou started, "FUCKING!!" Sero went along, "MESS!!" Kaminari yelled, "WITH!!" kirishima added, "MINETA!!!" Mina finished. The school was in pure shock.
     The bakusquad were protecting mineta the pervert grape but it didn't matter to the bakusquad. If people say mineta is a pervert grape then he's their 'pervert' grape. 

The End
Hey guys I hope you like this story and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for more mineta oneshots and Until Next Time my lovelies byeeee 👋👋👋👋👋

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