Too Late

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Plot- After mineta was wrongly accused of sexually harassing the girls, he's being bullied for something he didn't committed. Will the class find out the truth in time or will it be too late for them.

Author Pov
    It was another lovely day, the girls are sitting together talking, the bakusquad are chilling and studying, the dekusquad are talking and also studying. The rest of the class are just roaming around the dorms but where is mineta? Well mineta is in the bathroom all brusied and beaten from the upper class girls.
    If you're wondering why didn't tell his classmates is because, they might probably beat him too. The reason his since last the girls of his class has been sexually harassed but the never saw his face but the know he has purple hair. So they thought it was mineta but even mineta didn't know what was going. He tried to explain to them it wasn't him but no one listened. Until the harasser took to far and tried to touch one of the girls from under skirt and he ran away.
    The class came rushing at mineta and he was in his room studying,until he had to come outside to meet crying females and his male classmates with their quirk activated. He didn't know what was going, until bakugou yelled at him he took it to far and the it him. He tried to explain but he was it hard a punch to the face by deku and thrown right into the kitchen wall. He hissed in pain as the tears threatened to come down but he held them in for the whole beating process.
     Once, the class was satisfied with what did had done they left and mineta now had slight burn marks, a swollen eye, a sprain leg but that was only the begin. By next week the word got around the mineta took a bit to far even tho he didn't and some the other upper classes started beating him daily. It didn't stop the harasser from harassing the girls so he kept on doing and mineta kept getting beaten. It around by Mr. Aziawa but he had a better sense of mind and decided to find the real harasser.
    That's why we're here, with mineta in the washroom with new wounds and cuts and burns and some of the old ones reopened as it was basically a daily beating. He got up and hissed in pain, and limped his way towards his dorm sneaking pass his class. He sits and he wraps his wounds and cleaned the new ones and wrap over the old ones and then sighed. "It been a week now I don't know how long, I can keep taking this." Mineta said, he was giving up on his time staying alive as it was useless by now.
      Now, it's been another two weeks and mineta has officially given up to the piont he doesn't even try to fight back. He stopped trying to explain and Mr.Aziawa was still trying to figure out the real harasser but no one in the school has purple hair but mineta but he wasn't gonna give up on his student/child.

Mineta Pov
    I woke up from my painful rest, okay I lied I didn't sleep I just stayed up all night. I got up and washed up myself and changed into my uniform and walked outside. Good morning another day of hell, I walk to my class and sit down in the far back where no one can see me. I was resting until it was interrupted by my class running inside and storming towards me. "Is it true you killed your brother?" I heard Mina asked and I froze.
   How did they find out, my body tensed up and the class gasp, "so not only are you a harasser, you're also a murder." Tsuyu said as bakugou pushed me back in a corner. But, that was on my mind I was shaking, those thoughts, the voices are just coming back. You killed him, murder , mistake, it should've been you. That's what it said and those words were just circling around my head, "I didn't, it wasn't my fault just leave me alone." I mumble to myself and I felt myself being picked up and thrown against a the floor.
     Just die look what you have caused, no one likes you and that's your fault, just listen to my voice and go and jump. The voice ringed in my head, I didn't feel like fighting it, "I'm sure your mother doesn't want a reject like you, a ugly son with dumb quirk  just leave it's not like anyone would miss a rapist like you." The class said to me and the just walked out. I got up and walked to upstairs to the roof top, "I should do it, but what about mom, no one would miss me, no I want to be." Listen to me, I helped you before and I'll do it again just jump no one is gonna miss and you'll be with your brother and you'll only caused more people harm and heroes don't do that so save everyone the trouble and jump.
     The voice said interrupting, as I walked closer to the edge, maybe it's right I caused this so maybe I should just you know die.

Author Pov
    Back in the class, everyone had came back no one noticed that mineta wasn't their. They waited for a while until Mr.Aziawa came in with boy purple here, "I have found the one who was sexually harassing you girl and before you ask he has a transformation quirk."Aziawa said and the class looked shocked and then it turned to worry. "It wasn't mineta?" Deku asked as Mr.Aziawa shaked his head disappointedly.
     Everyone was a worried, sad as guilt ate them up like a piece of cake, "so where is mineta now?" Aziawa asked and everyone looked at his desk but he wasn't there. Until the saw a body falling from the roof and once the got a proper glimpse of it, "MINETA!!?" they screamed as they looked out the window to see mineta's now dead body on the floor in a pool of his open blood.
    It was tragic day for class 1-A and the whole school, hpas they had to live with the burden that they killed someone for no reason and they didn't even know it. The boy was expelled from the school and the class were given 3 weeks of school suspension. So they would be in school for three weeks. Everyone was devastated especially, todoroki, Izuku, bakugou,Denki.
    Todoroki felt, like his father, he was pushing some to the edge just like his father did to his brother touya but instead of running away he caused someone to kill himself and he will forever live with that guilt. Izuku, felt like bakugou,he bullied someone wrongly and he was trying to be a hero. Heroes don't bully, I mean they do make fun of other people but they don't bully and make them kill themselves
     Bakugou felt like he was repeating the past, he promised that he wouldn't bully anyone to the extent of them wanting to kill themselves but he broke that promise and made his classmates jump of the roof just like he told deku to take a swan dive of the roof the building. Denki was feeling terrible not only did he drive some to suicide , he drove his first friend into death and he's was suppose to be his friend, someone he could rely on when thing go bad but he couldn't even do that for mineta.
      Mr.Aziawa wished he was there earlier and maybe just maybe mineta would've been still alive ,the whole class and schooled wised they could've prevented this tragic day but they were too late. 

The End
Hey guys I hope you enjoy the oneshot and I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for more Mineta oneshots and don't forget to leave some request it you'd like to in the comments and Until Next Time my lovelies byee 👋👋👋👋👋

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