Fight together not against

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Plot- Mineta likes deku a lot but deku is a villain and deku likes him to. Mineta has tried to get deku to come to the hero side but refuses. So what happens when a huge fight happens and the villains and heroes are fighting? What does mineta and deku do?

Author Pov
     Mineta is patrol in the city, as he was jumping from building to building he heard a familiar chuckle. Mineta stops and looks around, "deku, I know you're there." He says and deku walks out he has dark greens eyes with a hint of red and dark green hair to match. "Hello darling~." Deku saids walking closer to mineta.
     Deku then wraps his arm around mineta's waist, "hey stop that or we're gonna get caught." Mineta said. Mineta and deku aren't dating no, they just really like each other. Them being a hero and a villain makes it difficult. They've been like this for eight months and it's kinda of annoying.
      Mineta has tried to get deku to come onto the heroes side but deku doesn't want to. Mineta isn't gonna be a villain so deku doesn't even try. So normally when mineta is on patrol deku would just come and talk with him. But this night was kind of a weird night or a questionable night.
       So as deku and mineta we're talking, "hey mineta, would hurt me if you know we had to fight each?" Deku asked looking at mineta in his eyes, "of course not, I may hate the fact your a villain but hurt you but I will fight you just not to injury you." Mineta said as deku jus nodded.
      "Would you do the same for me?" Mineta asked as deku tensed up a bit, "w-well uhh..." Deku was really hesitating to answer the question. Mineta realized and he was hurt but he but on a smile and looked at deku, "you don't have to answer, I know you will do the same thing for me." Mineta said before getting up.
        "I should really be heading back." Mineta said before leaving like he was in hurry to get some where. Deku waved him off and went back to the villains. When mineta arrived back at the agency he was in for a surprise. Mineta walked in and saw all the heroes in the room sitting down.
      Mineta sit down and bakugou started, "okay people on Tuesday we'll be heading to this place." Bakugou said pointing at the map on the board. "This where the villains are hiding so on Tues day we'll be going there." Bakugou said. Everyone all nodded, "Which means you have until Tuesday to get ready." He said.
      Once everyone was dismissed, mineta headed up to his room in the agency. Yep everyone has a room in the agency and all the rooms are soundproof. When mineta got to his room, mineta wouldn't say he scared but he was worried, he would have to fight deku and he knew he wouldn't be able to hurt him.
       Mineta just sighed and laid down and fell asleep he has four days to train and get ready for this battle. With deku, when deku walks into the league of villains base. He say down as shigaraki started speaking, "okay the heroes will be coming here so we'll ambushed them, they'll be here in Tuesday." Shigaraki stated.
      Deku eyes widen, "we'll have enough time to come up with a plan to ambush them." Shigaraki said as everyone agreed and everyone left. Need less to say deku was kind of scared, he would have to hurt mineta even tho he could he didn't want to. Deku then sighed and fell asleep as well.

Mineta Pov
     The next four days were heck as fuck all the heroes were training all through those four days. The employees that work in the agency were given a vacation. One the first day we trained and stuff and you know training our quirk it was really tiring but we don't have choice.
      On the day two, everyone else was training while I was in my room working on my equipment. I was fixing my bomb pockets to hold my emergency and I was putting on my inventory pocket on my suit. I made, it helps keep things and it can hold up  twenty items in so it's really efficient.
       One they three was planning and working out. We would all go in as kirishma would check to make sure everything was good before we decide to look around mina and momo would be our look out on the east as tokoyami and Shinsou would you look out on the west.
       One the last day we did some extra training before just rest for tomorrow for the battle of our life. But I think the villains might give us a big problem cause their works are just as strong as our quirks. Especially deku's quirk as he can make tentacles that grab you or kill you and he also has a fire like quirk like his father.

Author Pov
      Today's the day the heroes have arrived at the abandon house where the location lead them to.  Everyone was in position as kirishima gave the signal. The rest of heroes went in and searched but found nothing. Until mineta felt a vibration underneath as he an explosion goes off sending mineta flying into a wall.
      The villains came out and started attacking the heroes as the heroes attacked back. Everything was going fine when toga caught mineta by surprised and stabbed him in the stomach. Mineta screamed in pain, "FUCKKK!!!" as mineta drops to the fall. "Mineta you okay??" Denki asked as mineta nodded, "I-I think so..."He said.
      Toga still attacked mineta while he was injured but !insta only dodged. Deku was fighting bakugou and todoroki when he heard mineta screamed, as he looked towards mineta. Mineta was laying on the floor unconscious in pool of blood. Deku eyes was switching from green to red as he looked at toga.
       When toga took a close look she started shiver, "d-deku-kun, what's w-wrong?" She asked, "you FUCKING TOUCHED HIM AND STABBED HIM!!" he yelled, as a tentacle surrounds toga squeezing her, "if you stupid heroes don't get mineta fixed you're next." Deku said as the other villains were tangled up in tentacles.
        The heroes didn't question it and was thankful that deku cared about mineta enough to help them with the villains. They took mineta to the hospital as he was healed by Mya their healer, she had a healing quirk. Deku then walked into hero agency and denki lead him where mineta was resting.
         As if on cue, when deku walked into the room, mineta woke up and hugged him tightly as deku gave him kissed him. Mineta kissed back, "darling, I fucking missed you." Deku said, "I missed you too." Mineta said smiling, "I'm never fighting against you again, we're gonna be together forever." Deku said.
         Mineta smiled, "so we'll fight together." Mineta finished as the kissed each other smoking.  

The End
Hey, I'm sorry for those who read this and noticed it wasn't finished but I have finished anyways the person who's request will be in this 45 - 50 oneshots is XxSunshineDemixX I will be doing your oneshot soon so stay toon for that. Hey guys I hope you enjoy this oneshot and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for more mineta oneshots and Until Next Time my lovelies byeeee 👋👋👋👋

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