Just A Prank

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Plot- Mineta has been pranking class 1-A but it's nothing to serious just little pranks. So what happens when someone sabotages one of mineta's pranks. Who was the person that sabotaged the prank and what happened to mineta, read to find out.

Author Pov
    It was another lovely day for the mineta the prankster as he puts a bucket of water over all the boys door. Mineta then went back into his dorm and waited. It didn't take all, "MINETA!!!" yelled bakugou as mineta giggled. He heard groans as he walks out to see the girls laughing.
   He gave them a smirk, "hahaha..you guys got pranked." Tsuyu said as the rest of the girls giggled. The boys looked at them and then started laughing, "loving the cat make up Uraraka." Deku said as the girls looked at each other. "Mineta!" Momo said sternly as mineta put his hand s up in the defense.
   "Don't worry it's just a prank." Mineta said like always everytime he pranks the class. "Morning Mr.Aziawa." mineta said, "morning class what happened to you guys?" Aziawa asked. "Mineta happened." Kirishima replied with a smile as they laughed it off as it was just a prank.
     Everyone was laughing except for Deku and Tsuyu. Matter fact they were glaring at mineta as this is not the first time. Mineta had accidentally broke on of deku's all might figurines but he apologized and bought two new ones. Deku is still mad at him for that and Tsuyu well mineta pranked her with a giant cockroach.
     She was scared but mineta apologize but he wasn't punished as it was harmless. Mineta isn't a pervert he's just a prankster but he doesn't take it to far which make him get away with it. Deku and Tsuyu looked at each other and smirk as the thought about something that would teach mineta a lesson sabotaging.
    Yep they were gonna sabotage one of his pranks before it's pulled on anyone so he would be blamed. Now the pranks didn't stop as mineta kept pranking his class. Everyone laughed it off as it was just water and market you harmless stuff. Deku and Tsuyu grew impatient and sneaked into Mineta's dorm.
     Mineta wasn't their at the time as he was out getting the groceries with denki and mina as it was their turned. Deku and Tsuyu searched his room and found some pills. Those pills were prescribed to mineta as he's supposed to take it daily. It helps with his quirk so even tho he over used it.
     The pills would help stop the bleeding for until he received medical attention. Tsuyu smiled as deku took out a bottle that looked similar to Mineta's pills. This was called carniyal (I just made that up because I can and I'm to lazy to look for something real) it's a pill that they thought was harmless.
      They swapped the pills as they left with a smile and giggling as they thought it was harmless. Really and truly it was not, if they would just read the description they would've notice the over use of the pill can cause heart failure so it's basically poison. Once mineta can back he went in his room and took two pills.
     He's supposed to take two three times a day as prescribed from the doctor. Mineta is in serious danger as he keeps taking the pills daily.

Mineta Pov
    It's been a while since I pranked someone but it's only because I feeling a little weak and my heart is just hurting so much. Today was training day so I took two of my pills and headed out. Once me and the class arrived outside we started to train. I was starting to feel a little dizzy as deku and Tsuyu came up to me.
    "Hey mineta you felling okay." Deku asked with a worried face as tsuyu and him look at each other. "Y-Yeah I'm fin~." I tried to say before collapsing on the floor. I tried to breath but it felt like my heart was about to give out. "SENSEI!!" I heard deku screamed as the class surrounded me. "Mineta..where are your pills?"
     Aziawa asked, "in my dorm." I said closing my eyes, "c'mon mineta just keep them open okay iida went for the pills." Denki said squeezing my hands. Once iida was back Aziawa took pills and his eyes widen, "mineta this isn't your pill this is carniyal a very dangerous pill." Aziawa said.
    Deku and Tsuyu gasped as I passed out, "call the ambulance!" Was all I heard before knocking out cold.

Author Pov
    At the hospital as mineta was still in the room laying on the bed helpless. "Why was there a carniyal pill in mineta's room?" Sensei asked again as the class except for deku and Tsuyu didn't know how it even get their. Mr.Aziawa was losing his temper, "we did it sensei." Deku said feeling guilty.
   Need less to say everyone was shocked and angry, "we didn't read the description and we thought it was harmless, it was suppose to be just a prank." Tsuyu defended. "Well pranks are funny and no one here is laughing." Denki said harshly, "we just wanted to get back at him for pranks he did." Deku said.
    The doctor walked outside with a devasted look as the class could only hope. "The pills he was given had already taken affect on his body so I sad to say-" it was cut off but a long beep from inside mineta's room from the monitor. The class started crying as the doctor said, "I'm sorry for your loss." He said and left.
     Now here lies mineta minrou Class 1-A prankster and friend hopes he rest in peace. Deku and Tsuyu were suspended but not expelled as mineta wrote something that he wanted all of them to be heroes in his name. That's what they will do be heroes and mineta watches over them in joy because it was suppose to be just a prank.  

The End
Hey guys hope you like this story and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for more mineta oneshots and Until Next Time my lovelies byeeee 👋👋

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