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Plot- An Au you where your soulmate and you are pulled together by a string but it isn't noticable by your soulmate until you both are close to each other. So what happens when mineta found out his soulmate is bakugou katsuki, what will he do?

Author Pov
    Soulmates are suppose to be someone who would love you for you right. Well not mineta because today he and bakugou had the biggest surprise. Mineta was in class as usual talking to kaminari and making noise, he wasn't a pervert anymore since kaminari found out he was gay but only kaminari and mina know that. As kaminari and mineta we're goofing around, bakugou and kirishima were having a little chit chat, when they spotted mina going to mineta and kaminari and started giggling with them.
     "Mineta, did you dream about bakugou last night." Mina said snickering and kaminari giggled and mineta looked flustered, "shush, it was one time and he doesn't even like me!" Mineta said yelling slightly. Kaminari notice kirishima were coming and smirked at mina who understood it quickly, "mineta bakugou is coming this way." He said, "yo raccoon eyes, what you doing with the grape." Bakugou said, glaring at mineta as mineta looked down, "we're just talking." Mina said.
    When mineta looked down he saw a green string appeared on his arm and then it travelled to bakugou's arm. Mineta eyes widen, the bakugou looked down and his eyes widen as he was about say something Aziawa walked in and mineta sighed of relief and sat in his seat. Class went on and bakugou just kept glaring at mineta and mineta looked nervous. Yeah, he's happy that Bakugou is his soulmate but bakugou doesn't even like him at all.
     When class ended mineta dashed out if their like his life depended on it, he was glad it was the class if the day and he immediately went to his dorm. Bakugou on the other was pissed, not because of mineta being his soulmate because well he doesn't care who is soulmate is he will love them unconditionally. He was mad since mineta just ran out knowing very well he can't escape his fate. Mineta closed door and sat on his bed and looked at his string in his hand, "well my life is fucked up." He said to himself.
Mineta Pov
    The string turned yellow as I became stress about this, the string as three colors green is for when you and your soulmate are okay with being soulmate. Yellow means that your soulmate is rethinking and stressing about being soulmates with you. Red means your soulmate wants to break the string or the string is broken slightly. Gray means the string is already broken but you can still be with your soulmate if you and your soulmate likes each other. Black means your soulmate is dead.
     I try to calm myself until I hear loud footsteps coming to dorm and I knew who it was when the banged on my door, "YO MINETA WHAT'S GOING ON WHY'S THE STRING YELLOW!!" bakugou yelled, "nothing." I say back as I calm myself as the string return to green. "We need to fucking talk and you know it." He said and then walked away, like hell I'll talk to him. So what he can reject me or even worse break the string in front of my face.
   I think I'll just ignore him, if we don't talk then I, I don't even know. I got up and change, "DINNER!!" Iida yelled and I went to the kitchen to grab my food and sat next to mina and kaminari since they were calling, I sat down next to them, "so what's going on with you and bakugou?" Mina asked sternly and I explained to her his me and bakugou are soulmates. "Omgggg, that's great but why are you gonna ignore him?" Kaminari asked, "because bakugou doesn't fucking like me but please don't tell him I said this please." I pleaded.
    The nodded and we kept talking, "Can I talk to the grape for a moment.", Bakugou grunted but before mina could answer, "well I'm done eating night guys." I said quickly and got up and went put my dishes away and go to my room, I'm 5'4 so running gives me and advantage. I got to room and started to do my homework and I locked the door behind me. Once I was finished with my homework I took a little shower and threw on my purple hoodie and some shorts and I went to sleep.

Bakugou Pov
    The next morning, I woke up and got ready and went to class while I was walking I saw mineta but he noticed me and ran to class. I was quite confused but angry that he didn't want to talk to me, I mean we're soul ages he doesn't really have choice unless he breaks the string. Mineta wouldn't fucking do that right, he fucking wouldn't, I went class and mineta was their sitting on his desk listening much music with kaminari and mina. I sat down with kirishima and class started after a few minutes.
     Now it's been 3 whole ass days since that day where mineta started to ignore me and he's still doing it, as soon as I get to close he leaves. It's starting to get really annoying, it's not like I'm gonna hurt or anything or us he just afraid. But, I also notice that the string is turning yellow and I'm kinda worried since I'm starting to like mineta, yeah he's short, cute and not annoying like deku. I'm still trying to talk to mineta because I wanna get along with my soulmate.

Author Pov
    It's been 3 fucking months since mineta started to ignore bakugou and it's not getting any better since the string turned yellow. But today was the worse day ever, there stands mineta on the rooftop, with a scissors in his hands, mineta brought the scissors to the string and started cutting it as it ripped piece by piece as tears run down mineta face. He was doing it because he didn't like the fact his soulmate was someone who didn't like him and ignoring bakugou was inky bringing mineta pain.
     So he wants to end it all by cutting the string and killing himself. Bakugou was laying in room trying to figure out a way to talk to mineta when the string turned red and fear filled bakugou eyes as he got up and ran outside of his dorm. Bakugou saw mina and kaminari, "WHERE THE FUCK IS MINETA!!" He yelled with a hint of worry in his voice. "No need to yell, he's on the rooftop taking some fresh air.", Kaminari replied and bakugou sprinted to the roof top as string started to dull from red to gray.
      Once he arrived on the rooftop he saw mineta with his body facing in the rooftop cutting the string as Bakugou got closer, mineta has finished cutting the string and it turned completely gray but bakugou knew he still had chance is Mineta like him. But he was horrified when mineta started to walk to the edge, "MINETA!!" He yelled in despration. Mineta turned around and his eyes widen as he took few more steps back, "b-bakugou, Y-you're here, I-I'm s-sorry, I-I-" mineta tried to explain.
     Bakugou took this chance and brought mineta away from the edge and into his arms, mineta started crying as Bakugou hugged him and then looked at him, the string was turning green slightly as Bakugou and mineta stared at each other. "I-I-m s-.", "It's fucking fine alright just don't no it again, I don't wanna lose my soulmate." Bakugou said cutting mineta off and kissing mineta as the string came together again and it was completely green as mineta kissed back. They sat in the roof top as mineta explained why he did what he did and bakugou said, "I-I l-love you n-no matter what okay we're soulmates there's no changing that." And mineta smiled, but bakugou wasn't wrong they were soulmates forever.

The End
Hey guys zi hope you guys enjoy this oneshots and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for more mineta oneshots and if you any request please write them in the comments and I will do them as fast as possible. Until Next Time my lovelies byeeee 👋👋

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