Just A Friend

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Plot- Mineta likes denki but denki only like him as a friend and denki starts to like jirou and mineta helps him. So what happens when jirou rejects kaminari and tells him that mineta that mineta likes him.

Author Pov
    Mineta was walking with kaminari as they talked and laughed and giggled with each other, "you're such a good friend mineta." Kaminari said smiling at mineta. "Of course I am." Mineta said with a sad smile as kaminari dragged to the rooftop as it was lunch time.
    Mineta like kaminari for eight months but kaminari hadn't notice it wasn't like mineta was being obvious. Everyone in class noticed that mineta kaminari as mineta was always simping for him silentky into the corner of the class. Mineta was always called friend by kaminari and it was kinda sad.
    For the class to watch mineta get heart broken so easily. But what made Mineta's heart break even more was when this happened. Mineta and kaminari was sitting on the roof top eating when kaminari looked at him. "Hey mineta, I like this person and we'll I don't know how to confess to them." Kaminari started.
    Mineta raised an eyebrow with a little blush on his face hoping that kaminari was talking about him. "Okay, where is this going and what do I have to do with it?" Mineta asked curious as kaminari blushed, "well I want your help confessing to this person and I want to do it next week." Kaminari said.
    "And we'll, I want your help in setting it up sooooo...can you please help me?" Kaminari pleaded as mineta sighed, "okay well who's this person?" Mineta asked praying and hoping it would be him, "it's jirou." Kaminari stated as mineta's heart broke in two but he couldn't show it so he smiled.
     "Wow that's great I'll help you set it up for this Saturday." Mineta said as tears threaten to fall from his face. Kaminari smiled, "well since today is Tuesday we have three days to get this date and confession ready." Kaminari stated, "you're really a great friend mineta, I'm lucky to have you." Kaminari said eating.
    Mineta just nodded as the bell rang and rushed off to the bathroom with tears flowing from his eyes. Kaminari was shocked but brushed it off and went to class. Mineta stood in the bathroom stall and cried silently, "w-why can't h-he just...like me?" Mineta questioned himself.
     After a while mineta fixed up himself and washed his face and made sure it didn't look like he was crying. Mineta then walked back in class to see kaminari and jirou together. Mineta just went and sit down as kaminari gave him a thumbs up. Mineta smiled and gave him a nod as class started.
     Once the day was over kaminari and mineta met up in Mineta's dorm as the changed and sat down. "Okay so how am I gonna confess to her?" Kaminari asked panicked as much as it broke Mineta's heart he sighed, "calm down, I suggests we set up a nice dinner under blossom tree." Mineta said.
    Kaminari sighed with relief but he still felt like something was missing everytime he takes with jirou but not with mineta but kaminari brushed it off. Mineta and kaminari talked about what they were gonna do as they started to set everything up. Mineta want kaminari to be happy no matter what.
    The three days passed like flash as they Saturday arrived and kaminari was in Mineta's room wearing a long jeans pants and a shirt. "Do I look okay mineta?" Kaminari asked, "you look perfect kaminari now go before you're late." Mineta said with sad smile and kaminari gave him a hug, "you're the best mineta."  He said.
    Once kaminari had left, mineta laid down in his bed as tears flowed out of his eyes. If you're wondering why didn't mineta tell kaminari about his feelings. Is because it would make there friendship awkward and mineta didn't want that. Kaminari already iked someine so it wouldn't make sense anyways.

Kaminari Pov
    Me and jirou sat down in the picnic bkank talking when I decided it was time. "Hey jirou there's a reason I wanted to ask you something." I said with a nervous smiled as jirou nodded her head to him to continue. ",Jirou, I wnted to say that I like you and will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.
   Jirou eyes widen looking at me, "sorry kaminari but I don't like you like that I like girls." Jirou said as I looked at her but I didn't feel hurt whatsoever. "But, mineta like you a lot and it's getting really tiring watching you be oblivious to his feelings." She said to me crossing her arms as my eyes widen.
     "Mineta likes me?" I asked her and she nodded, "yep and for a while now so please go and fix the mess you made and stop saying he's such a good friend you sound like this boy." She said and I nodded and got up as I ran to Mineta's dorm room. Once I arrived I could hear soft crying from the other said so I opened the door.

Mineta Pov
    My door opened and then closed and locked behind and I when I turned I around I saw kaminari. "I wiped my tears and put on a smile, "so how did it went?" I asked but you can still hear the cracking in my voice. Kaminari sits down next to me and kisses me. My eyes widen as I kissed back not missing the chance to.
     One the kissed break, "well, jirou helped figure that the person I love was right in front of me thus whole time." He said making me simel from ear to ear like an idiot. "I'm so sorry, that you had to stay and wait for me to realized I loved you." Kaminari apologized and I giggled, "it's okay I was trying to hide it." I replied.
     Kaminari gave me a confused look, "why?" He asked, "because I thought it would ruin out friendship and make it awkward and I didn't want that." I said and gave me another kiss, "well now you don't have to worry about that because you're gonna my boyfriend from now on." He said.
      I smiled as I just went from being just a friend to being his boyfriend and I wouldn't want it any other way. 

The End
Hey guys I hoped you like this story and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for mineta oneshots and Until Next Time my lovelies byeeee 👋👋👋👋👋

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