My Protective Siblings

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Plot- Mineta knows he has protective siblings but he didn't know that they were really over protective of him since he got adopted by their parents Aziawa and Present. So let's ready on how mineta figured out that siblings are too protective over him.
(Okay so I'm this Eri is older than mineta because of a quirk incident and Shinsou is the same age as Eri. Mineta is still kinda know as the pervert grape but only to a few because they believe he hasn't changed.)

Mineta Pov
     Hello I'm mineta Aziawa and I was adopted by the Aziawa family. They are Shota Aziawa, Mic Aziawa, Eri Aziawa and Shinsou Aziawa. I git adopted in my second year at UA high after my parents were killed by a villain. I was kinda surprised when I was adopted by Sensei Aziawa and his family.
     I love my family, but anyways as you know I have two older siblings. It used be Eri was the youngest but there was a work incident and she turned ten years older. So now Eri is seventeen and Shinsou is also seventeen and I'm 16. So yeah I'm the youngest and I think it's pretty fun.
     As some of you may know, I was known for being a pervert in my first year in UA but I'm not a pervert anymore. I didn't know why I was being a pervert but I don't do it anymore. So let's get this straight Aziawa is dad and Present Mic is papa. My new family is a lot better than my old one as they show me attention.
     I never got attention since my parents had work to do so I didn't know what parental love was. But, I thankful for dad and papa for showing it to me. Anyways let's get into the real deal, so Eri goes to UA and she's also in the second year with us. She was moved up because she was very smart.
     So my sibling are very protective of me as I get bullied for being a pervert back than. So they protect me a lot and they also spoil me but I think they're a little to protective. I woke from my sleep to see Eri in front of me. "Morning sunshine." Eri said, that what she calls me, "morning sis." I said back as I got up.
      "Go get changed papa has your breakfast ready." Eri said as I nodded and went took a shower and changed into my UA uniform and went downstairs. "Morning dad, papa and bro." I said sitting in my seat, "morning flower." Shinsou said that's what he calls me on a daily basis. "Morning sweetie/kid." Dad and papa said.
       I nodded and finished eating my breakfast as dad and papa gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Love you dad, Love you papa see you at school." I said as I grabbed Eri and Shinsou hand. " Bye dad, Bye papa." Shinsou and Eri said as they walked with me to school as we do every day.
      Once we arrived, we head to class as I took my seat in back of the class. "Yo mineta." Kaminari called and I looked at him, "hey kaminari how's it going?"I asked as we started talking. Once classes were over we head ped to our dorms. I put on Eri's hoodie that she gave me but never got back and some shorts and went outside.
      I was sitting in the dorm living room when Momo and Uraraka walked and gave me a dirty look. Yeah those two haven't forgiven me yet but the other girls did. "MINETA AZIAWA WHERE IS MY HOODIE YOU SNEAKY LITTLE THIEF!!" I heard Eri yelled and I giggled. Momo and Uraraka eyes widen as they walked to me.
    Uraraka then tried to yank the hoodie off me, "GIVE ERI BACK HER HOODIE YOU PERVERT FREAK!!" She yelled as momo pulled me out if the hoodie and threw me against the wall. "Wow even after being let into their family you still steal the girls things, you're still a disgusting pervert." Momo said.
     Tears flooded my eyes as I rubbed my head, it hurt a lot and it was nit feeling good. I looked up and saw Eri walking to the dorm living room. Uraraka and momo smiles at her, "here Eri we took  your hoodie from that pervert." Uraraka said smiling. Eri looked at me as her eyes widen, "SUNSHINE!!" she yelled going to me.
     She took hoodie from the girls and the class surrounded the dorm living room. "What's going in here?" Iida asked, "mineta took Eri's hoodie without asking." Momo said, "no he didn't I gave the damn hoodie, I was just playing around." Eri said as the girls eyes widen, "sunshine what happened?" Eri asked.
     Shinsou walked to the dorm living room and rushed to me, "m-momo threw m-me against the w-wall m-my head hurts." I said as Shinsou rubbed my head gently. I cuddle into him, "what the actual, why would do that and for a hoodie." Eri asked angrily, "okay Eri calm down." Iida said.

Author Pov
    Eri's head snapped towards him, "calm down the just hurt my brother over a fucking hoodie and didn't even ask for an explanation p, some hero you both are." Eri said as mineta closed his eyes and fell asleep, "well p, if he wasn't such a perv I wouldn't have to hit him." Uraraka answered.
     Mina looked at her, "Uraraka, he apologized and he even took a three months if suspension and took three weeks of cleaning duty to make up for it."mina said angrily, "yeah, just because now you don't have a reason to hit him that doesn't mean you can just beat him up because of your accusation." Deku added.
     "Momo and class vice president you should be the last person we should be seeing do this." Todoroki and Iida said making momo lower her head, "you're right, I'm very sorry Eri and I will apologize to mineta as well." Momo said. Uraraka just stomped off to her room as Shinsou just said.
       This kept on happening day after day, Urself would try and accuse mineta of things with the help of some of the girls from different classes. Shinsou and Eri would be there to stop her in her tracks. They haven't told Aziawa yet because they though she would give up but she didn't.
       Three weeks later she had officially crossed the line, it was during lunch time when the Aziawa sibling were sitting and chatting. When mineta gets a note from unknown to come to the rooftop. "Hey guys I'm heading up to the rooftop okay." Mineta said, "okay be back quick okay" Eri said.
       "If something happens scream okay." Shinsou said and mineta just nodded. Mineta walked to the rooftop to see Uraraka standing on the rooftop by herself. It turned out that the girls who she had to bully mineta, forgave after apologized over and over. Mineta walked to her as she pushed him back.
        She walked to him,mineta's back was now facing the edge of the roof top. "You know mineta you're such a pest." Uraraka started, "and you know what I do with pest like you." She asked him. Uraraka then touched him and made him float over the fence , so now mineta was floating over the edge.
       "Uraraka please, I'm sorry I didn't mean to anything I did I just wasn't thought anything as a kid." Mineta said, Uraraka look soften a bit. "What do you mean?" She asked, "my parents never thought me anything so I didn't know what to do and I just saw people do those things so I did them to." Mineta said.
        "After I was adopted, I learnt that what I did was wrong, I felt horrible with myself. " Mineta said, "I deeply apologize for everything and if you want I will do everything you want just make up for it just please put me back on the rooftop." Mineta said looking at Uraraka.
       Uraraka looked at him, "awww...such sad story, no wonder your parents died you should join them... release." Uraraka said as mineta started falling screaming for dear life. Mineta closed his eyes and it felt like everything slowed down. Something wrapped around mineta's waist pulling him to someone.
       Mineta opened his eyes and saw Mr.Aziawa, "d-dad.." mineta stuttered out as he looked up and signal to the the classroom and once everyone was in the classroom. Mineta was shivering in fear as everyone eyes widen they walked in. "What happened!!" Eri said, "well that's what I'd like to know to." Aziawa said.
      Present Mic walked in as well, "hey buddy, care to tell what happens?" Aziawa asked softly to mineta, "Uraraka floated over the edge and then told me that I would join my parents and then released me." Mineta said still shivering. Shinsou and Eri saw red and attacked Uraraka in a pure flash.
      The fight kept going as Eri and Shinsou were just throwing hands and Uraraka screamed in pain. Mr.Aziawa nor present mic could stop them as they'd just use their hands to beat her. Mineta was sitting in the fall seeing it and grabbed the energy. Mineta stood up and stood in front Uraraka and Eri and Shinsou stopped.
      Mineta looked at them, "that's enough guys, she didn't mean to okay she was just blinded by anger of how I treated her back then and I don't give her wrong." Mineta said, "I'm sorry mineta okay I just didn't think it was enough punishment for what you did." She said, "it's okay, I forgive you." Mineta said.
      Mineta looked back at his siblings, "please just leave her alone, if you beat her you're not any better than her."mineta said, "but sunshine-", "no Eri, please just let it be." Mineta said cutting Eri off from her sentence. Once everything calmed down and Shinsou, Eri and Uraraka got their punishment everything was normal.
       But everyone now knew how protect mineta's siblings were and they knew better than to bully him. Now they were home on a sat evening watching tv, "you guys are my protective siblings." Mineta said before drifting off to sleep. 

The End
Hey guys I hoped you liked the story and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for more mineta oneshots and Until Next Time my lovelies byeeee 👋

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