Military Mineta

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Plot-Mineta is apart of the military and he goes on a mission for week. His classmates thinks he's skipping so they start rumors and the only people that know if mineta's doing are principal Nezu and Shota Aziawa. So what happens when mineta's on a mission and they rumors got to much and Mr.Aziawa had enough. How will the class react to the secret behind mineta's weekly absence.
(Requested By Lavastone8)

Mineta Pov
    I was chilling in class listening to Mr.Aziawa talk about hero stuff. As I was listening I got a phone call, everyone looked at me as I just took my phone out my bag. But, it wasn't my normal phone it was military phone, I took out and went outside to answer it.
    When I arrived out side, "Hello Minrou we need for a mission in Germany immediately so be at the airport in one hour." A soldier said, "right captain see in an hour." I said  before hanging up my phone before walking in class. I went up and grabbed my bag and went Mr.Aziawa.
    "I need to be there in an hour." Was all I said and sensei nodded and told me to leave. I knew my classmates were getting sick of me leaving because they've started a rumor. They said that I'm going out of the school for week to track girls. I was really pissed about it but I can't really do anything about.
     As I head to room as I grabbed my military bag and I left for the airport. Once I arrived, I showed them my badge, I can't really say why and how I became a military officer because I don't want to but yeah. I went on the plan as it only took me thirty minutes to arrive at Germany and land.
     As I came off the plan I took the military car waiting for me and I went straight to the camp set up their. I arrived and went to the shed as soldiers salute me. I'm a second in command so I'm very important here. "Good afternoon captain what's the mission for this week." I asked saluting to him in respect.
       He looked at me, "well we got a things from west side enemy camp we want to figure out what's going on." He said and I nodded, "We know they're planning on attack spend two days their and come back so we can form a plan." He said, "yes sir like you always said sooner the plan , sooner the attack." I said.
      He nodded as I left to my shed, as I settled down, I got myself ready as I left for the enemies based once arrived. I saw so many things but I just made sure act normal so I didn't cause any suspicious.

Author Pov
    While mineta was there the rumors spreading were getting over bearing for Aziawa. As he goes throughout the halls to be stopped by random student asking him what's mineta been doing. He knows that he shouldn't say but he has had enough of it but it's only for a week right.
     While mineta was there for the two days he saw, bombs and plans of the enemy. He made sure to take notes but made it look like he was writing something for the captain. Once the the two days were over mineta went back his camp. "Sir, I found bombs , guns and some other illegal stuffs."mineta said.
      As mineta kept talking, he said that the enemy will attack at sundown so they would get an ambush them. The captain listened attentively. Mineta showed him the notes and pictures, "thank you minrou, think I have a plan, if we need your help in this battle be ready for anything." The captain said mineta shaked his head.
      Mineta went back to his camp as night fell. Mr.Aziawa went totally mad with all the rumors so he brought class I-A in class to show them something. "Do you really wanna know what mineta has been doing?" He asked as they shaked their heads. Aziawa calls mineta in video call as usual.
      Mineta picks up and they're surprised to see mineta in a military outfit. "Mr.aziawa ,let me guess the rumors we to much eh?" Mineta asked. "Yep." Aziawa said, "wait why is Mineta in the military outfit."iida asked. "Oh well, I'm a sergeant in the military and I have been train for years now." Mineta answered.
     Bakugou and deku raised their hands, "the reason of how and why I became a military officer is a secret so I can't say." Mineta said as they lowered their hands. They started to hear gunshots in the background of the call. "Yeah also I'm in the middle of a war but don't worry I'm okay." Mineta said.
    Questions lessen as more gunshots fired, "sergeant minrou we need for back." A soldier said, "on my way!" Mineta said, "you better be safe out there problem child." Aziawa said, "don't I always come back." Mineta said, "see you guys after this well in three days bye." Mineta said hanging up.
     After those three days were over the rumors died down as it wasn't really popular anymore as principal Nezu shut it down. As those days passed the class was in the edge wether mineta would come back alive or not. Mineta was in a car on his way back to school and once he arrived he smiled.
    He walked into the school and walked into his dorm and put away his military stuff. Mineta out on his uniform and headed to class, "I'm back sensei." Mineta siad calmly as his class gave him hugs and high fives for coming back alive. "You did good brat like always." Aziawa said giving mineta a hug.
    Mineta sat in class and slept but there was no work to be taught as Mr.Aziawa slept. So mineta minrou slept like he usually does after a mission and that's military Mineta.

The End
Hey Lavastone8 I hope you enjoyed this story you requested and I hope you guys liked it to and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for more mineta oneshots and Until Next Time my lovelies byeeee 👋👋👋

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