My Cold Husband

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Plot- Todoroki and mineta are married and todoroki is very cold to mineta and rarely talks to him and if he does talk to mineta he talks coldly. Todoroki is a CEO at a very successful company in Japan, so what happens when mineta does something and todoroki was a little to harsh with him about it and said something. What will happen to their marriage.
(Seen a lot of todoneta but most of them were just tricks so here's mine.)

Author Pov
     It was very lovely morning for our dear mineta Minoru or should I say mineta todoroki. Mineta is married to the famous Shoto Todoroki. You must be thinking he's living a lovely with a loving husband and stuff. No, mineta isn't living that fantasy but he truly wishes he was.
      Mineta wakes up from his nap adjusting to the light shining at him. He searches the bed but felt no one, he sighed, "he's gone again.." mineta said looking down as he got up. It's the first todoroki left early. Actually it's been this was for three years and mineta is still in love with this man.
       Mineta went downstairs, "good morning Mrs.todoroki your breakfast is ready." Lady Jane said bowing. "Thank you Jane and please like I said call me mineta." Mineta said sitting and eating his breakfast. "Of course Mrs.To- mineta." Lady Jane said and mineta gave her a heartfelt smile.
     Lady Jane is a maid working for todoroki and she's like a mother mineta. When mineta and todoroki first got married they were a beautiful married couple. After three months of todoroki taking over his father company todoroki became cold and distant from mineta and it felt like todoroki's love just disappeared.
      Lady Jane stayed with mineta and kept him company when he was home by himself. "Mineta you shouldn't be sad as you know Sir todoroki's birthday is coming up next week." Lady Jane said and mineta's mood lighten up. "You're right and we need to prepare somethings." Mineta said and lady Jane nodded.
     Mineta finish ate and went upstairs and changed and went downstairs. "Jane go change we're going out to buy a few things for my dear husband." Mineta said and Jane went and changed as they took a driver and went to the mall. "Hold on mineta." Jane said, "sorry let's go." Mineta said as Jane laughed at his cuteness.
     Mineta and Jane walked around the mall looking for gifts and as mineta walked people greeted him. Mineta already knew why they were greeting him as he's married to todoroki. Mineta walked into a jewelry store, "oh Jane I think this will be a lovely gift for him." Mineta said looking at a ring.
      The ring had blue and gray diamonds and they matched Todoroki's eyes so much. "Yes my lady it is lovely and maybe he would like this lavender watch as well." Jane said and mineta smile grew as he went to purchase them. "Omg Mrs.Todoroki what would like?" The cashier asked.
      Mineta showed he the ring and the watch and the cashier immediately cashed it as mineta paid, "thanks for shopping here with us and shop again." The cashier said waving by to mineta and Jane as the left. Mineta was smiling with joy. "Oh I know how about I go to his office and surprise him." Mineta suggested looking at jane and she nodded.
      "Yes it would be very nice, then let's get you an outfit to wear then." Jane said and they went shopping. Once they got everything they went home and fot the next week they prepared everything for shoto's birthday. They planned out that when mineta comes home from giving him his gift they would give him a cake.

Mineta Pov
    The day had finally arrived it's Todoroki's birthday. He wasn't home but that's okay because I would be going to his work. I got up off of my bed and went to the bathroom today. Jane wasn't in work as I told her to take a day off.  I put on a long jean pants and a lavender shirt with a little bow behind me.
     I got the box with his gifts as I grabbed my bag and left for his office. Once I arrived and I walked up to the front desk, "well good morning Mrs.Todoroki, sir is right this way." She said and I smiled and went in. As I was walking I was greeted by the employees and I greeted back as I walked into someone.
      I stumbled back, "I deeply apologize." I said, "you should be my boyfriend is the CEO of this place and I'm Momo is soon be Mrs.todoroki." momo said and I heard gasps. "I'm sorry but Shoto is already married to me." I said smirking and she just gasped angrily at me. "NO YOU'RE NOT YOU LITTLE SLUT!!" She yelled.
       My eyes widen, "you shouldn't come in here and claim something that isn't yours you bitch." I said. Momo eyes grew wider as she slapped me and I heard more gasps. My cheeks grew red because of the slap. I raised my hand to slap her back and someone grabbed my hand and threw me on the ground.
     I look up and my eyes widen when I saw todoroki comforting the girl as he stared at me angrily. "Why the hell did you slap my client huh!" He said harshly. "S-she claimed y-you were her h-husband and slapped m-me so I-" I was cut off, "just because your jealous doesn't mean you should hurt my clients." Shoto said harsh, "and right now I kinda wish I was her husband." He said.
     Those words struck me like knife to the chest as I turned around to see the todoroki family. "SHOTO TODOROKI IS THAT ANYWAY TO TREAT THE PERSON YOU WILLING MARRIED." his father yelled at him. Todoroki eyes widen as he looked down on me. I got up and took off my ring and gave it to him.
     "Mineta w-wait I-" I cut him off, "no it's fine here happy birthday." I said giving him the gifts as I walked out of they office as tears ran down my face. I went straight home and looked at the cake on the counter. I sighed and covered it and left a note as I picked up my phone and called denki.
      Once he answered, "h-hey d-denki, I don't wanna be a bother but I can I stay at your place for while?" I asked,"sure mineta did something happened?" Denki asked, "I'll tell you when I get there soon." I said and packed a few things and left the house. I arrived at denki's and cried as I told him what happened.

Todoroki Pov
    After mineta left my parents scolded me and siblings scolded me for my actions. I didn't mean to say that I was just angry at the wring person. "I didn't mean to say it I was just mad." I said as fuyumi crossed her arms. "At the wrong person, how could you protect someone that hurt the one you love?" She asked.
     "You better make it up to him." Touya said. I nodded as I went home not even looking at the gift the he gave me. Once I arrived home, "Mineta!" I called but no response as I tried over and over no response. I looked all over the house but he was here and a few of his clothes were gone.
       As I walked back into the living room I saw something covered on the kitchen counter. I walked over to it and uncovered it to reveal a cake with words 'happy birthday baby' tears rand down my cheeks as I placed the ring mineta took off on the counter. I looked down to see a note and it read.
      "hello baby, I hope you're having a wonderful birthday even tho I'm not there but I promise I will be home not now but soon love you." As I finished reading it I started crying, this is not a happy birthday at all. I open the gifts to see a ring and watch. The ring matched my eyes as the watched matched mineta.
     I went and I laid down crying as I serious felt like I lost mineta for good. I grabbed my phone and rang his number and he picked up, "" I said but no response. "It's okay you don't have to talk just come home please I'm sorry for the way I treated you and how I acted today just come home please.." I begged.
     No response, "I love you I really do, just come home please I promise to treat you better you can even ignore me just come home please baby." I said but no response as the phone hang up and cried all night with shameful heart of what I just did.
Author Pov
    Mineta didn't want to talk to todoroki yet so mineta didn't go home, he didn't call or anything. Mineta was doing okay but he misses his husband but he needs to be strong. Todoroki on the other hand began to break. Todoroki started to see visions of mineta and would just cry.
     Lady Jane has tried to calm him down but until mineta is home todoroki will forever drown in his guilt. As five weeks passes mineta thought it was enough punishment. Mineta grabbed his stuff and left early in the morning and went home. Once he arrived everything was fine until he entered their bedroom.
     There laid todoroki with the photo of them getting married and tears in his eyes. It broke mineta's heart to see his husband like this. Mineta quietly puts away his stuff and went downstairs and made breakfast for his husband. "Mrs.Todoroki you're back." Jane said and mineta smiled.
     "You can have the week off Jane you've done enough." Mineta said as Jane left. A few minutes later todoroki came downstairs and looked at mineta with widen eyes. "L-love?" He asked just to confirm it's him as he steeps closer to mineta. "Yes darling it's me and I'm home." Mineta said.
    Todoroki raced and hugged mineta picking him and kissing his face as tears flood their faces. No words needed to be said as they just cuddle each other and cried as they felt everything they need to be felt. Mineta slipped back on the ring and smiled the two kissed as mineta looked at his husband who had a big smile on his face, "my cold Husband." He said with a giggle. 

The End
Hey guys I hope you guys like this story and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for more mineta oneshots and Until Next Time my lovelies byeeee 👋👋👋👋

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