Chapter Two

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I knew it was her dad just by the handprint. It's almost every day that he has the need to hit her. He isn't even her real father for God sakes, but she can't know that. I almost lost my temper, and if I did, that wouldn't have been a pretty picture.

In my next class, I sat down next to my little brother Derek. Next to Victoria, he is the cheerful one in our little group. Even though he gets on my nerves, he is still my brother.

People get the wrong information about demons in books. We don't have horns and we certainly don't have long, thick tales. The only thing that changes about us is our eyes; they turn deep black. We don't have souls in our bodies to show any other color than death. They only change to black when we are about to fight, or when we are angry. Some demons are gifted, and when I say gifted, I mean by having powers. Derek has the power to read someone's mind no matter how far away they are. I find it fascinating to be honest. My power is similar to his but I can control or erase someone's mind completely. It comes in handy when someone sees you in your demon form. Most demons can hover, but others can fly. There is a complete difference. Flying you can go as high or as far as you want, but hovering, you can only go a certain amount of distance and can only go about a foot or two off the ground. The other power most demons have is super strength; that is a hard one not to use when on the human world.

"Luca, are you okay?" Derek whispered to me during the teacher's lesson.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"You don't look fine."

"Well, I am. Just pay attention."

"Okay." He hissed. "Sorry for asking."

I gave an annoyed sigh and decided to tell him.

"It's Victoria again."

"What about her?"

"She has another bruise on her wrist." I said as I pretended to look at my book.

"Another one? Is that like the fourth one this week?"


"It's getting worse Luca." He whispered sadly.

" I know. That's the thing that worries me. What if it gets to the point where he actually kills her; I couldn't bare to take her soul away."

"We can stop it. Can't we?"

"No. Sadly we can't. You know the rules for us being here. We collect souls that are either about to die or are already dead. It is not are job to save lives. It's our job to exterminate them. We should of never became friends with a human, then we would of never of had this problem.

He was quiet. "How about hide her? Or kidnap her from her father?" He asked in a desperate way.

"Are you serious? You know how risky that would be? What would we do if our father caught us doing that?"

"Erase his memory from that point." He said in a serious tone. I froze.

"You know it doesn't work that way right?"

"It wouldn't hurt to try. Besides, I don't see you coming up with any ideas."

"Luca, Derek, are you paying attention back there?" The teacher asked, but already knew that we weren't.

"Yes." I answered.

"No you aren't. Pay attention, I don't want to send you to the principals office again."

"Sorry sir." Derek mumbled.

'Kidnap her you say?' I though in my head knowing Derek could hear. 'You do know that we would have to get Daemon's agreement. Then we would have to hide her scent, which that would be even more difficult.'

In the corner of my eye I could see him nod in agreement.

'Lets do it.'

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