Chapter Seven

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            I manage to get up to my alarm clock this morning. It would be the first time in a long time that I did that. Considering I had some time to spare, I quietly went to the bathroom to shower.

            As I was in there, I recalled what had happened last night. My wrist, it is no longer bruised, or swollen. What? Too focused on my wrist, I forgot to rinse my hair, and I heard my father slamming on the door.

            "Hurry up would you? Some of us have to pee you know?"

            "Sorry, I'll be out in a sec." I shouted as I stopped the water and grabbed the nearby towel.

            "Took you long enough, geez." His shoulder forcefully bumped against mine causing me to almost lose my balance. "Watch where you're going."

            I didn't say anything; I just went into my room to change. When I closed my door, I stared at my wrist once more. I moved all five of my fingers to see it fully functional.

            "How the hell?" I mumbled to myself. Last night it hurt so bad I had to bite my tongue from screaming. Turning to look in my cracked mirror, I saw no teeth marks on my tongue. Was it all a dream? No, it couldn't of been, it was real. I guess those pills worked out after all.

            My stomach growled making me focus back to reality. Not remembering what I had for dinner, I decided that I would just pick something up on the way to school. Maybe I'll finally get there on time.

            Wearing the same sweatshirt from yesterday, I put my hair in a bun and slid on some jeans. I need to go shopping for new clothes, especially shoes. I have been wearing the same shoes for about four years now. To my surprise, they are still in decent shape, but considering they are, or well, was white converse, they are starting to lose its touch.

            "Bye dad, I won't be home right away after school." I shouted as I came down the stairs holding my bag.

            "What do you mean you won't be here after school?"

            "It's Friday, my group of friends and I have a movie night on Friday."


            Leaving the house I started to head towards the gas station. It was only a couple blocks down from my house, so I know for a fact I wont be late for school, and if I am, it will just be like every other day.

I just hope Luca would pull the same trick like he did before. He is the best. I am glad he is my friend, I can still remember the day we became best friends, and it feels like it was just yesterday that I was playing on the swings. Except with my klutziness I decided to jump off, but I didn't land on my feet, I landed on my butt. I was just about to cry until he showed up with his little brother.

            "Are you okay?" He asked as he helped me up.

            "No, it hurts." I said about to cry.

            "What hurts?" Derek asked.

            "M-my butt." Tears were starting to fall on my cheeks, but they stopped when Luca and Derek started laughing. "It isn't funny, my butt really hurts."

            "Your butt hurts." Luca said laughing. It was ridiculous that they were laughing only because I said butt, though we were only like five. Eventually I started to join in with the laughing and forgot about the pain.

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