Chapter Thirteen

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"I can't stay here!" I argued with my supposably real father. Just because he is my father he thinks he can control me.

"Just calm down Victoria, okay?" The King said as he stood up. 

"No! You had your chance to take care of me, raise me, even love me, but you were never there. So if you want to be part of my life then you should of started a long time ago." Anger was filling up inside of me. There was pressure closing inside my body. Pushing my bones apart from me. "Something is happening to me!" 

"Victoria, you need to calm down!" Luca said with horror in his tone.

With my bones pressed against my skin it started to burn with fire. As if there was another person inside of me who is making my blood boil. It didn't take long to the point where I lost complete control once again. 

"We need to calm her down or else she'll destroy the entire realm." Daemon said running over to grip my arms down. Though it didn't help much, considering the fact that I through him off of me forcing him to hit the wall.

"Victoria, look at me." Luca said as he held my face in his hands. "Look into my eyes." I so desperately wanted to look into his eyes forever, but it didn't last as long as I hoped. The rage inside of me started to evaporate. I could feel the fire die down as I looked deeper into Luca's eyes, but the longer I looked, the harder it was for me to consintrate. 

"L-Luca," I whispered through my lips. My body was becoming paralyzed, slowly starting from my head and going towards my chest then to my waist. "Luca, s-s-stop." 

"What are you doing to her?" A shriek came from my left, judging from the voice it had to of been Derek.

"I'm doing what I was told, this is for her only good, to keep her safe." Luca said as he starred deep into the pits of my eyes. 

"Her lips are turning blue." A low, husky voice mumbled. "You're making her mind think that it is freezing, causing her to have hyperthermia."

I could know longer speak. My lips have grown numb along with the rest of my body. The fire was finally gone and I was calm, but freezing.

"There, she should be okay now." Luca gently laid me down onto the warm couch by the fire.

"Why the hell didn't you do that earlier?" Daemon asked annoyed.

"Gee I don't know, maybe because I was being choked to death by Ms. Darth Vador over here."

"Guys calm down, we need to figure out what we're going to do about her." Derek said in a soft tone of voice.

"What do you mean? We already know what we're going to do, take her back home to live with us, as if nothing had ever happened." Even though that's what everbody wanted, Luca's voice didn't sound so reassuring. 

"You all know that she needs to stay here." King Kuron whispered as if he thought that I wouldn't hear.

The room was quiet, as if they were considering it. I so badly wanted to jump up and scream at all of them for deciding what was best for me. I mean for God sake's I just figured out that I am half demon, the man i spet most of my life with isn't my real father, my real father is a king of this "magical" hell.  I could at least have some back bone coming from one of them.

"You know she wouldn't want that." Luca said sternly. 

"I know, but," he slowly paused, "maybe you could change her mind, literally."

"What? No." 

"Luca, I am the king, you must do what you are told." 

"No way in hell I am doing that to her." 

"This isn't a request Luca, I am demanding you to do it at once or so help me you will be exterminated!" 

Luca didn't say a word. All I heard was the soft but deep breaths coming from each and every one of them. Gathering up the courage and strength I had I managed to feel my lips. 

"Luca." A second after saying that he was next to me holding my hand. "Don't be stupid."


"Change my memory. Do it. It's okay." I couldn't lie to him. I couldn't even collect what I was saying, all of my feelings were falling out like running water. 

"Victoria, you know I can't do that to you. I rather die than to see you forget who you are."

"I rather forget who I am than to have you die. I don't care if I forget about my life. I don't care if I forget about my home. Even though I wouldn't remeber any of you guys, you gave me the best life I could ask for. I couldn't stand if one of you gave it up just to keep me happy. So, please, I am asking, Erase my mind. For me."

I could see Luca's eyes start to water. Inside of me I was kicking, screaming, having a tantrum like a four-year-old girl not being able to get what she wants. I felt knives stabing me in the chest. I wanted things to be normal again, but with this life ahead of me, I probably wont even know what normal is. The pain was getting worse by the second. 

"Do it now Luca!" I screamed at him. The tears uncontrollably fell onto the leather of the couch. Very carefully Luca took my head into his hands. 

"I love you Victoria." The next thing I saw was darkness overcoming me, taking me away from the life I previously had to a new one, to a new hell.

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