Chapter Twenty One

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At first I thought I was dreaming, there was grey everywhere, like fog of some sort. There was light, but no sun. 

"Hello?" My voice was just a whisper. No one heard me, and I was alone, but I could feel eyes on me. "Hello?" It was more of a cry now. 

I moved my feet ahead of me, not knowing where I was going. I kept calling out but no one would answer back. 

"Is anyone there?" It started to get cold, but once I started to call out again, I was interupted with a loud and furious roar. Stopping in my tracks I kept turning every direction there was to, but I couldn't see anything. 

In the distance, I heard clopping sounds coming closer and closer to me. Something told me to run, but fear was building up inside of me. It was then that another roar broke me out of it and I ran. The tears were making my vision blury. There was a dark figure ahead, I hesitated but the clopping never ended, slowly I walked towards it and the image was a bit confusing. It was a dead tree with a Volvo crashed into it. Quickly I got into the passenger's seat and did my best to catch my breath.

As the clopping sound got closer my heart started beating faster. I held in my breath and sunk as far into the seat as I could. The huffs of the monster stopped right in front of the door. How can he not see me? Once again the clopping started and then disappeared into the mysterious fog.

"Okay Victoria, just calm down, deep breaths. Stay away from that thing." I whispered to myself. "What the hell is that smell?" Answering my own question, I turned my head to the driver's seat. My jaw dropped. A decaying body was seating dead. It was a women with long, but dead, black hair. Her hand was stretched out towards my seat, and the other on the wheel. This was no stranger, this was my mother.

"Oh my god, mom?" The tears started falling down on my face. My mother didn't run out on us, she had to leave and she took me with her. I was here before, she died when I was twelve. "Mom, I'm so sorry." 

I sat in the seat crying. Why did this happen? Why me? I hate this! My cries started getting louder, and instantly I felt a hand cover my mouth. It muffled the screams that I did my best to share, and caused my to kick and bite.

"Victoria, it's me, stop screaming." Daemons sweet voice made me feel safe again.

"Daemon? Thank God." I through my arms around him. Even though I haven't been here long it felt like forever since I seen another person.

"Come on, we have to go. This way." He steadied me and held my hand as he guided the way out. 

"Be careful, there is something in here." I said as I squeezed his hand.

"I now, it's name is Nybbas and it's blind. It feeds on the lost souls here, and it hunts to sound so we have to me extremely quiet."


"Help me!" Someone screamed. It was a female voice. I couldn't see her anywhere, but her plead sounded close. 

"Stay still." He said as he looked straight into my eyes. 

"We have to help her."

"It's too late." 

"Please! Someone! Help!" Her cries echoed in my head. Her feet clicked on the floor. Before I knew it she crashed right into us. "Please help me, help me." She had blood all over her. It reminded me of the movie "Carrie" 

"Run Victoria!" He demanded.


"We have to go, she is going to cause Nybbas to come right to us." A roar made us stop right into our tracks. "Run now!" He pushed me in front of him. "Don't look back, no matter what you hear."

"Aren't you coming with me?"

"I can't. You won't make it if I don't do this." 

"Do what? Daemon, please come with me!" I cried. He came over and kissed my forehead. 

"Bye Victoria." After giving me one last look he ran the opposite way of me making as much noise as possible. I so badly wanted to scream for him to come back but a light shined in the distance. I began to run as fast as my legs could take me, and I eventually made it to the light. 

There was no more grey, it was only white. Taking a closer look I saw two figures further ahead. It was a women, and Daemon. Smiling I started to run towards them both. 

"Victoria, stop." She said, hesitantly I obeyed.

"Wait, your voice," my heart stopped. "Mom." I started walking towards her again.

"No Victoria, stay where you are." Daemon spoke loudly. 


"If you move any closer, you'll be to close to the light, and you won't be able to cross back ever again." He said.

"Cross back, then, does that mean that you're-" I couldn't finish.

"Yes, but I did it for you. Even though you have a choice, Derek and Luca need you Victoria. I belong here, my time was up, and I did it to get you here safe." 

"I'm so sorry." I spoke with tears.

"Don't be, but please, think before you choose, you must do it quickly, the portal back to your body is closing." 

Looking the two seperate ways, I had to choose. Taking a deep breath I looked at my mother, and Daemon, and gave a small smile. I closed my eyes, and took a step towards the life to which I was meant to live.

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