Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up to my father coming into my room. It confused me at first, only because he hasn't done that since I was a little girl.

"Good morning sweetie."  He said with a smile.

"Good morning father." I said with a yawn. "What are you doing here?"

"What, I can't check and see how my little girl is doing?"

"I'm not so little any more dad." 

"I know, I just don't want you to leave me again." He mumbled the last word very quietly.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, but you should get dressed. You have a long day ahead of you."

"Ugg." Getting out of bed I went to my antique dresser. It was beautiful though. It was off white, and it showed the designs carved into it. In fact most of the furniture in my room was antique-like. As in my bed, the wardrobe, the two chairs next to the small fire place, and my favorite spot is the window seat with the big bay window. It's been my favorite since my mother was alive. She was very selfish; she didn't even care about my father. Just packed her bags and left, that was when I was twelve. I hope I never run into her ever again. 

After I slipped on some leggings and a sweatshirt, that may have been a bit too big on me, on I left the room to find myself alone in the dinning hall for breakfast. As I waited, I pulled out my phone, but it just caused me to have a huge headache. 

"Here you are dear, scrambled eggs, two non-burnt toasts, and extra crispy bacon, just how you like it." Marlen said with a smile on her face. Ever since my mom ran out on us she took care of me. That doesn't sound so good for my father, but the only reason was he couldn't take of me very much was because he was still learning how to be the king. 

"Thanks, hey Marlen, do you think you could grab me some ibuprofen, I just have this extreme headache." 

"Of course dear."

Later she arrived with my father who had a look of worry. 

"Marlen said you had a big headache." He said.

"Um, yeah, it's nothing dad, don't worry." I chuckled.

"Come with me." I obeyed and followed my father out the door and left my breakfast untouched. 

We ended up going to his study where he usually disappeared too after he visited me, but when we went in there was another in there. He looked like my age, and had dirty blonde hair, his eyes were forest green and his jaw line was extremly irresistible. 

"Hello," his voice was strong and bold. He was wearing a t-shirt that showed his perfect biceps. 

"H-Hello." I managed to say. I could feel the heat go towards my cheeks. 

"Victoria, take a sit, we have matters to discuss." My father said as he sat behind his long brown desk. "This is Xavier, and I have arranged a marriage for the both of you to take over the kingdom in the future."

"Arranged? What-but dad, I thought you told me you would never do this to me," I said in a whiny tone.

"I know, but things changed, and you are getting to the age where you need to marry or you won't be compatible to run the Underworld."

"Um, Victoria is it?" The so-called Xavier said to the side with a small smirk on his face. "I don't mind marrying you, in fact, I can't wait to rule this place with you. You should be excited as I am."

"This isn't fair. If I find someone that I actually do love then will you let me marry who I want?" I asked, he had a small frown. "Please father, just give me a couple days, and I with introduce you two and you'll get along better than you and Chester." 

After a long pause he took a long, deep breath. "All right, fine. You have one week." 

A week to find someone better than Xavier. Can I do it? 

"I'll see you at dinner." After he said that he left the room making me and Xavier alone.

"Good luck with finding someone who could love a pathetic thing like you." He said as he got off from the chair. 

Yes. I can do it. 

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