Chapter Nine

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            With the last bell finally ringing I jumped out of my chair to meet Luca, Derek, and Daemon outside, but when I was out there, they weren't there. They must be running late. I thought to myself. I sat on the stairs watching people get picked up and get on the bus. I felt embarrassed just sitting here. It is making me look lonely.

            About thirty minutes go by and they are still not there. Where are they? I got up from the ground and decided to go to their house. The clouds were starting to cover the sky making it darker out. As I walked up their porch it started sprinkling.

            Knocking on the red door thunder echoed through the sky. I hate thunderstorms.

            Slowly the door opened and I saw Daemon in the doorway.

            "Hey, why didn't you guys wait for me?" I asked with a little attitude.

            "Wait for you, what do you mean?" He growled at me.

            "It's Friday, movie day, come on you know this. Let me in"

            "No Victoria." Behind him I saw Derek and Luca looking at me with mean looks on their faces.

            "What the hell is the matter?" I asked.

            "You really want to know?"


            "It's you. Everything about you is just annoying. We hate everything about you. The only reason why we ever were friends was because we all felt bad for you." I couldn't believe my ears. No. Impossible.

            "Please don't do this. I'll change, I'll do anything. You guys are the only things I have left. I get out of bed in the morning excited to see you guys, you're my family. Please don't say this. I am begging you." Looking at Luca he turned his head away averting my gaze.

            Daemon cleared his throat and quietly said, "I'm sorry Victoria, but we can't be your friend anymore."

            He closed the door on my appalled face. I couldn't move. As the rain got heavier my heart sunk deeper. Why? What did I do? Please tell me this is all a dream and I just need to wake up. Closing my eyes tight and reopening them I realized this wasn't a dream, this was reality. On the way home I dragged my feet all the way there. The cold, hard rain hit every part on my body causing me to shiver and shake.

            The word why kept repeating inside my head. Even though I would ask that an answer wouldn't come up. Daemon and Derek were like my brothers, but Luca, he was my best friend. As I thought about Luca my heart ached. Inside my body was just emptiness. There was no point in moving forward. My father abuses me, my friends hate me, and the one that I love, won't talk to me.

            I finally made it home dripping with water.  My father was sitting on his chair watching the game on our little TV while he drank a beer.

            "I thought you weren't going to be home today?" He asked as it went to commercial. "Have you been crying?" He asked with a smile.

            I didn't realize until I put my hand up to my face. "I might have been, I can't really tell with the rain water."

            "Why the hell would you of been crying?"

            "My friends don't want anything to do with me anymore." I said with a sob.

            The next thing I heard was laughing. I looked up and saw him with his face tomato red from laughing so hard.

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