Chapter Three

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            I was staring at my bruised wrist in math class. I already had my assignment done. I'm kind of a math wizard. The teacher was walking around helping people with their homework. She stopped at my desk like she usually does to check my assignment, but something was taking her longer. I looked up expecting her to say that I did something wrong, but she wasn't looking at my assignment, or my eyes, she was looking at my wrist.

Even though she already saw it, I hid my arm under the desk. She just sighed and walked back to her desk. I'm never going to hear the end of this am I?

            The bell rung loudly echoing in my ears, I did my best to get passed the other kids to go to my locker, but I wasn't fast enough.

            "Victoria, could you come back here please?" She asked and I stopped to turn around.

            "That's not a yes or no question is it?" I asked, but she sighed again.

"No dear, it's not."


            "Victoria, may I please see your wrist?"

            I gave her my opposite wrist and she gave a weak smile. "Now the other one."

            Following her orders, I showed her my bruised wrist. Not a second later she gasp. I quickly tried to think of an explanation for it, but the only thing that made it out of my lips was, "It's nothing okay. My bag got a caught of my wrist on the way to school. Please stop worrying about me. I'm okay."

            "You seem to be getting accidental bruises on you for awhile now."

            "Yeah, well, I'm a klutz. Ask anyone." She gave me that look of misbelief. "I know you think it is my parent at home, but I can reassure it isn't. So don't worry about my life, when you have your own to worry about." I left the class leaving her speechless. Running late for my next class, I was running in the hallway. The next thing I know is I'm on the ground.

            "Hey, watch where you're going, little miss klutz." Daemon said as he helped me back off the ground.

            "Sorry Daemon."

            "Are you okay, you took quite a fall."

            "I'm fine."

            "Hey Victoria?" He asked in the distance, but I was already ahead of him. I couldn't miss this class, I already have three tardys and if I get another one, I'm going to have to spend my Friday in detention. I feel bad for not having a conversation with Daemon though. He's like an older brother to me. He has been a better guardian than my own father. I remember when we were all playing when we were kids at the park, and a group of older boys came up to me and pushed me down. Daemon was there instantly and pushed them back. That's the great thing about having great friends. They are a great family.

            The next class I had was P.E. and we were doing dodge ball. I have this with Derek. Which is pretty nice, considering I'm not much of a fan of any other people that is in this class. It is usually popular kids, mixed with jocks and then the computer guys. Though, the computer guys are pretty cool to be around, just not until they start talking about random things like which battery would be better for the charger and what not.

            "Ready for some dodging the balling Victoria?" Derek asked in a cheerful mood.

            "Ready as I'll ever be." I said and gave a little smile.

            Whenever we played games like this, I would usually stay behind Derek. I'm not much of a sporty player but Derek on the other hand, he is a freaking star. He has amazing reflects. When a person tries to through the ball at me, Derek catches it instantly. It's unbelievable. I don't understand why he doesn't go out for sports, he could honestly get a scholarship to any college he wanted, but he doesn't. I think it has to do with something about him not wanting to "stand out" but there is nothing wrong with showing off a little.

            "So Victoria, I have a question, and please don't beat me up for it." Derek said as he was guarding me and catching the balls.

            "Sure, what is it Derek."

            "How would you feel about moving in with us?" He asked with no hesitation at all. At first I thought he was joking, and I started to laugh.

            "You're funny Derek."

            "I'm serious."


            "Well, with your dad and all. I mean I saw the bruise and you have to be honest with yourself, it's getting worse, and you know that. Luca and I just don't want it to get to the point where we won't be able to see you the next day."

            I was taken away. How did he see my bruise, this is the only class I have with him. I didn't know what to say. My father wouldn't kill me. Sure he hits me, but it is only because he has a drinking problem. "Dere-" TWEEEEET!

            "Alright, done with dodge ball, now go shower, you all smell." The gym teacher said as she laughed.

            Derek and I went our separate ways. I used the other locker room because barely any other girl uses it. As I got undressed I looked in the mirror to see different colors on my body. Some were red, others were dark blue and the rest were black. Usually bruises would be on my rib area, upper arm, thigh, or even my stomach. I hated what I saw. I wished I could be like most girls and wear bikinis and go swimming in public. But I'm not, hell, I'm not even like any other girl here. I'm different. Some people say their life sucks obviously never gotten a good beating.

            I turned the water on and went in. The nice hot water hit my skin making me feel at ease. 'Would living with Luca, Derek, and Daemon really help? Or would it just make matters worse?' I thought in my head.

            After I finished washing off the "sweat" (didn't have much of a workout) I went back into the hallway and waited for the next class. In the corner of my eye I saw Derek walking by. He looked at me and mumbled something.

            "What did you say?" I asked him, but he just ignored me and went up the stairs. I swear I could have heard him say 'It would help.'

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