Chapter Ten

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            I followed the plea of help. Daemon and Derek were following behind, but I just kept running. I couldn't take it anymore. I need her in my life, and I need her alive.

            "Victoria!" I shouted in the night.

            "Luca, wait up!" Derek said.

            Everything else just washed away. The only priority I had was to save Victoria before she gets killed. The only way we know how it happens was because we were going over the files, and we all peeked at Victoria's. It said that she was due tonight. We checked everywhere, but we didn't find her.

            We were just about to give up when I got her scent. Following it, it lead to an alleyway. The man I see before me taking her life away.

            "Chester!" I yelled angrily.

            His eyes were black and before he could do any more damage I tackled him to the ground.

            "Luca, what are you doing? You were supposed to finish the job!" He yelled at me.

            "I'm going to kill you!" I shouted.

            "Luca! Stop!" Derek screamed as he ran towards me along with Daemon. I could feel my blood boil under my skin, and my eyes changed black.

            "Let me go! This bastard should get what he deserves!"

            "No Luca, we can't kill our father." Derek said as he held me down.

            "He is no father."

            "And you are no child. You were supposed to do your job. I knew you wouldn't be up for it, and now it is my job to tell the king that you saved a human from dying." He said reaching for a black sphere in his bag. "But first, I need to finish the job." He started to pick Victoria up from the ground.

            "Don't touch her!" I lost control of my body, I lunge towards him tackling him down once again. I couldn't stop myself, I started punching him, and I picked him up then threw him high in the air.

            "Son, stop this nonsense." He said as he flew back down.

            "You're not taking her with you." I demanded.

            "Luca, you can't be serious." He made it back to the ground. "Are you in love with a human?"

            We all froze. Everyone faced me waiting for an answer.

            "Oh no, such a shame. I was so proud of you to, but know I guess that will all go away soon." He grabbed the portal and went in holding Victoria on his shoulder. Before I could stop him, they were already gone.

            "NO! Victoria!" I screamed. "We have to go get her."

            "Luca, there is nothing else we can do, he already took her soul and body to the Underworld." Daemon said.

            "Victoria is my friend, and I love her. You won't stop me from risking myself to save her and I don't care what consequences would happen. I just want her back." I said as I faced both of them. They were shocked to my sudden honesty.  Turning to give each other an unsatisfied look they both looked back at me.

            "I'm with you Luca, we are brothers. Though, since when are you in love with Victoria?" Derek asked.

            "Does that really matter Derek?"

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