Chapter Seventeen

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"What?" He spoke suddenly.

"You're right, that's crazy, sorry I just got a little too carried away." I said as I scratched my head of the nervousness.

"No, it's fine." He said as his face turned red.

"I'm sorry, but I got to go, I'm sorry for making this awkward." Smiling I shook his hand and left the room with him speachless. "Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why must I do that?"


I turned back around to see him following me.

"Do you want to hang out?" He asked with a breath-taking smile.

"H-Hang out?" 

"Yeah, we could just cause trouble."

"Trouble? Excuse me sir, but I am the next ruler to the throne, I don't have time to 'cause trouble.'" I said doing my best to mimick him.

"But you have time to search for a possible husband to rule with you."


"Come on, follow me." He said as he started walking towards the dinning hall.

As I followed him, it ended up that my father was in a meeting with family friends discusing the rulings and the updates for souls. 

"Okay, I dare you to go in there and take a purple apple from the center table." He said leaning against the door.

"Are you crazy, I can't do that,  my father saves those for important meetings!" I whispered a little too loud causing my father and every one to look this way. 

"Victoria, can I help you?" He asked. I turned to look at Luca who was in the shadows and motioned his finger towards the table. 

"Um. Yes. I just uh, thought I saw something. May I?" I asked foolishly. This is so stupid, how is this "causing trouble" it is just making me look immature. I walked towards the deep red table that was the color of blood, to grab one of the purple apples. "Hmp. I'll be on my way now."

Before they could say anything,  I rushed out of the room with the stupid purple apple to meet Luca back in the hallway holding in his laughter. 

"Here's the stupid apple," I said throwing it at him and walked away in a huff.

"Oh come on, that was funny, now you tell me what to do." He said as he caught up.

"Okay, your turn to go take a purple apple."

"You can't do the same thing, it ruins the game."

"Fine. Let me think of something." Looking around I found nothing, until I saw the kitchen to where the chefs were preparing dinner. "Okay, I got it. Go into the kitchen and get a bowl of soup and bring it out."

"Pff. That's it? Easy." He went into the kitchen with a walk of strength and minutes later came back with two spoons and a hot bowl of soup.

"Are you serious?" 

"Come on, we got to go." Luca went running down the hall holding the soup as he tried not to spill it over himself. We ended up going back to my room and sat on the window seat.

"Here is your spoon your highness." He said holding the spoon out with his head bowed.

"Thank you sir peasent." I said as I took the spoon and laughed.

"Hey, easy there, that is a below the belt punch."

"Oh, shut it. Being free and doing nothing important every day must be great." I said looking down.

"What do you mean being "free," my brothers and I work on the human world collecting souls for here. We never get a break."

"You work for the human world? That must be exciting, I wish I could do that; I actually dreamt of doing that ever since I was little. Being up there, learning new things about humans and breath their air. Must be fasinating." When I turned to meet his gaze his eyes were sad but he gave a small smie. 

"Yeah, it's okay." He said as he looked away breaking the gaze.

"Okay? Why just okay?" 

"You don't want to hear about it." 

"How do you know that? Maybe I do." Why am I getting involved with him? Do I really care about his past? Everytime I meet his eyes, I feel like he has been with me for a long time, but we just met not tell long ago. How is that even possible?

"Okay fine. Well, there was this girl." My stomach cringed when he said that, what is this that I'm feeling? What the freak. "And she was a really great friend."

"Was?" I didn't mean to say that, he sounded so said when he said it.

"Yeah. Was, but things happened and, now, she doesn't even remeber who I am, and I hate it, but what's even worse is that I had to erase her memory. It was the kings orders, and I had to obey. Once I did, I told her that I loved her and then she was someone else, but when we were together, it's like, all my problems disappeared, and when I see her smile it just makes me smile. She was perfect, but now, she doesn't even remeber my existence from before."

I was quiet before I started talking again. "Hey, I'm sure that no matter what, she still remebers who you are. You may be able to erase their memory, but you can't erase love. I know it may sound cheesy but it's true. So you know what you should do?" 

"What?" He mumbled still looked at the untouched soup.

"Go to her, and look her in the eyes, and just kiss her. I bet that will make her remeber you. I read it in a fairytale, but hey, if demons exist then true love kiss should to, right?" The last part was a joke, but he didn't laugh, he looked up to meet my gaze and didn't look away. Before I could break it I felt his soft, warm lips hit mine.

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