Chapter Six

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            I was sitting on the couch staring at the TV. Not even paying attention to what is going on. Daemon was sitting in the corner chair reading a book about the 18th century and what not. Then out of know where Derek came in as he was biting his knuckles. He has that sort of habit when nothing good is to come.

            "Derek, what's up?" I asked.


            "Are you okay?" I repeated.

            "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just uh, hearing some things I don't like to hear that's all." He said as he sat down on the couch.

            "Why don't you just block that stuff out?" Daemon asked looking up from his book.

            "It isn't that simple. You can't just turn it off, the only thing you can do is tune it out. That's what I was doing, until I heard someone familiar."

            "Victoria?" I asked worriedly.           


            "What did she think?"

            "Well, it was her dad again. This time he hit her on the cheek and then the fall broke her wrist." He said playing with his thumbs.

            "See Daemon, this is exactly what we were talking about. It is getting worse. Why won't you just understand that and agree to help us?" I shouted in rage.

            "Because it is non of our concern. We wouldn't be making a decision like this if we had met her in the first place. It isn't our job to protect humans, it is our job to kill them." He didn't even make eye contact with me when he said that.

            "Victoria sticks up for you. Why don't you just stop playing by the rules and help her?" I asked.

            "Because we will be putting everyone at risk if we do Luca. Don't you understand? If we pull a little stunt like this, then we will all be exterminated, or be imprisoned the rest of our lives." Daemon stood up from his chair and made him look taller.

            "But-" Before Derek could even have a say, a black hole filled the room. We all knew who would be coming out from there, the one demon we all despised.

            "Hello kids." Our father said as he entered into our house. The only reason why he shows up like this is to give us the monthly update on expired or about to expired souls. He is the Underworld's king assistant. Just because he thinks he is "close" with the king, he thinks that he can control everyone.

            "Hello Chester." Daemon said with a little smile. Daemon has a different mother and father. Though he was sent with us to teach us the right and wrong on how to do things. The king offered to let him come back but Derek and I denied because he was like another brother.

            "Here are the updates, make sure you don't screw up boys. I don't want to come back here to pick up your mess again." He said as he looked at his cane.

            "That was one time, and it wasn't even our fault." I mumbled.

            "But it still happened. Daemon, make sure they don't screw this up. We cannot handle another mistake right now. The Underworld is starting to be packed with souls and the king is running a bit slow lately." He grabbed a black sphere from his back and stomped on it. The same black hole appeared, leading straight to the underworld. 'Until we meet again boys." And then he was gone.

            "God I hate him. He has no trust in us at all." I said looking at the monthly souls. There were getting more and more files lately. Sometimes it is suicide while others it is murder, it is just awful. Demons don't have this, we're already dead and soulless, and so what else can we do?

            "How many are there this month?" Derek asked not even a little bit amused.

            "Looks like about, 349 to be exact." Daemon said to himself.

            "Man that's too much, don't we ever get a break? I mean, we just finished last months like two days ago." Derek whined.

            "Quit whining Derek. This is our job, and besides it's a lot better than being down there doing nothing but organizing the souls."

            "I guess."

            "Okay, we'll do this tomorrow." Daemon said as he put the files of souls on the coffee table. "Right now we can just organize them female and male."

            "Ugg, I just want to go to sleep." Derek said as he stuffed his face with the couch pillow.

            "Come on Derek, help us." I said.

            We were all organizing them one by one. It usually only takes us about an half hour to sort all of them out. With about twenty left I looked in on to see that face that I wished I hope to never see in the file. That long brown hair, and those dark brown eyes. Victoria

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