Chapter Twelve

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"What the hell was that?" I asked as I dreaded for air, and with Derek by me to help me up.

Everyone was screaming, shouting, crying, and running around like rats. Slowly in the distance the king got up from his throne and slowly walked down the large, golden stairs towards Victoria's paralyzed body. By the time he was right next to her, everyone stopped what they were doing to watch his every move.

"Sir, be careful, you don't know what she is up against." Chester shouted.

"Believe me, I do." He mumbled.

Derek got up from the ground and stared mortified at the King. "Oh my god!" He shouted in fear.

"Derek? What is it?" Daemon asked.

"Derek do not say a damn word!" Yelled the King as he stared deep into his eyes.

"Derek tell me." I said demandingly.

"T-The King, Victoria, she's she's..." He stopped mid-sentence.

"She's what Derek?" Daemon asked as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Victoria is the King's daughter."

The room was silent and the air was dense. All eyes were on the king along with Victoria.

"How is that even possible?" One of the other demons in the crowed asked.

"It is none of your concern. Luca, come here." The king gestured me over. I walked over towards him and took a quick glance at Victoria.

"What do you what?"

"I need you to do me a favor, and if you do this, I will explain everything to you and your brothers, and let you go back to Earth as if nothing happened." Everyone was confused, but I knew where this was going.

"What is it."

"Erase everyone's memories, exepct for you, me, Derek, and Daemon." By the time I finished erasing everyone's memories, Victoria was awake, and back to her usual self. We were in a small room where no one else was in it except the ones who didn't get their memories erased.

"So, I'm your daughter?" Victoria questioned.

"Yes, and I am so sorry that I didn't tell you before."

"But why didn't you? I was with a monster for almost six years thinking he was my dad, why didn't you just tell me then?"

"Because you were just a little girl, and when demons are young they have a hard time controlling their anger."


"I'm sorry to interrupt this family reunion, but could you please explain how she is your daughter in the first place?" I asked.

"Well when her mother was alive she was human, and I was in line of the throne. I was in training into killing and taking souls until our eyes met. She thought I was a human at the time, but eventually I showed her the truth. Instead of running off, she stayed. That was then that I knew I loved her, and I couldn't live without her in my life. I snuck her into the Underworld one day and told her everything. She was oddly interested in this stuff, which to me made me even more happy. That is, until I told her how it was frowned upon for a demon to fall in love with a human. Weeks later we both found out about you. She was pregnate at the time and I tried to spend every waking moment with her. Though, my parents and everyone else in the kingdom was starting to get suspicious. Eventually they brushed it off and then you were born. One day she brought you down to the Underworld to suprise me. This was when you were twelve Victoria. I told her many times, never to suprise me, but she was so stubborn. Other demons saw your mother and noticed how she was human. Gaurds came and captured her and you then brought the both of you to me. The look of your mother's face is still in my head, and yours still makes me hate myself." He stopped.

"What did you do?" Victoria asked quietly.

Looking up he continued. "I had to pretend I didn't know either of you. I had to deny everything your mother said. It was hard seeing her cry. They took both of you away to put away in the dungeon. When nightfall was near, I snuck out to find you. Even though your mother wasn't very happy with me she understood why I had to do it. I managed to get the both of you out and into a car safely. It was my volvo that I got from my parents to congratulate me. We both said our goodbyes, but saying goodbye to you was the hardest thing I had ever done. I thought both of you made it to safety, but I guess only one of you did. You must of survived the crash because you were half demon."

The room was quiet. Victoria just stared appalled at what she just heard.

"I remember that she was speeding and kept looking back, then at me, but the last time she turned to look at me, everything went black. I don't remeber much of what happened there."

"Well, now that you're here and know everything. You must stay here." He said as he got up from the chair.

"What?" She asked.

"You can't be that shocked can you? Who else is going to take over the throne when I am no longer able too?"

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