Chapter Four

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            Final period finally came and it was with everyone. Me, Daemon, Derek, and Victoria. Except I wasn't her partner, the teacher set me up with Daemon cause he didn't trust us together. It doesn't make sense, well kind of.

            I did need to talk to Daemon about Derek's plan to save Victoria from even more danger.

            "Hey, Daemon, I need to ask you something." I said to him as we worked on our group project.

            "What's up?"

            "Well, it's about Victoria."

            "Yeah, she has been acting strange all day. What is going on with her?"

            "It's her dad again." I mumbled.

            "That explains it."

            "Yeah. So I'm just going to get to the point here. You know how bad it is when Victoria is alone with her father, and you have to have to know that it is getting worse."

            "Where are you getting at Luca?"

            "Let's make her live with us. Just until we know that her father would stop hitting her." Which probably won't be for a while.

            "Are you crazy? Letting a human live with us? You have to be joking Luca."

            "I'm dead serious."

            "This is absurd!" He shouted causing the whole class to turn and look at us.

            Simultaneously we both out our heads down to look at the paper.

            "It could work." I mumbled.

            "Look Luca, Victoria is my friend, and I think of her as a little sister, but we are not risking all of our lives just to protect her from death which probably isn't as close as we think."

            "Hey guys, whatcha up to over here?" Victoria said as she sat on the desk.

            "Just stuck on this problem. Could you help us?" I asked.

            "Let me see." She said as she took our paper. "Oh that's easy, come on you don't need my help."

            "Pfft. Whatever." Derek said coming over as well. "So what movie is it going to be this Friday? Scary? Funny?"

            "Well there is this one that I was looking at. I think it's called, 'The Soul Eaters'." Victoria said as she started doing our assignment.

            "The Soul Eaters? What the hell is that about?" Daemon asked.

            "It is about demons that come out of the ground disguise as human men and trick women into falling in love with them, but once they have them in there realm, they take their soul." She said.

            "So, it's a comedy?" Derek said questionably.

            "What? No. It is a serious movie. I mean, haven't you guys ever thought that this could ever happen? Demons coming into our world taking over. It could happen." Victoria was the kind of girl that would believe something like that. If you told her dogs could fly, she would buy a dog and possibly through it off a roof.  It's awful but that is just how gullible she is.

            "Demons walking the Earth. Sounds like it could be real, but I highly think it could never happen." I said as I took the paper back.

            "Whatever, just watch. It will, and when it does, you will have to owe me ten bucks."

            "And what if they don't" Derek said as he stood up straight.

            'Really Derek?' I thought in my head.

            "Then I'll do your math homework for a month."

            "Deal." He said and shook her hand.

            "You're both stupid." Daemon said as he got up out of the seat.

            "I wish today was Friday. I really don't feel like going home today."

            "Then just come home with us." Derek said without hesitation.

            "You know I can't do that. Do you know how mad my dad would be?" The bell finally rung and every one got out of their seats and left the room. The rest of us followed behind so we wouldn't have gotten ran over.

            "Victoria, if you are so scared of your father getting angry, then just come with us. We can protect you. Do you know that?" I said. I could feel Daemon's cool, hard, glare on my back.

            "Yeah. We do have a guest room for you to stay, and it is sure a lot better than your broken bed." Derek said as he elbowed her.

            "Thanks guys but I can't. It's not that easy."

            "The only reason to why it isn't that easy is because you're making it harder than it needs to be."

            "I'm sorry."

            "Don't be sorry, just think about our offer. Okay?" I said as we left the school and we on our way home. When we walk home, we usually walk Victoria home. We don't live that far away, so it's kind of fun to do.

            Stopping in front of Victoria's house and watching her go straight in is just painful to watch. She is walking into her own casket every day she goes in there. She has a chance to escape but she decides to stay. It doesn't make sense.

            "Bye guys, see you tomorrow." She said as she went into her house. Everyday, when I see that door close. I wonder if what she says is true.

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