Chapter Nineteen

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"What?" Luca's little brother asked.

"Husband?" Luca said shocked.

"Yes. Father, I would like to marry Luca." If what he is saying is true, then I won't be able to find out more if I marry that jerk Xavier.

"Him, Chester's boy?" My father was just as astonished as Luca. "Victoria, I don't know if that would work."

"What not dad? Is there a problem with me marrying Luca?" I spoke to him mischievously.

After he cleared his throat he spoke up. "N-No that is fine. Um, Luca, may I have a word with you and your brothers in my study?"

"Yes sir." They all said simultaneously and followed him out. 

Without thinking I started walking towards his study. Making sure no one was around, I put my ear to the door and listened the best I could.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I think that was my father judging by how angry the voice sounded.

"What do you mean? It was never my intention to get married to her." Luca's voice echoed through the room.

"But it was your intention to see her? You know that was a bad idea but you did it anyways?"

"You never said we couldn't see her after that, you never brought it up!" It was just them two argueing. I never heard Derek or Daemon's voice.

"I thought it would be out there in the open. I wouldn't have thought you would come back to see her. You know how reckless this is? She is getting used to it here. I don't know how you did it, but I like it and so does she. Victoria doesn't have any idea what happened, and I want it to stay like that, and with you being here it won't work."

Wait, what? My head was spinning; what luca told me, was true? Oh my god. As I slowly backed away from the door I heard footsteps coming from behind me. Quickly I turned around to find Marlen with a smile on her face.

"Is something wrong dear?"

"N-No. Nothing. I just got to go." I couldn't move. Everything about my life has been a lie. How long have I been like this? When did Luca erase my memory? Did I love him in the past? 

"Victoria?" She questioned as she took a step forward.

"Stay back." I told her sternly. Slowly I could feel the anger filling up inside of my body. It was making my blood boil and my skin burn. 

"Victoria, calm down sweetie." She was coming near me.

"Go away," I hissed at her. She lied to me, as well as my father. They think they can control me and get away with it, well not any more. The pain of fire was going through my veins, causing me to scream. I have never been this overpowered before, let alone not being able to control it.

"Victoria?" Slowly I saw Luca, Daemon, Derek, and..him staring at me puzzled.

"You." I said as I meet the king's gaze.

"Stay away Victoria, I don't want to hurt you." He said as he had a frightened look on his face.

"Hurt me? You changed me! You lied to me, and you kept me away from where I belonged. So go ahead, hurt me, because it will be the last thing you ever do." My voice started to become ferocious, it wasn't me anymore. This was the monster that is now taking over my body, and for once, I didn't try to stop it.

Taking small but quick steps they all started to scatter, but I was only after one and that was the asshole of a father.

"Marlen go get the vaccine, quickly!" He shouted.

"You don't mean-" 

"Now!" He faced me with a more serious look on his face. "Victoria, don't do anything you will regret."

"Ha!" The only thing I regret is being your daughter. Lifting my hand in the air I punched him hard in the face causing his body to fly across the room, but I wasn't done. 

"Victoria, stop!" Luca tried grabbing my arms but with my powers I just flew him across the room without even touching him.

"Her powers have increased," Derek mumbled from the sidelines.

"You don't say Derek." Daemon spoke sarcastically.

As I made it to the king's body I picked him up and held him up against the wall.

"Stop-now!" He spoke through his uneven breaths.

"Why should I? Give me one good reason why?" I said growling at him.

"Because, it's what your mother would of wanted." He looked at me dead in the eyes. My mother? After he said that, an unyeilding pain stabbed me in the neck causing me to become feeble. The fire was dying down, as was my balance. My head begun to spin and spin until eventually I fell down onto the ground. I felt pressure from where it started and could slowly feel it go through my body making me paralyze, it was hard to breath, the pressure was consuming my lungs, making me gasp for air. I couldn't breath, I was suffocating, then the pain went away, along with my breaths, and along with my beating heart.

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