Chapter Sixteen

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"I'm going back to the Underworld, with or without the both of you." I said to Derek and Daemon as I held on to a small portal marble.

"Luca, even if we do go, she won't know who we are, really, there is no point in going." Derek spoke sadly. 

"I don't care, I really don't, and I'm just going to see if it worked. Nothing bad will happen."

"But what about school tomorrow?"

"Derek, do we even care about that right now." Daemon stepped in. 

"So, you'll go with me, to just check things out." I smiled.

"Alright fine, but no funny business. It's been a while since I seen that little "sister" of mine." Daemon said as he chuckled to himself.

Taking the marble, I threw it roughly against the vanilla wall causing it to turn black purple.  Taking a deep breath I took a step forward. Instantly we ended up at the entrence of the Underworld. 

"Do you even have a plan Luca?" Derek asked me.

"Um, yeah, I'll give her these clothes." I said holding up the garbage bag full of her stuff that I managed to get weeks ago.

"Really?" Daemon laughed. "You're stupid."


"You're just going to march up in there, saying 'hey Victoria, you don't know me, but I know you, so here are some clothes exactly your size. Also I love you, kiss me.'' He said as he pretended to kiss the air.

"Shut up Daemon. Plus I have the same GPA as you." I punched him in the shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess, but still. Isn't it going to hurt when she looks into your eyes, and doesn't see us, doesn't even recognize us." He mumbled.

"It'll just take time, if we became friends with her before, we can do it again."  

We made it to the front gates and after we told them who we were it took time, but they let us through. 

"Okay, so how are we going to find her?" Derek asked as he opened the door to the building.

"We'll split up, Derek and Daemon you'll go to the main enterance and check the ballroom, I'll check her father's study and the guest rooms." I paused. "Also knowing Victoria, you guys should probably check the kitchen too."

After we went our separate ways, I went straight to the guest rooms. Door after door, I didn't find any trace of her at all. With little hope I finally opened the last door, I didn't find her, but I found her room. I smelt the scent of her beauty. Walking over towards her bookshelf I found her favorites. She loves Shakespeare, it's weird.

"Oh, can I help you?" A familiar voice asked behind me. I turned to find Victoria in the doorway with a shocked facial expression. 

"Yeah, um, I'm looking for Victoria."

"That's me. Do I know you?"

Yes. "No."


This is awkward. "I am Chester's son, Luca, hi nice to meet you."

"Oh, you're one of Chester's kids, so nice to meet you. Sorry, I forgot that Chester had sons. Two isn't it?"

"Yeah, my little brother is Derek, and a family friend Daemon." 

"Cool. As fun as this is, I really got to get to work." She walked past me to grab a small phone book.


"Yeah, work. My father and I made a deal."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yep. If I can find a possible future husband in one week, I get to marry them instead of this "Xavier" ass."

"Wait, what?" I was taken back. "Who's this Xavier guy?"

"This guy that my dad arranged me to marry, but he ended up being a complete jerk, and I don't feel anything for him."

"So you have one week, one to find the love of your life?"

"Yes, and not to be mean or anything, but I'm really not getting anywhere with you being here." She said, but she slowly looked up from her book and met my gaze. "Unless."

"Unless what?"

"Maybe you could help me out."

"Help you out how?" Where is she going with this.

"I don't have much guy friends, and I barely get out much, so you're the first guy that I talked too since  awhile that isn't an ass." She slowly put the book down onto the desk.


"Marry me." She spoke it like running water. Marry Victoria?

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