Chapter Eight

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Out of all the times he chose this on to talk to her? What the hell? He only comes to talk to the people that are about to be exterminated.

"Luca, are you okay? You haven't said much all day." Victoria asked me as we sat at our lunch table.

"Yeah, I'm fun, just worrying about the test in psychology that's all."

"Are you sure?"



Daemon and Derek joined us at the table with their trays filled with junk food. Demons have an extremely high metabolism so we can't gain weight. Our bodies were built to be fit and strong. Basically we can eat what ever we want and not worry about the consequences later on in life.

"What are you guys talking about over here?" Daemon asked as he took a bite of his pizza.

"Nothing much." I answered.

"So, did we decide what movie we're going to watch tonight?" Derek asked looking at Victoria.

"Yeah, the one about the Demons. I've been wanting to see it for awhile, remember?" She said with a smile.

"Oh, yeah, I remember you talking about it before. Are you sure there is action in it. Like more action-y than romance-y?"

"Maybe." She winked at him.

The bell rang a couple minutes later dismissing us to our next class. I had math with Daemon and this was the chance to tell him about earlier.

"Daemon, we need to talk." I said as we sat down in our desks.

"What is it?"

"Chester visited Victoria this morning."



"Why would he visit her?"

"You know he only visits people about to be exterminated. He thinks he is a good guy because he gives them a little treat or gesture." I said staring at my assignment.

"Wait, she is in the file?" He asked in a worry tone.

I nodded slowly.

"Oh my god. What are we going to do? None of us would be able to bring ourselves to the task." Daemon put his head in his hands clinching on to his dark brown hair.

"There is one thing we can do." I said under my breath.


"We have to stay away from her. Get her scent off of us. Make it feel like she is really dead. Ignore her, pretend she doesn't exist." I mumbled miserably.

"How will that work? Chester will just find out that her soul isn't in the Underworld and get her himself."

"Not technically, I mean there is a chance, but neither of us will do the task to exterminate Victoria. We just have to try. If her scent isn't on us at all, and we send a decoy, replacing Victoria, then there is a strong possibility it would work."

"A decoy. Luca do you know what you're saying. This will get us exterminated. " Daemon said as he looked straight into my eyes.

"I know, but I am willing to take the risk for her, I can't let her die. Please help me with this Daemon. I am begging you to help me. You know I can't do this without you."

With a long sign, he stared into my eyes. For a second I though I could see a soul in him. "I'll try."

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