The phobia

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Carlee was in her room with her headphones on. She was laying on her bed looking up at her ceiling. Her mind was everywhere. She was listening to one of her favourite 'non lyrics' songs. She heard someone calling her name. She removed one part of her headphones and sat upright straight on her bed. She removed her headphones totally off her head.
She waited for the sound of someone calling her name to appear again. Suddenly someone barged in her door.

"I was calling you downstairs,"said her mom. Her mother was a pretty lady who worked for a private investigator.
"Your room is so dirty! Look at the books on your bed.....the clothes on the floor,Can you please just clean your room up?"her mother said.
Carlee stood up from her bed. She took her headphones and her phone from her bed and said in a soft voice to her mother,"It's my room."
Her mother could hear the sarcasm going on in her daughter.
Carlee was a girl who never really liked expressing her emotions. All she was,was that she was a plain and simple girl who did the same thing everyday. She was animotophobic,a person who has fear of their emotions. It actually explains alot of why she is like this.

She went downstairs where she usually went everyday to sit at the front room. Her aunt was there. Carlee never really liked her aunt because all her aunt wanted was for Carlee to have some emotions on her,and she hated that.
"You came downstream sweetie,"said her aunt.
Carlee said,"yea...."she was still full as she always is.
"Well I'm here to tell you some good news atleast."
"Like what?"Carlee asked.
"You moving with me to the city."
Carlee showed no peace of excitement. All she just did was head upstairs again where her mom was still in her room.
"Mom why you still here?"she asked.
"Aren't you excited to go to the city?"her mother asked.
"Are you taking me away because I'm weird for you?"Carlee asked.
Her mother felt so dissapointed at herself and walked towards her. Her mother touched her hand and said,"You just going to get fixed, you weird. I just want you to go to the city to,you know? Interact with people more."
Carlee's vision started to become blurry. Her mother was still holding her hand. Carlee felt dizzy and the next thing she blacked out.

She woke up to a nurse looking at her.
"Why am I here?"she asked,with no emotion.
The nurse stood up from her chair and said,"You blacked out."
Carlee rubbed her eyes and said,"I wonder....."
The nurse touched Carlee's hand and said,"You just need to rest."
Carlee's vision became blurry again. She started breathing heavily and let go of the nurse hand.
The nurse asked,"Are you ok?"
Carlee looked at the nurse and said,"You feeling guilty, someone broke your feel a small bit of panic and anger because of your daughter...." Carlee was still breathing heavily.
The nurse moved away from her and said in a panic,"How do you know how I'm feeling?!"
The nurse moved another step back and Carlee blacked out again.
What could this possibly all mean?

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