Could this be the end?

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"CARLEE! KAREN!"yelled Milo.

Milo ran to Carlee as Jessica ran to Karen.

"This isn't how I planned the death of these two,"said aunt Kathy.

"Wait what?"said Milo.

Aunt Kathy said,"Let me just go."

"You can't leave them here!"cried Milo.

Aunt Kathy got in the car and so did the men. They drove off leaving the shovels on the ground.

Jessica walked up to Milo.
"Milo we have to put them in the car and dig up that grave to help Lesley,"she said.

Milo and Jessica carried Carlee in the car,then carried Karen.

They both took each shovels and dug up the hole.

Police officers were at Carlee's.
They brought Charlsea with since she was the one who knew where Milo and the others would go.

The neighborhood was full of police officers and sirens lighting blue and red.

A car pulled up from nearby the house.
Detective Peterson walked towards the car with a few police men.

Aunt Kathy rolled down the car window.
"Can I help you?"she asked.

"Are you Kathy,"asked detective Peterson.

"Yes why?"asked aunt Kathy.

"Please step out of the car,"he said.

Aunt Kathy and a the two men got out of the car.

Detective Peterson put handcuffs on aunt Kathy and both the two men.

"What are you doing?"she asked.

"You under arrest for the attempted murder of Lesley,"said detective Peterson."You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right of an attorney,if you can't afford an attorney one will be provided for you."

They were then dragged to the police van.

"IT'S NOT OVER!"yelled aunt Kathy as she was shoved in the police van.

Another police car pulled up and there it was, Milo and the others.

An ambulance showed up and took each, Carlee, Karen and Lesley in.

"I hope this is over,"said Jessica.
"Me too,"said Milo.
"Me three,"said Charlsea showing up.

All three smiled at one another.


One week later!

A week later Carlee, Karen and Lesley were out of hospital.

Kelly was buried in peace.

Aunt Kathy lost the court case and was sentenced to six years in prison.

Carlee now lived with uncle Mike. He took her as he's own daughter.

Lesley and Charlsea had to join therapy.

Jessica and Karen were back at school bullying kids.

Milo was now full time Uber driver... only during the summer.

Happy ever after?

There is no happy story without the truth.

Carlee was wearing a black hoodie standing in front of her mom's grave yard. It was abit windy.

Suddenly a car pulled up. Milo, Jessica, Karen, Lesley and Charlsea came out from the car.

Everyone walked straight to her.

"Are you ok Carlee?"asked Jessica.

"It saddens me that the truth isn't out yet,"said Carlee.

"We all went through alot,"said Karen."We all in this together."

"The sharp pain I've been feeling is gone now when I'm near you Karen,"said Carlee.

"Me too,"said Karen.

Everyone smiled at each other.
"Anyone up for a movie night at my house?"asked Lesley.

"I don't do movies,"said Charlsea.
"Agreed,"said Carlee.

And everyone just burst out laughing.


Mr Clarkson was standing by the pool side of he's house when a maid showed up.

"Sir you have a visitor,"said the maid.

Then a pretty lady with the same necklace Carlee owned showed up.

She was wearing a white dress.

"Hi Clarkson, remember me?"said the woman.

Mr Clarkson turned to the woman.
"Matilda? You alive?"said Mr Clarkson in shock.

"Yes,"said Matilda."You failed to get Carlee's heart that'll take us to where we want to go. You failed to end the lives of those wretched girls Charlsea and Karen."

"Their friends stood in the way,"said Mr Clarkson.

"Kathy's in jail, Kelly's dead? I watch the news I see everything,"said Matilda."You might have failed but I have something that'll surely destroy everyone in our way,and for Carlee I have a special surprise for her."

Mr Clarkson said,"I made progress atleast,from 200 kids to only 3 left."

Matilda walked closer to Mr Clarkson and said,"Really? Well in my eyes you've failed. I hate happy endings and at the end I'll get what I want."

Mr Clarkson said,"How will you do that? You shouldn't underestimate those teenagers."

Matilda laughed and said,"They must be prepared for something more.... extraordinary."

Mr Clarkson stood there running out of words.

Could this really be the end of Carlee or Matilda is just making empty promises.

Could this be the end?

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