One way out

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They finally got to the grave yards and Lesley was dragged out of the car. He looked dead as a flying bee.

He had marks all over his back and blood everywhere. Aunt Kathy took a shovel and gave it to him.

"Dig your grave open,"she said.

"Please,I'm begging you, what'd I ever do to you?"said Lesley in tears.

Aunt Kathy smirked and said,"Dig or else."

Lesley tried he's to stand up and he finally did. He then began digging.


Meanwhile a man that looked oddly familiar was at the hospital on a wheelchair. He was right outside the room Carlee is in.
He waited till the nurse came out.

"Oh hi can I help you sir?"asked the nurse.

"I'm Mike,"said the man."I heard this young girl in their lost one of her livers."

The nurse said,"Yes she did sir she's badly Injured and she needs a liver transplant."

Mike said,"I'll give her mine."

The nurse oddly looked confused and asked,"Are you sure sir?"

Mike nodded yes.
The nurse then called for some doctors and surgeons and the surgery was about to begin.

The nurse transferred Carlee to the operation theater,did the same with Mike.


Jessica and Milo were still standing behind the basement.

"How will we ever get in here?"asked Milo.

Suddenly more men came out from the woods with guns.

Detective Peterson noticed and yelled,"PUT THOSE GUNS DOWN!"

"We have to cause a distraction,"said Jessica.

Suddenly one of the men started to shoot in the air triggering the police to shoot them,and they did, which broke out to a major gun fight.

"What's all that gun noises?"asked Charlsea.

Mr Clarkson said,"The sound of death."

Windows of the police cars were breaking and a few were dying.
"Calling for backup!"said detective Peterson on he's microphone.

Few moments later more police cars showed up and a few police helicopters.

"I think that helicopter sound maybe my ride home, goodbye kids,"said Mr Clarkson. Yet he didn't know it was the police helicopters.

He walked out the basement realizing the two men that were on watch were on the floor dead.
He looked up and noticed there were two police helicopters,both from the police force.

He was about to walk on the side of the basement until both Jessica and Milo showed up.

"Give back my friend,"said Milo.

Mr Clarkson said,"Or else what..."

Jessica looked at Milo then looked at the gun on the floor by the dead bodyguard.
She then looked at Mr Clarkson who wasn't armed.

Jessica quickly took the gun from the floor and pointed straight to Mr Clarkson.
"Or else I'll shoot,"she said.

Milo looked at her then to Mr Clarkson.
"Sir, why are you doing this?"asked Milo."Sir explain, what's with all this kidnapping of teenagers."

Mr Clarkson said,"It's none of your business. Fear of emotions isn't it?"

Jessica said,"Sir, teenage girls have been dying and all you care about is this?"

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