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Ambulance vans and sirens were erupting down the streets. Fire fighters were at school to turn off the damage the lightning has caused to the school grass.

Carlee and Kelly were both put to separate beds and pushed to each van.
Kelly was badly injured and there was blood all over.
The car was damaged laying upside down in the middle of the road.
Then ambulance vans then drove off to the hospital.

As Milo and Lesley were standing near the school gates close to some media reporters explaining the situation, Lesley asked,"Milo what got Carlee angry that she had to cause all this?"

Milo said,"I don't know,it just sort of happened. We should go to the hospital quick and go check how badly injured she is."

"Agreed,"said Lesley."If Carlee dies I won't be able to forgive myself."

Milo and Lesley were off to the hospital.


A while later both the ambulance vans were at the hospital. Carlee and Kelly were frantically both sent to different rooms to get examined.
Lesley and Milo showed up. Aunt Kathy was already there sitting in one of the chairs near the room Carlee was in.

Lesley decided to sit next to her.
"Are you ok? I know how you feel,"he said.

Aunt Kathy looked at Milo who was standing near them then she turned to Lesley and said,"I'm fine."

A nurse showed up to give them some detail.
"Nurse what's wrong is everything ok?"asked Milo.

The nurse said,"Carlee is in a very critical condition that she lost one of her livers. She needs a liver transplant soon."

Aunt Kathy and Lesley stood up.
"And Kelly?"asked aunt Kathy.

The nurse sighed and said,"I'm sorry but we couldn't save her. She's dead."

Aunt Kathy felt dissapointed and was breathing heavily.

"Do you want some water?"asked Lesley.
The nurse walked away.

"No I don't need water. Water won't fix anything,"said aunt Kathy."I must put a stop to this."

Lesley looked at Milo and they both turned to aunt Kathy.
She walked pass them and out of the hospital.

"I don't trust her,"said Lesley.
Milo asked,"Why not?"

"She's been suspicious all the time and only I can see it. Did you even hear what she said now?"said Lesley.

Milo sat on one of the chairs.
"I still can't believe Carlee landed up here,"he said.

"She's a strong girl she'll fight this,"said Lesley.

Milo said,"We can't sit back and do nothing. We gotta find Karen and fast."

Lesley said,"Our friend is fighting her life in hospital and all you care about is finding Karen?"

Milo stood up and said,"Listen I know Carlee is in hospital but we can't let the people who want to kill her,her dad take one step ahead of us."

Lesley realized that Milo had a point.
"Ok fine you might be right,but I suggest we start with article first, something her aunt and dad wouldn't suspect us on doing,"said Lesley.

"What article?"asked Milo.

Lesley said,"Carlee told me about an article of animotophobic girls who got kidnapped and some were killed for heart donations."

"Who would do such a brutal thing,"said Milo."But our best option is to find who published that article."

Lesley said,"All we need to do is get my laptop at Carlee's house. Without my laptop then we can't find that article."

"Question is how will be even get that laptop,"said Milo.

"We can just ask aunt Kathy,"said Lesley.

"Or easily break in,do you even think she'll give it to us?"asked Milo.

Lesley sighed and started to walk out of the hospital.

Aunt Kathy was on a drive home and got a call from Mr Clarkson.

Aunt Kathy: Yes?

Mr Clarkson: Just saw the news that Carlee and Kelly are in hospital,why didn't you tell me?

Aunt Kathy: Well you finally know now and I want us to kill Carlee already.

Mr Clarkson: Only when the time's right. I might need her heart soon but I can wait.

Aunt Kathy: We not waiting for anything.

Call ended

She had really bad intentions.


It was the following day at school and Milo looked abit worried.
Lesley got to school and saw Milo was waiting for him by the gate.

Milo walked up to Lesley and said,"Um Lesley I can't make it today to go steal your laptop."

Lesley said,"I'm not really stealing my laptop I'm just taking it back,and why can't you make it,I can't go there alone. That women will roast me alive."

Milo said,"My boss has called in a night shift for me and I can't refuse or I'll be fired."

"Understandable,"said Lesley.

"Take this,"said Milo as he took out a black memory card from his pocket."Put it on aunt Kathy's phone, that way we'd be able to listen to her phone calls."

"And how should I do that?"asked Lesley.
Before Milo could answer Jessica showed up.

"Omg these two losers,"she said."One is an Uber driver the other is a saint."

"What do you want Jessica?"asked Lesley.

"I heard new girl is in hospital....on her first day,epic!"she said. She then led out a small giggle.

Milo decided to walk away and leave those two behind.

Lesley said,"Her condition is critical Jessica."

Jessica said,"Oh really, what her lungs fell out? Or maybe her witch powers ran out."

Lesley said,"She lost a liver."

Jessica suddenly had sympathy.
"I'm so sorry,"she said.

"What's with the change of heart?"asked Lesley.

Jessica sighed and said,"It's dangerous losing a liver,I lost my dad who died because of both his livers failed on him."

Lesley apologized for her loss.
Then suddenly the bell rang.

"We should go to class,"she said.

Meanwhile Charlsea was running later from school and she was nearly there. She walked with a her hair loose covering her chicks as she had social anxiety.

She held her bag with a grip.

Suddenly a black car with tinted windows stopped right near her and two men came out from the car. The had black tuxedos on.

One covered Charlsea's face and mouth as she tried to scream.
They dragged her towards the car but she still wouldn't budge so one of the men hit her with a gun on her head that made her pass out.

They put her at the back of the car and went inside the car and drove off.

Who hired the men to kidnap Charlsea?

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