The Driver

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The finally arrived to the city early in the morning. Carlee woke up and looked at the window. The sun was bright. She took off her headphones and woke her aunt up.
"Aunt Kathy wake up,we here now,"she said.
Aunt Kathy woke up looking extremely tired.

The plane landed at the airport and everyone had to get off.
Carlee said,"Aunt Kathy I wanted to so since I'll be living here,for a I gonna be attending school?"
Aunt Kathy looked at her and said,"We'll see."

They started walking at the airport heading out and guess who Carlee spot waving at her,it was Lesley. She waved back at him shy.
"You know him?"asked aunt Kathy.
"Um yea,I met him on the plane. He seems nice,"said Carlee.

Out the airport was a cab waiting for them. They got in.
"Where to?"asked the driver.
The driver was wearing a black suit, same as the suit that Carlee's dad's men wore.
Aunt Kathy said,"Take me to this address." She gave him a note that had the address on.
The driver started driving off.

Carlee noticed that the driver kept on looking at her at the mirror. This made her feel really uncomfortable. She put her hoodie on and looked away.
Continuously the driver kept on looking at her. Carlee felt like opening the cab's door and jumping out. They reached the robots where they had to stop.
The driver took out something from the side door of the cab.

He turned around to look at them and pointed something at them. It was a GUN.
Aunt Kathy grabbed Carlee's hand. Carlee pushed her aunt's band away.
"She's coming with me,"said the driver.
Carlee looked at her aunt.
Aunt Kathy said,"No she's not,take me instead."
The driver pulled the trigger about to shoot. This made Carlee really nervous and her eyes changed color from brown to grey. Her vision became blurry. She started breathing heavily and she wanted to walk out the cab. The driver looked at her in distress.
"What's happening?" He said.
Aunt Kathy touched Carlee's hand. Carlee's mind went spinning. She was seeing really nerve racking visions.
The robots turned green,a sign showing the cars can move. The driver looked at the front,his gun still pointing at aunt Kathy. Carlee touched the driver's hand,with the gun. Both her aunt and the driver passed out. Carlee fell backwards to the seat. Her eyes turned brown again. She looked behind them and saw some cars trying to drive past. She touched her aunt frantically and said,"Aunt we have to go. Wake up!"
She started to cry. Her eyes turned blue and one tear drop fell on her aunt's face. Her Aunt WOKE up again!
Carlee's eyes turned brown again and she said,"Aunt we have to go!"
They ran out the cab and ran away.

Meanwhile back in Carlee's dad's office one of his men went to him. Carlee's father was sitting looking at the big screen Infront of him. He hid his face.
"Sir,"said the man,"We lost our second man. He died a few minutes ago."

Carlee"s dad said,"We have to get her soon. I can't live like this sitting in one place dying. I need her heart."
The man said,"We trying our best sir."
"Now try harder! I need it or else it's over for me,"said Carlee's dad.
"Sir right now we out of options. We have to kill her,we can't bring her here. She'll get nervous and someone else will die. We can't kill any of those she loves because her anger sir,it's the most dangerous one out of all these emotions she has. Sir...."

"Silence!"said Carlee's dad,"I hear what you trying to say. Well you better start deciding what you gonna do....BUT nowone kills her!"
The guy walked away.

Carlee and her aunt were running for long till they stopped.
"I'm so tired,"said Carlee.
Aunt Kathy said,"We nearly at the address. That's where I live. I'll probably make you something to eat once we get there."
Carlee then said,"Aunt I wanted to know,why do my eyes change whenever I feel a certain emotion?"

Aunt Kathy said,"It represents the emotion you feeling. Like you already know,you have a heart full of emotions that's why when you express them, something bad happens. Anyways how did that guy pass out like that?"
Carlee said,"I don't know. I touched both of you guys and maybe the energy transferred to him."
Aunt Kathy said,"Well we can't trust anyone,same as for that boy you saw at the plane."
Carlee said,"Why can't I trust him,His very nice you know. His just creepy like how all people are."
Aunt Kathy said,"Well let's continue running we nearly there."
Carlee said,"Um before we run,what is that I saw on your vision?"
Aunt Kathy asked in concern,"What did you see?"
Carlee said,"Nevermind don't worry about it."
Carlee didn't want to tell aunt Kathy what she saw on her vision because she knew it's a bad idea to tell her. The thing she saw on the man and her aunt's vision was scary and she felt like her aunt was hiding way bigger secrets than she knew herself.

"Let's continue running,"said Carlee.
They started running.

What could aunt Kathy be hiding?

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