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Carlee felt hopeless. She stared at the surprise looking at them. She grabbed Lesley's hand.
What was the surprise?
A whole army of people with guns.
It was her father's men. They found her!
In between the crowd came Carlee's dad on a wheelchair.

Lesley heard a noise behind them. He turned to look and more men came out. Lesley and Carlee were in the middle of two rivalries.
Lesley let go of Carlee's hand.

"I finally found you,"Carlee's dad said.
Carlee said,"What do you want?"
Her dad said,"I want you to come with me....I'm your dad dear,you will obey me!"
Carlee felt abit nervous and asked,"And if I don't?"
Her dad said,"Then you'll regret it."

Suddenly a loud noise broke from the sky. Then out of the blue lightning struck right Infront of everyone. It was a best chance for Carlee and Lesley to run.
"She's escaping,get her!!"screamed her dad.

"Run!!"screamed Carlee to Lesley.
They ran while hundreds of men were chasing them. Some were getting struck by lightning while running.
They got to where they left Milo in the car,but sadly so Milo wasn't there.
"What do we do?!"asked Lesley in panic.
Carlee turned around to look at the men chasing them. She put her hands up Infront of her and her eyes turned blue.
A force shield was able to be made to block the men from getting to them.
"Run.... I'll....I'll hold them off,"said Carlee. Her energy was draining.

Lesley started running until her got to the highway road where there was literally no cars.
Suddenly a car came,it was Milo!
"Hop in!"he said.
Lesley called out for Carlee.
She stopped the force shield and started running towards the car.
Lesley sat at the front seat.

Carlee ran and ran until she finally got to the car,but the men were way too close.
She quickly jumped in and slammed the door. Milo hit the accelerate and the car started moving. He put the car on full speed.
The men with the arrows started shooting on the car and broke the back window.
"Holy flip!!"said Milo.

They were finally far from them.
"That was close,"said Lesley.
He then looked back to check on Carlee who was looking out the window.
It then started to ran heavily.
Carlee closed the window. It was getting late and dark.

Milo looked at the mirror in the car and saw that there was a motorcycle following them.
"Guys we have company,"said Milo.
Carlee was getting really angry at this.
Her eyes turned red like fire. She started sweating. The car started heating up.
"Carlee calm down please,"said Lesley.
Milo opened his window because of how hot the car was getting.
Lesley took out a bottle of water Infront of him in one of the random bags he saw. There were three bottles. He gave one to Milo.
"Thanks,"he said.
Lesley then took one for himself.
Milo said,"It's actually kinda getting cold here, what's happening."
Lesley said,"I don't know it was hot a second ago."
Lesley looked at the backseat and saw that Carlee was GONE.

The back door was open.
Lesley said,"Milo stop the car! Carlee is not in here!"
"WAIT WHAT!"said Milo in shock.
He stopped the car and looked at the back.

They stepped out of the car while it was raining and saw Carlee surrounded by fire. There was fire all over her.
Her hair was made by fire
Her eyes,fire
Her clothes, fire
She was angry. The heavy rain couldn't even stop the fire.

She was waiting for the guy driving the motorcycle, until he came.
She ran straight to his motorcycle and led out a big scream that made a really dangerous fire! The man driving the motorcycle burnt to death.
His scream was nothing compared to the fire.
Carlee then turned to look at Milo and Lesley who were scared as hell.
Carlee finally calmed down and her eyes went normal.
She fell down to the ground. Milo went and carried her to the car.
They put a blanket over her to let her sleep.

Then they drove off.

They finally got to the city again after driving from the hills and mountains for hours.
Milo and Lesley dropped Carlee at home.
Aunt Kathy and Carlee's mom came outside.
"What happened?"asked her mother.
Lesley said,"She needs to rest."
Lesley and Milo left.

Carlee was in her room taking a long rest.
Aunt Kathy and Carlee's mom sat in the TV room watching the news.

Report: A man was brutally killed in a wild fire near the hills.... people say the fire was not a natural disaster but someone might have caused this brutal killing, investigation still in progress progress.

Carlee's mom and aunt Kathy looked at one another and the first thing that came to their mind was Carlee.

Meanwhile Carlee was in her room. She was thinking about what happened. Her eyes were closed. Her body was facing the ceiling. Suddenly tears came out her eyes.

Lesley was on his computer.
"I have to go back there to save Karen,"he said to himself.
He took out a page and wrote down the co-ordinates of that place.
He then said,"But I can't go alone, neither can I go with Carlee because they'll track her down again. I have to ask Milo."
Lesley frantically loaded something on his laptop,then he got a notification on his phone,it was Milo's number....he hacked it off.

He then took the chance to message Milo.

Message to Milo: I need your help.... it's me Lesley.

Then he got a message from Milo

Message from Lesley: with what?

He then sent Milo a really long message.

Meanwhile Carlee's dad was in his office,on a wheelchair.
One of his men came up to him.
"Sir,you should've let us kill her."
Carlee's dad said,"Even though I want her heart to heal my sickness,I shall not let her die."

The man said,"Sir you have to rethink all this. Her real mother might give her another heart in that heaven of hers.... don't you think all that power is dried out now?"
Carlee's dad said,"It sure is,but Carlee can't die.....even though she's my last hope."
"And Karen?"asked the man.
"We'll have to move her.... Carlee knows where she is now."

"I doubt that,"said the man."I suggest we target that boy she was with....I think he goes by the name Lesley,"said the man.

Carlee's dad said,"Interesting,will he lead us to Carlee?"
The man said,"I bet."
Carlee's dad said,"If only we can manipulate him."
The man said,"Sir,leave everything to me. I'll sort that boy out." He then made a really ugly smirk and walked away from his sir.

What does he have in mind?

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