The emo girl

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Carlee had finished everything she needed to do. She brushed her hair,wore her blue sneakers and was ready to leave with her mom(Kelly).
"Mom I'm done,"She said.

Kelly took her phone and was requesting for an Uber.
Carlee walked back to her room and took her phone, and her black earphones.
She put them on and put soothing music that will disturb her from getting any visions.
"Alright Carlee let's go,"said Kelly.

They stood outside until a minute later the Uber showed up. Carlee took the front seat and her mom sat at the back.

"Where to?"asked the driver.
Kelly told the driver where she wants to go,which was the school. The driver agreed and drove off.

"Who's this princess sitting next to me mam?"asked the driver.
"That's my daughter Carlee,"said Kelly.
"She looks just like the principal's daughter. You know that principal lost her daughter. Her daughter got kidnapped,"said the driver.

Then the driver started a whole big gossip spree.
Kelly said,"Um sir please stop talking and get me to my destination."
"We nearly there mam,"said the driver.
Just by one turn they reached the school. Carlee looked up and saw how big it was. She unbelted the seat belt and opened the door to walk out.
Her mom paid the driver and said,"Thank you." Then she aswell exited the car.
The driver winked at them and drove off.

Kelly looked at Carlee and said,"I hope you ready dear and take off these earphones."
Carlee did exactly that. She put the phone in her pocket.
They both turned around,facing the school gates.

Kelly looked at Carlee,"Are you ready?"
Carlee walked towards the school gates and said,"Let's get this over and done with mom."

Lesley and Milo were midway out of the city. They were heading to the abandoned shop that had an anchor sign.
"Milo you should atleast drive faster you know,"said Lesley.

Milo looked at the car mirror and saw there were two motorcycles following them. Both were black with blue strips.
Lesley turned back to look.
"We got company,"he said

The two motorcycles drove past them and they were a few meters further than them.
Then suddenly a few shop things that looked like metal pieces fell off both the motorcycles.
"Oh no no no what are we gonna do?!"asked Lesley in panic. But it was already late to do anything because the car had already reached the metal pieces.

One by one the tires burst.
The car was moving frantically.
"I can't die young!"yelled Milo as the car kept on moving frantically.
Then the car knocked straight into a rock until it finally stopped. Steam was coming out from the engine.

Milo had knocked his head when the car hit the rock. A part of his face had blood on.
The two guys on the motorcycle opened the doors of the car one by one taking both Lesley and Milo out of the car.
"Let go of me,"said Lesley.
"No point in fighting Lesley,"said Milo.

Both Milo and Lesley were handcuffed. Suddenly a black limo showed up and stood right Infront of them.
The window slid down and Carlee's father was the one sitting there.
He looked at both Lesley and Milo and then said,"Put them in here."
Milo and Lesley were pushed into the limo....still handcuffed.

"What do you want from us?"asked Lesley.
Carlee's dad said,"Maybe you don't know me. I'm Mr Clarkson. I'm the dad of one of your friends. Don't you remember me Lesley?"
"I do remember you,every small bit of you,"said Lesley.
"Is this Carlee's dad?"whispered Milo to Lesley.

Meanwhile Carlee and her mom were at the school building. They were walking down the hallway until a really pretty girl with long black hair appeared. She was in a hurry and accidentally knocked Carlee over.
Carlee fell to the ground but the girl had the urge to help her up but she didn't. All she said was in a sweet small voice,"I'm sorry." Then the girl walked away.
Carlee stood up for herself and looked at the girl who was still frantically pushing walls and people in her way.

"Something's wrong with her,"said Carlee.
Kelly said,"Carlee dear we don't have time for that. The principal is waiting for us."
Carlee then walked with her mom until they got to a room that had the sign 'principal'. They both walked in.

"Oh hi to the both of you,"said the principal."Take a seat."
Both Carlee and her mother sat on the two available chairs Infront of the principal.

"So how are you dear? You mother has told me alot about you,you just like my daughter Karen,but sadly she got kidnapped,"said the principal.
Carlee didn't feel any sympathy for the principal.

The principal then said,"Well I'm the principal of this school,also known as the head mistress. I'm happy to have students like you here if you know what I mean."

Carlee said,"Um ok. I'm happy to be here too."
The principal took out at a form and gave it to Kelly.
"All you need to do now is sign there then your child will be ready to start next week,"said the principal.
Carlee stood up and said,"I'll be back I really need to pee."

The principal said,"The toilet are on the third floor."
"Thanks,"said Carlee.
She then walked out the office. She looked at the empty hallway....then she had a slight clear vision. She was looking for the girl that she bumped into. She continued trying to find the girl's strong fate until she did. The vision then stopped.
The girl was in the school library crying.

Carlee walked straight to the school library,opened the door and entered. She closed the door behind her and noticed that the library looked like a mess. Books were everywhere. The girl was sitting on a few pile of books crying.
Carlee walked up to her and sat next to her.
"Are you ok?"she asked.
The girl wiped her tears and said,"Not really."
Carlee touched the girl's hand thinking she'd get a vision but sadly there was non.
"What's wrong?"asked Carlee.

The girl said,"Everything! I just feel so alone in this world. I'm different from everyone,I'm an outsider."
Carlee said,"Can I tell you a secret."
The girl nodded.
Then Carlee said,"I'm like that too, that's how I also feel. You see,I tried touching your hand but....."
Carlee didn't even finish her sentence and the girl pushed her away.
" away from me!"
The girl's eyes turned blue. The books that were laying around started spinning around the whole room.
Carlee moved away from the girl.

The girl's eyes were starting to shift from blue to red.
"GO AWAY!"she yelled.
Carlee ran to the door to open it but it was locked. She was stuck.
"GO AWAY!"yelled the girl again.
Books went flying to Carlee and hitting her as the girl kept on screaming for her to go away.

"I don't wanna hurt you,"said Carlee.
"YOU KNOW MY SECRET NOW! GO AWAY!"yelled the girl.
The girl screamed so loud making the cupboards fall to the ground into pieces.
One nearly fell close to Carlee.
"I warned you,"said Carlee.
She fell on her knees. Her eyes turned pure red. Carlee was mad.
She started to breath heavily.

The girl noticed she was getting weaker and weaker. The books that were flying around turned into fire. The girl dropped everything and fell to the ground.
Carlee stopped everything too as her eyes changed to normal eyes again. She quickly ran to the girl who pushed her away again.

" did you do that?"asked the girl.
Carlee said,"Let's just sit down.... please."
The girl listened and she sat down. Carlee did the same.

Carlee asked,"How did you get your powers?"
The girl said,"I'm scared of my emotions. I was born like this. The more I try to show a certain emotion then all this happens."
Carlee was surprised,"Same here. I guess we both have something in common."

The girl said,"I'm Charlsea and you are?"
Carlee said,"I'm Carlee."
The girl took one of the burnt books nearby and tore a page. She took a pen lying on the ground and started to write something. It was her phone number.
"Here is my number if you want to stay in touch,"said Charlsea.

"Sure." Carlee took the page and put it in her pocket.

Charlsea said,"I think I'm going to have to go soon. My mom is probably worried."
Carlee asked,"Is she here at school?"
Charlsea said,"Yes she is, she's here at school."
Charlsea stood up so did Carlee. They hugged one another and Charlsea was on her way out.

Carlee was now alone in the library.
She was confused.
She thought she was the only girl in this world who had "fear of emotions",but it looks like she isn't the only one.
Something didn't really make sense.
"Powerful kids,powerless parents?"she asked that question to herself.
"Where did I even get my heart of gold? My mom doesn't even have one,"she thought to herself.
She then started walking out from the library.

Is Carlee's head just messing with her or will this lead her to the truth?

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