The Necklace

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Carlee checked her phone and saw 3 missed calls from an unknown number. She was about to call the number herself but her phone rang again, same number. She answered the phone.
She could hear that the guy that was talking sounded like the same guy who chased her at the airport.
"Hello?"she said.
The guy said,"Give your phone to your aunt."

Carlee put the phone on loudspeaker so aunt Kathy can hear.
Aunt Kathy said,"who's calling you?"
Carlee said,"Come see."
Aunt Kathy walked to Kathy who was standing by the stair case.
The guy then said,"Listen carefully woman,bring Carlee to us and nowone dies."
Carlee looked at her aunt.
Aunt Kathy said,"As if you can harm Carlee. We far away from you guys."
Suddenly there was a voice of a crying woman. It was Carlee's mom.
She screamed and said,"Kathy protect her please."
Carlee dropped the phone. She was shaking. She ran up the stairs. Aunt Kathy picked up the phone and said,"Sis please we will try our best. I don't want you to die."
The guy then said,"If you want to see your stupid sis alive come with the girl on top of the tower tonight. If you not there I guess....we gonna have to kill her mom."
Aunt Kathy said nervously,"I'll be there."

The call ended. She ran up to Carlee who was crying. Her eyes were blue. She was shaking.
"Carlee are you ok?"she asked. She intended to move forward but Carlee stopped her.
"Aunt stay back,"she said.
Carlee tried calming down herself. She breathed in and out until she made sure she was calm. Her eyes turned brown again.
She then turned and looked at her aunt.
"What's happening with my mom,are they going to kill her?"asked Carlee.
Aunt Kathy said,"Well they expecting us at the tower tonight and we not going."
Carlee said,"Why not,I have to save my mom."
Aunt Kathy said,"It's too risky. Those people are dangerous Carlee,you cannot go, that's final!"
Carlee's eyes turned red. She stood up and walked out before she caused any damage to her aunt.

Meanwhile the Mercedes guy stopped at a place that looked like a basement.
"We here,"he said.
Lesley was still Abit nervous for getting in a stranger's car.
They got out the car and went in the basement.
Once they got there Lesley's eyes were mesmerized. Everything in that basement involved science. There were workers doing their job.
"Follow me,"said the Mercedes guy.
They walked in an office. The guy sat down on the chair Infront of the desk.
"Sit down too,"he said to Lesley. Lesley sat down on the chair opposite him.
The Mercedes guy said,"The reason I called you here is because I need your help. Like I told you, it's about Carlee. There are guys after her."
Lesley sat upright and asked,"What guys?"
Mercedes guy explained everything to Lesley,from the power Carlee got and it's consequences.

Lesley said,"I knew Carlee was hiding something,I just didn't know what."
The Mercedes guy said,"Now I want you to give her this."
The guy took out a necklace.
"I want her to touch it, it'll show her a vision. From there she has to find what she saw."
Lesley said,"Sir you not making sense. Are you saying I must just give it to her just like that?"
Mercedes guy said,"There are secrets within this necklace only Carlee can know. She has to touch the necklace only when her eyes are red,anger."

Lesley asked,"What'll happen if she touches the necklace when her eyes aren't red?"
Mercedes guy said,"It can't be said. Just do as I ask please."
Lesley took the necklace and stood up.
"Well sir take me home now. I'll give this to her when I see her,"said Lesley. The Mercedes guy stood up aswell.

Hours past and it was starting to become dark. Aunt Kathy was worried where Carlee could be because last time she left the house was when she was angry.
She took her phone and tried calling Carlee again, again and again. There still wasn't any reply.
"Where could she be?"she thought to herself.
Then it hit her mind....the tower!
She quickly ran out of the house in a hurry.

Carlee was already up the tower. It was windy and she was feeling cold. Her eyes were brown. She waited for a sign of anyone coming. Suddenly lights dimmed at her. It was the helicopter lights. Carlee felt a bit of nervousness. The helicopter landed on the tower. Men with suits got out. They were all holding guns pointing at Carlee.

Carlee moved one step back and said,"Where's my mom?"
One of the men said,"We have her. She's in the helicopter ready to die with you.
Carlee said,"Let her go,you guys want me now here I am."
One of the men laughed and said,"We not just here to take you but your mom aswell. We'll see who died first. Anyways let's get going,boss is waiting."

Then men all laughed as they went closer to Carlee. She became extremely nervous to a point where her eyes turned grey and her flashy mind made two of the men pass out. Carlee's vision was blurry so was her mind. She bent down on one knee. She felt like something was draining her.
Suddenly there was alot of wind.

One of the men wanted to shoot.
Carlee's eyes were beginning to change from grey to full black. That's how nervous she was.
She started to bleed on her nose and the helicopter engine couldn't take this much heat of emotions. The engine broke. The men fainted one by one until there wasn't any left.
Out of the blue aunt Kathy appeared and went to the helicopter to get Carlee's mom out.

"Carlee let's go,"they said. Carlee stopped and fell down to the floor.

It looks like the more emotions Carlee develops,the more those emotions take control of her.

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