the Anker

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The sun was extremely bright outside and Carlee was laying on her bed. She was looking straight on the ceiling of her room. She still had the picture of the Anker she saw on her head.
She grabbed her phone on the bedside table. She booked herself an Uber. It was gonna get to her house in 10 minutes.
Carlee quickly grabbed a hoodie from her cupboard,a black one and whore it. She had blue jeans and black takkies. She ran downstairs to where her aunt was making breakfast.
"Where are you off too?"asked aunt Kathy.
Carlee said,"Um...I have to be somewhere real quick. I'm to see a friend!"
Aunt Kathy asked,"That boy again?"
Carlee nodded her head yes.
Aunt Kathy said,"Well ok then,but your mom left early because she's submitting your application form today."
Carlee said,"Um ok."

Aunt Kathy smiled. Suddenly there was a car making "peep" noises. It was the Uber.
"Bye aunt Kathy,"she said. Then she ran out. She went into a blue Uber car,sat at the backseat.
"Where you off to dear?"asked the driver."Call me Milo."

Carlee said,"Well Mr Milo I'm going to this place." Carlee showed Milo a picture of the Anker and where it's located.
Milo said,"It's near the mountains. That place is one of the most quietest areas ever!"
Carlee said,"I'm strong enough to handle quietness." Carlee sat back.
Milo started to drive off. Aunt Kathy was looking at them through the window this whole time but she didn't hear what they were talking about.
She walked straight to her phone on the kitchen table and started calling someone.
The person picked up.
"Follow that car,and watch where she's going,"she said.
The man agreed and ended the call.

As Carlee and Milo were driving Carlee noticed someone running crossing the road right Infront of them. Milo quickly stopped the breaks.
"What the actual hell!"he said.
Carlee noticed that was Lesley. She called him in. Lesley climbed in the car.
Milo asked,"You guys are going together?"
Carlee said,"We are now."
Milo started to drive off again.

Carlee asked,"What were you doing?"
Lesley said,"I was heading to your house,I have to tell you something important."
Carlee said,"Not now Lesley I'm doing something important."
Lesley asked,"And that is?"
Carlee said,"I saw an anker in the dream I your house. So I googled it and saw there's a place near the mountains with the same Anker sign."
Lesley asked nervously,"Mountain?"
Carlee said,"Yes."

They had a long drive until the weather started to change. The shadows of the mountain hills covered the reflection of the sun.
Lesley felt nervous being this far away from home.
He then asked,"Where are your headphones?"
Carlee said,"I don't think I'll be needing them."
Milo said,"Well we here."
Carlee and Lesley looked out the window. The place looked scary. The Anker sign was falling rusted.
There were few parking lots with no cars. It was in the middle of the mountains and hills.
Carlee said,"thank you Mr Milo."
Milo said,"Sure,I'll be here when you guys come out."
Carlee said,"Really much appreciated."
Carlee took a deep breath and started walking to the place. It was small and the roof was blue. The door was made out of glass.
Lesley put his arm infront of Carlee stopping her.
"This is dangerous Carlee,"he said.
Carlee said,"What choice do I have. You can wait in the car if you want."
Lesley said,"I'm coming with you."
They started walking towards the place. It looked like an abandoned shop. Carlee pushed the door open and walked in with Lesley. There were just snacks on each different isle. Lesley said,"Nothing here I see."
Carlee felt a sharp pain in her heart. She breathed heavily.
Lesley asked in panic,"Are you ok?"
Carlee said,"Yes,yes I am."
They walked around the small shop not knowing what they were looking for exactly. Lesley saw an anker sign on a button.
"Carlee come see this,"he said."
Carlee walked to Lesley and she saw the Anker button.
"Should we press it?"she asked.
Lesley said,"I don't know,I'm scared here can't you see."
Carlee said,"Let's press it."
Lesley closed his eyes. Carlee pressed the button.

A large door opened right Infront of them leading to a dungeon. There were stairs Infront of them going down.
Carlee looked at Lesley and said,"Um let's go in." Lesley got nervous and he took the first step.
Carlee followed. Her sharp pain in her heart got worse and worse as she and Lesley were walking down those stairs. She fell to the ground and looked at Lesley.
He asked,"What's wrong?"
Carlee said,"I'm having a sharp pain in my heart, it hurts."

Carlee stood up.
They walked those long stairs until the got to the ground.
Carlee looked around and saw different cages and dead people hanging on chains.
Lesley asked,"What's... what's this place?"
Carlee walked to one open cage.
She walked in and there was a dead woman.
Lesley asked,"What are you doing?"
Carlee bent down and touched the woman's hand.
Her vision got blurry. She started breathing heavily,but this time she could control it.
She saw the vision of how the woman died.
It was horrible. Carlee let go of the woman's hand. She then stood up and walked to Lesley.
Lesley said,"You can control your powers? Since when?"
Carlee said,"I'm just learning how to,but some of my emotions are still controlling me."
Lesley kept quiet.
Carlee then said,"I had a clear vision of how that woman died. She was brutally killed by a goth  lady type."
Lesley said,"This place looks like some place I don't know. Look, almost each cage here there's a dead person."
Carlee said,"Well let's walk further."
They starting walking abit further. The more they walked further,the more Carlee felt a sharp pain in her heart.
They were nearly at the last cage,but an arrow went flying pass them and hit the wall. Carlee and Lesley quickly looked back and saw a man with a mask and a bow arrow. He aimed at Carlee. Carlee felt very nervous then her eyes turned grey. She breathed heavily.
The guy shot the arrow. Carlee closed her eyes. The arrow turned back to the guy, but he dodged it.
Lesley surprisingly looked at Carlee who was having ashes in her hands.
A bunch of people that looked like the guy who tried to kill Carlee walked in. It was a whole army. Lesley walked to Carlee and grabbed her arm.
He then said,"Carlee it's not worth it."
There was sand on Carlee's hands, almost like a flame of her emotions coming out to attack. This was the first time something like this ever happened.
Carlee's powers either killed a person,or healed them. This time it looked like it was ready to kill the whole army holding bow arrows. Suddenly there was a man who walked pass the guys holding bow and arrows. He then said,"You coming with us."
Lesley heard coughing sounds just by last cage.

He slowly moved back without wanting everyone to notice. All focus was on Carlee.
Carlee asked,"What do you want?"
The man repeated himself,"I said you coming with us."
Carlee said,"We'll see about that."

Lesley was moving back further and further until he got to the last cage where he saw a girl with chains on her wrist and arms tied up.
The girl was Karen.
Lesley whispered in shock,"Karen, Karen look at me."
Karen looked at him.
She then said,"Help me." Lesley moved to the cage door but sadly it was locked.

The man walked closer to Carlee while she moved back.
He then stopped and said,"Carlee, behave and come with me."
Carlee screamed no then the flames of her emotions stroke.
The man felt like there was sand running inside his body,he passed out and died. Then all the guys with arrows started to shoot. Carlee felt so nervous but out of the blue the arrows fell to the ground so did the men.
Carlee's eyes widened. Her eyes then turned normal again. She looked at Lesley and yelled,"We have to go Lesley!"
Lesley said,"Wait..." But there wasn't time to wait because the last wall opened and more men came out. Lesley quickly said,"I'll be back for." Then he started running.

They quickly ran up the stairs and quickly went out of the shop.
But outside there was another surprise waiting for them.

What was it?

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