the caved girl

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Carlee was in her head. She was in a dark place in her head. Her mind was movie fast.
She heard a vote saying,"Come closer."
Carlee followed the light in which the voice headed to. She followed the light and the voice until they got to a dark forest with green lanterns on the ground around the pathway. At the end of the pathway was a book on top of big rock standing upright. Carlee walked down the pathway headed straight to the book.

The voice said,"Open the book once you get to it's reach."
The voice sounded like a woman's voice.
Carlee got to the book. She opened it but the book was blank.
The voice said,"Go home dear,I have given you a clue."

Suddenly Carlee woke up. She woke up coughing and she was still laying on the floor in Lesley's room.
She stood up and removed the necklace off her neck.
Lesley asked,"What happened?"
Carlee looked at the necklace and said,"It didn't give me enough information. All I got was a clue."

Lesley asked,"The clue is?"
"A blank book,"she said.
Lesley got confused.
Carlee said,"I don't know what that blank book meant but I have to go home now."
Lesley agreed and walked her outside.

"Go home safe, we'll talk later,"he said.
Carlee agreed but before she could walk and go she turned back.
"Here Lesley,keep this,"she said giving Lesley the necklace.
She then walked away.

Meanwhile a few men with guns were marching down a dungeon. They were wearing white suits and had guns with them. One of them was a woman who was wearing a black mask and wore a long hoodie that covered her face. She had knives and guns around her waist.

They walked and walked until they got to a cage cell. It was locked. One of the men opened it letting the woman in.
Inside was a 16 year old girl who's arms were chained up. She had blood all over her. Her white dress was dirty.
She was tired and hungry and was on her knees.

The woman said,"Hello."
The girl was too weak to even talk but she tried to.
"W...who are"said the girl stuttering.
The woman said,"I'm the same woman that kidnapped you, don't you remember?"
The girl said,"K....Kathy?"
The woman removed her mask and hoodie....and you will not believe this but the woman was Aunt Kathy! Carlee's aunt!

Aunt Kathy said,"Well dear sooner or later you will die,but I won't kill you. You'll just die from hunger." Aunt Kathy led out and ugly laugh.
The girl asked,"W.... what do you w...want from"

Aunt Kathy said,"Well my dear thank you for asking. I kidnapped you so you can be away from Carlee."
The girl asked,"Who's Carlee?"
Aunt Kathy said,"Your sister. You see,you and Carlee are half sisters, both born around the same time and both have the same father. Her mom got me! You lucky that your mom is the woman raising her now. Your dad is hunting her down to kill her and save himself."
The girl said,"You lying, would never try to kill any of her daughters."
Aunt Kathy laughed and said,"Shame my dear. Just watch how Carlee dies. Your own father,will kill her Karen!"
The girl's name was Karen.

Aunt Kathy was about to walk out but Karen said,"You might think you powerful and all but I doubt that. Whoever this Carlee girl is, she'll find out the truth."
Aunt Kathy smirked and said,"We'll see."
She then left.

Carlee was finally at home where her mom made some supper.
Her mom asked,"Where were you this whole day Carlee?"
Carlee said,"I I was at a friend's house."
"You have friends?"her mom asked in surprise."
"A friend,"she said."Anyways what are you making?"
Her mom said,"I'm making french fries. It'll be so delicious you'll enjoy it."

Carlee sat down on the chair in the kitchen. Aunt Kathy walked in.
"Hey guys I'm back,"she said.
Carlee asked,"Where were you?"
Aunt Kathy said,"Don't worry about it."
Carlee then said,"Well mom I spoke to aunt about school. She agreed so am I starting next week?"
Her mom said,"Yes you are."
Aunt Kathy said,"Let's not go into that topic now please." Aunt Kathy knew something wasn't adding up.

It was at night and Carlee went to her room after having such an amazing supper.
She closed the door in her room and sat on her bed. She took out a book to draw on.
She was thinking on drawing something but her mind just took her to the book she saw on the necklace' vision.
She thought of the front cover. She decided to draw the front cover of the book on the vision.

When she was done she noticed the drawing looked like an anker.
She took a phone and went straight to Google searching for a place in the city that had the logo of an anker.
She found it!

She looked for the directions and it led straight near the mountains. Now she had to think what the blank pages on the book meant.

On the other side Lesley was on his computer searching the kidnapping of the 'principals daughter'.
He looked it up and saw that the girl's name was Karen. She hasn't been found yet.
He printed the article of the kidnap but noticed something that in the article the kidnapper wasn't mentioned. It just said "anonymous".

On the other hand Carlee's dad was getting worse.
"You guys must still capture Carlee. I still need her heart. Do not kill her,I repeat!"he said.

One of the men asked,"Sir why can't we kill her when you want to kill her for her heart?"
Carlee's dad said,"If I have her heart,she won't die but she'll get a new one from her real mother. When Carlee's mom died she died with her golden heart. If Carlee's heart is gone, she'll get a second life."

The man said,"Sir then what'll happen to her mom if she gets a second heart?"
Carlee's dad said,"You don't wanna know, just get Carlee here for me."

The men agreed to capture Carlee but they needed a plan. Carlee was powerful and her emotions can kill a person.

Aunt Kathy is a liar and she knows that Carlee's dad will not kill Carlee. Question is,why is she keeping them apart?

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