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Following day Carlee woke up to her aunt sitting next to her.
She was so tired and felt weak.
Her aunt said,"I'm glad you woke up. I'll bring you some water."
She went downstairs to pour water for Carlee. She came back and gave Carlee the water.

Carlee sat upright the bed and took a small sip at the water.
"Feeling any better?"aunt Kathy asked.
Carlee said,"Well,I don't know but I'm getting there.
Aunt Kathy said,"So this morning your mom and I had a talk. We decided to take you some place where they'd never find you. It's not safe here anymore."

Carlee said,"No. I'm not moving again neither am I running. I don't care how much I'm in danger. My dad can kill me for all I care."
Aunt Kathy sighed and said,"Carlee this isn't a joke.....I'm serious you not safe."
"What's the point in moving again when they'll find me?"asked Carlee.
Aunt Kathy was quiet for a second. Carlee suggested the most dangerous move ever!
"Aunt Kathy I wanna join school,"she said.
Aunt Kathy's eyes widened.
"Are you being for real?"asked Aunt Kathy.

Carlee rolled her eyes and said,"Aunt that's the only place my dad's people will think of looking for me. If you guys don't let me go to school then I'll give myself in to my dad. School is opening in a few days aunt."
Aunt Kathy said,"But there are alot of kids in schools you won't be safe."
Carlee said,"Aunt please."
Aunt Kathy said,"ok fine....under one condition."
"What's that?"asked Carlee.
"You will not be friends with anyone. You can't trust anyone...not even the teachers. Are we clear?"said aunt Kathy.
Carlee agreed.

(I wonder what Carlee is up to? Why would she.... out of the blue want to go to school?)

Lesley was at home on his computer searching frantically for people with the same thing Carlee has. Sadly so, nothing showed up. He had the necklace in his hand.
He decided to message Carlee.
He took his phone and sent her a message.

Message to Carlee:
(Hey Carlee we really need to talk. I know what you've been hiding. This emotions thing. Why didn't you tell me?)

He waited for a few minutes and suddenly there was a reply.

Message from Carlee:
(How did you find out..... please don't tell anyone.)

Lesley texted her back.

Message to carlee:
(Can we meet up? There's something I have to give you)

Moments later Carlee agreed to meet up with Lesley at his house.

Few minutes later she got to his house using the address Lesley sent her.
She knocked at the door.
Lesley's mom opened.
"Hello and you are?"asked Lesley's mom.
Carlee said,"I'm Carlee. Lesley's friend...."
Lesley's mom said,"Well I'm Lesley's mom. You can call me Mrs Smith."

Few moments later Lesley came down the stairs.
He asked his mom,"Mom can she come in?"
Mrs Smith said,"Ok sure,come in dear."
Carlee said,"Thanks." Then she went inside.

Lesley said,"So Carlee follow me."
Carlee did exactly that. They were in Lesley's room. Lesley grabbed another chair and put it next to the one he was sitting on facing the computer. He sat on one of the chairs and insisted Carlee to do the same. Carlee did so.

"So why am I here?"she asked.
Lesley said,"I have to give you something."
He took out the necklace.

He then said,"I got it from one of the people who works for your dad. Carlee why didn't you tell me about all this?"
Carlee said,"I just didn't trust you,but now I hope I can."
Lesley said,"You can always trust me."
Carlee said,"So what about this necklace?"
"Well like I said I got it from a guy who works for your dad. He kinda betrayed your dad by giving me this. I also have to tell you that this necklace keeps alot of secrets that only you can see the vision of. Carlee, the truth is within this necklace,"he said.

Carlee said,"But I don't wanna find out the truth. I'm scared."
Lesley said,"You have to wear this necklace. Once only you nervous and your eyes are grey that's only when the necklace can reveal the truth."
Carlee was getting Abit nervous.
"I'm scared of the truth,but I wanna know what's happening,"she said.

Lesley said,"All this is also scaring me but what choice do you have. I'm the only one on your side."
Carlee said,"I know that but there's something I wanna tell you but it's just I don't fully trust you Lesley."

Lesley said,"Well that's understandable. I always text you on the oddest hours. But anyways....."
Carlee said,"Enough with all that now but I have to tell you something....I hope you keep it to yourself."
Lesley said,"I've already kept this secret and I'm keeping them all."

Carlee said,"So this other day I kinda touched my aunt and there was really a uneasy vision I saw there."
Lesley began curious.
Carlee continued,"There was a school. The school was big. In her vision I remember a girl my age crying in a cage tied up in chains. There was also papers of adoption. I saw in the vision....a knife,aunt Kathy,my mom and dad,a girl my age standing behind my dad. There.....there were papers in the girl's hands. She had chains around her wrist.
Most of the papers the girl was holding was from a school. She stole them from the school principal."

Lesley took a breath and said,"So do you think more answers to what's happening is at a school at the principal's office? How does that even make sense though?"

Carlee said,"I don't know but whatever it is,my aunt is behind it. This has been really disturbing me."

Lesley asked,"What's the school name?"

Carlee said,"St Andrews high....I think."

Lesley's eyes widened. He felt so uncomfortable.
Carlee asked,"What's wrong?"
Lesley said,"The principal's daughter got kidnapped from that school. People think she's dead. She found out some deep secrets regarding her and your dad."

Carlee was shocked.
Lesley said,"There was an article written before but I don't know if you'd ever find it."

Carlee said,"Well Lesley,my dad wants me dead to save himself,my aunt is hiding some deep secrets. I can't do this alone. We have to find that article."

Lesley asked,"We?"
Carlee said,"yes. You helping me."
Lesley agreed in nervousness.
Carlee then said,"Well first thing we have to do is for me to try out that necklace. That'd be our first lead."

Lesley stood up to put the necklace on Carlee. Carlee's eyes turned grey. Her vision became blurry then she blacked out.

What's with all this suspense??

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