My Baby You'll Be

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- Choni first time parents
- Soft Choni
- Previously pregnant Toni
- Fluff

Choni w their newborn👶🏽

Suggested by Choni202 (I'm sorry that these one-shot suggestions are a year late, forgive me 😭❤️)

The sound of the beeping monitor echoes through the quiet hospital room as Cheryl rests beside her wife, who is cradling a little bundle in her arms. A tuff of red hair peeks out of the baby's little yellow hat and Toni can't help but run her finger over the small curls gently.

The bundle in her arms coos quietly, its little red face scrunching up with a yawn, emitting a tiny grunt. The new parents laugh softly at the small girl's adorable action, also with melting hearts.

After a year of trying for a baby, via IVF, and finally being granted their wish, the couple can say the wait, a plethora of failed pregnancy tests, and blood tests were most definitely worth it at this moment.

Elodie's (EH-LUH-DEE) little fingers wiggle out from the green blanket that swaddles her from the cold of the room. "She's reaching for you, Cher." her wife's voice comes out croakingly as she laughs softly. Cheryl smiles down at the small human, letting her tiny fingers wrap around her pointer finger.

"She's so perfect."

"I know." Toni sniffles, rubbing her fingertip on the girl's little button nose. "And so beautiful."

"Just like her momma." Cheryl counters. The brunette smiles as she looks up at her wife, her teary eyes meeting the ginger's equally teary eyes. They share a brief kiss before the small baby in Toni's arms starts to become fussy.

The mothers look down at their suddenly distressed daughter with frowns, either of them unsure of what to do.

Toni adjusts herself so the smaller girl can be rocked gently. "Oh, Elodie, baby. It's okay." the woman soothes softly. She looks at her wife who reaches over for the bottle the nurses had left for them.

The latter accepts the bottle before offering it to the baby. Elodie's pitiful cries halt in an instant making the new mommies anxiety decrease. "Wow, look at that. We did it."

"That didn't seem too hard." Cheryl chuckles, reaching over to wipe the drop of milk from the baby's mouth. Elodie suckles on the teat of the bottle hurriedly causing the brunette to adjust her so she won't choke.

"She's hungry." Cheryl empathizes.

Toni hums when she looks up to her wife, laughing. "She was born two hours ago. It makes sense."

After a while, the baby finishes the bottle so Toni offers to let her wife burp her. The redhead takes their daughter from her arms, resting the newborn's head on her shoulder before gently patting her back.

"Get comfortable, my love. I got it from here." she stands up, hand still working on the infant's back, to let her wife lay down. Toni just went through 35 hours of labor, she knows the woman is exhausted.

"Are you sure?" her wife frowns a bit. "I don't want her to get fussy again, and—"

"I'll just get the nurse to help, okay? It's alright, TT. You did your job, now rest." the ginger beauty continues to urge. Finally giving in, the brunette turns over with a relaxed sigh and shuts her eyes, sleep coming easily to her.

"Mommy is a bit stubborn, eh?" she hears her wife whisper before she is consumed by her slumber.

Cheryl gets Elodie to bump after a while before taking a seat on the couch by the hospital bed. She stares down at her daughter in awe. She just never thought this day would come, the day she'd get to hold her baby, and feel the love of being a mother will bring.

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