Say Sorry

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–Timid Cheryl
–Soft Choni
–Top Toni
–College (19)

Part 2 of "My Beautiful Girl"

Omniscient POV

The school's library is pretty quiet for a week's worth of scheduled exams, but Cheryl couldn't find herself complaining. In front of her lays three calculus textbooks and her book filled with notes and abbreviations.

Now, the redhead isn't sure how long she has been studying, however, when she smells the familiar lavender perfume of her girlfriend, she can determine that it's been a while.

"Baby, I thought you were coming to mines tonight?" Toni inquires as she claims the empty seat adjacent to her girl. Her ring-clad fingers reach out to tuck a tuff of ginger into Cheryl's ponytail.

"I'm sorry, babe," the beauty murmurs. "I kinda got carried away," she then chuckles. Blue eyes meet honey-brown ones making her pink lips curl up slightly. "I can go with you now if you'd like. I could kind of use a break,"

"Hell yeah, I wouldn't pass on an offer like that," Toni stands up to help Cheryl put away her books. The couple bids farewell to the librarian who smiles softly at them in response.

Cheryl is a regular here and the librarian, Mrs. Hannigan, admires how lovely Toni is with Cheryl. She holds this gentleness when she's addressing the redhead and the older woman couldn't remember the last time she witness such a love like theirs.

Toni takes the ginger's bag as well as her hand and leads her outside to the parking lot where her Jeep resides. "What were we going to do at your place anyway?" Cheryl speaks up.

"Whatever you want," replies the brunette, looking at her briefly. "Though, I was thinking of some cuddles and a movie,"

The redhead feels her stomach fill with butterflies at the thought of cuddling with Toni. They do it all the time, even with minutes to spare, but each time is greater than before. Toni is an amazing cuddler, Cheryl thinks.

"Okay, that does sound nice," the beauty whispers and gets into the car.

Cheryl's POV

We arrive at Toni's place no less than ten minutes later. Sometimes my girlfriend drives over the speed limit, but we aren't going to discuss that right now.

Toni and I trudge out of her purple vehicle and meet at the front to interlock our fingers. She leads me past the receptionist, who offers a wave. I shyly reciprocate before I am tugged toward the lift.

Toni's parents support her financially so she doesn't have to live in the dorms like I do. Well, I don't exactly have to, I could always move in with TT, regardless, I don't think my parents would like that too much.

They're fine with me dating Toni, but they draw the line when it comes to me being distracted. And trust me, living with the beautiful brunette would most likely distract me a great deal.

I watch silently as my girlfriend goes to unlock her door and then opens it, carefully guiding me inside by the small of my back. She places my bag by the entry table while I remove my shoes. "Did you eat today, my love?" Toni asks as she throws her keys onto the wooden coffee table in the living room.

I shake my head slightly with tinted cheeks. I simply forgot to eat lunch today because I had a late chemistry class. Toni hates when I do that so I prepare myself for a mild yet firm scolding.

"Cherbear, you understand how much your well-being means to me, correct?" a brunette eyebrow lifts in a stern manner albeit light brown orbs reflect with love. I swiftly nod as my response. She can most likely see my flushed cheeks and she only sighs before grabbing my hand and softly tugging me into her kitchen.

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